“My Family’s Richer Than His. Should I MOA?”
“I am truly in love with my boyfriend, but we grew up with very different lifestyles and I think that it’s something that could become an issue down the road.”
“I am truly in love with my boyfriend, but we grew up with very different lifestyles and I think that it’s something that could become an issue down the road.”
I’ve got a family reunion coming up where I am the only member of my immediate family going. Both my mom and my sister are boycotting it after the treatment we got last year from my mother’s brothers and their wives (my brother has been boycotting the family for years). Last year there was a baby shower the following week of the reunion for my cousin – a first time dad. The shower host claimed she couldn’t find our addresses then proceeded to make a big deal out of the fact that we “must come”, etc, though she never told us exactly when or where it was. A little later in the…
New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT)dearwendy.com. In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: “John” and I met almost six months ago, but only decided to be in an exclusive relationship after four months of dating, right before…
“I’m 23 and have been off and on with my 24-year-old boyfriend for five years and I feel like no one will ever love me like he does…”
“I am newly engaged to a fantastic guy. Last week, a very close friend of mine raised concerns that I am getting married without ‘thinking it through.'”
I’m a 26-year-old man and I’ve never kissed a woman before. I’m not hideously ugly or anything like that; in fact, my best friend often tells me that when he introduces me to his female friends or girls in his family, they usually tell him afterward that I’m cute and ask if I have a girlfriend. My problem is that I just don’t know how to talk to women at all. I grew up with an alcoholic father and a mentally ill sister who was hospitalized, and it was too damn much for me to deal with as a kid, let alone all the other angst of being a teen. As a…
In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now, and I feel as though we are getting very close and he could be a person I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. On our first date we were talking about our families, siblings, etc. He told me at the time that he was an only child. Then a couple dates later we were sitting around and he apologized for lying on our first date and told me in fact that he…
I met my boyfriend online two and a half years ago, and while we didn’t mean to develop real feelings for each other, we eventually did. I lived in Canada and he lived in Australia, so for the next year and a half we both worked and saved enough money to visit each other for a few months each. We met around five months ago when he first came to visit me, and by the time I went back to Australia with him I was extremely in love. He was my first boyfriend and even my first kiss, so I’m pretty attached to him. Initially, before we met up, he had told…
I worked at my old job for over three years and made many wonderful friends there. One of my former managers, whom I wasn’t as close to as I was the others, is currently pregnant and expecting to have her second daughter in a couple of months, and a former coworker is throwing her baby shower at the restaurant that I used to work at. I really want to go, if for no other reason than to see my old friends and coworkers, most of whom I haven’t seen since I quit back in May. The reason I quit is because I made the mistake of dating a coworker in the last…
I’ve been dating a guy for nine months. We’re in our mid-twenties and started dating right after he had broken off a long distance relationship with “Kerry,” an unemployed, 30-year-old musician with delusions of a future rock goddess career. While she is probably talented, she refuses to find gigs/jobs to support herself, and my boyfriend, during their relationship, ended up supporting her entirely from paying her rent and internet to buying her food, furniture, necessities and toys (iPad, guitar accoutrement, etc.). They dated for about two years, and yet she never intended to move in with him or take the relationship any further while putting my boyfriend into substantial financial debt for…
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