“My Boyfriend is Going to Two Weddings with Other Women!”

My boyfriend recently got invited to two different weddings. The thing is, he got invited as a ‘plus one’ so he is not able to take me. The girls who invited him are supposedly really good friends with him and have known him longer than I have. I want to wig out on him about it but I don’t want to be overreacting. I want to be a cool understanding girlfriend but I can’t help that this makes me jealous. We’ve been going out for five months and things are pretty great. He didn’t ask permission or anything about the weddings but as soon as he was invited he told me. I’m…

“My Ex Booty Call Just Friended Me on Facebook”

I’m a 20-year-old college sophomore on the West Coast. In September I met a guy online and we really hit it off. Soon after we decided to meet. It didn’t take long to realize that with the distance and our conflicting schedules a good relationship was not feasible. We never really discussed it though and we ended up hooking up in the back of his car every so often when he was free or he’d come to my dorm for a few hours when my roommates were away for the night. After a little while, I told him I felt used and shortly after I told him we should probably call it…

“My Mentally Challenged Brother Wants a Girlfriend”

I’m writing regarding my 21-year-old brother, “Jason.” Jason is a big-hearted person. He is creative, has a decent sense of humor, has good taste in music, and loves to cook. He’s also mildly mentally challenged. He is generally independent, though. He can manage his own money wisely, care for himself, cook his own meals, and care for our younger brother and their cats when needed. In fact, save for the fact that when he talks he has trouble getting his words out, most people can’t even tell that he’s any different. That, of course, isn’t why I’m writing. I’m writing because he wants a girlfriend. Bad. He was seeing a girl a…

“I Cheated on My Internet Boyfriend”

I’m in a long distance relationship with a guy I met online. We haven’t met in person yet, but we’ve been planning to this summer. We’ve been “dating” for five months, and we really care about each other, but he doesn’t trust me at all, and he tries to control who I talk to. I really care about him so I try to respect his wishes, but lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with personal problems at home, and having to deal with the fact that I stopped talking to most of my friends for him. Despite this, never once while I was thinking clearly (and soberly) did I contemplate cheating. However, a…

“Can My Abusive Boyfriend Be ‘Fixed’?”

“Jason” and I have been together for about three years now. We actually dated for the first time in high school when we were both very young, but we broke up and dated other people until we reconnected in our mid-20s.Last year on New Years — about two years into our relationship — he got very drunk and got violent with me. I wasn’t seriously injured but there was property damage. I pressed charges and we broke up, and over the last year he has attended several anger management programs including group sessions. He also quit a stressful job, got on the Dean’s list in school, got his own place and secured…

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