“Should I Have an Intervention for My Friend’s Clingy Relationship?”

I’ve lived with the same four roommates for a little over a year, and since February, one of them — Rick — has been in a very clingy relationship. I feel guilty for meddling in Rick’s relationship, but I’m genuinely worried about both him and his girlfriend. When Rick and Lucy started dating, they would retreat to his room together for hours on end, never talking to anyone else or going out with friends. Rick even stopped showing up to his fraternity’s social events. However, Rick was the happiest I, or any of our other roommates, had seen him in a while, so we didn’t think too much of it. We all…

“How Do I Get My Ex To Stay Away From Me?”

My ex-boyfriend and I are supposed to be good friends. We have helped each other through hard times, and I even let him rent a room in my home until he could get on his feet. He recently moved out at my request as he seemingly never planned on leaving and I could not get on with my life. Regardless, we have remained good friends and he still comes over sometimes and helps me with my property, etc. He claims that I am the best friend he has ever had and never wants to lose that relationship. My neighbors across the street are also friendly with both of us and have lots…

“My Boyfriend Thinks I’m Too Opinionated”

I’ve been seeing my guy, “Joe,” for four months, and it’s been great! But last night on the phone, he started talking about a TV personality who I don’t like, and I said “He’s such a fraud and an asshole.” Immediately, Joe goes silent (his reaction when I say something he doesn’t like, I’m noticing) and I asked what the problem was. He said I invalidated his opinion with mine, and that I do it all the time, and it’s getting to the point where he doesn’t know if he can “do this” anymore because I talk to people in such a way that makes them not want to talk to me….

“I Want Nothing To Do With My Mother-in-Law”

I am a woman in my late 20s and I, like so many others, am having a MIL problem that is now causing tension in my relationship. “Jane” is overall a nice person but has been un/under-employed for most of the five years that my fiancé and I have been together. She has bounced around from family member to family member in turns, living with them for a short while — including us on several occasions. For the most part, I’ve had no problem with her staying with us as we have always gotten along well and even though she wasn’t paying us rent, she helped out by cleaning and buying groceries…

Your Turn: “How Long Should I Wait For a Proposal”

In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter — with a question that’s arguably the most common one I’m asked — without commentary from me: I have been with my boyfriend for almost five years now. I’m 25 and he’s 34. We started dating when I was 18. I cheated on him, he wanted to work it out and I said no because I was young, wanted to experience life and wasn’t sure I could be faithful. He was hurt, of course, but I felt it was better to be honest than stay together and wind up cheating…

“He’s Not Physically Attracted to Me”

I’ve been seeing a recently divorced man for about a month. We have a fantastic time, a lot in common, and just an all-around amazing rapport. He recently went on a trip to New Orleans with friends, and spent a lot of the time texting me. We see each other twice a week and talk at least an hour a day. We do make out (which he really enjoys), and though he’s a bit arrogant, he’s very affectionate. There’s no question he’s into me as a person and the undertone to it is very romantic. He says, however, because he’s recently divorced, he doesn’t feel physically attracted to me — or to…

“Should I MOA From This Friendship?”

Two days ago I became a married woman. I had been engaged since September of last year and have had the wedding date set and bridesmaids selected since October. By Thanksgiving, the venue had been picked, the dresses (mine and the bridesmaids as well) had been chosen and prices calculated. I offered to buy the $140.00 dress anyone who could not afford it just to keep everything stress-free but all the bridesmaids turned the offer down, including the Matron of Honor. Now a little background on my Matron of Honor: we’ve been best friends since sixth grade. After I joined the Navy, she married a younger man who joined the Army at…

“Do I Have To Let My Bridesmaid Bring Her Deadbeat Boyfriend To My Wedding?”

I am getting married next May (I cannot wait!!!) and “Carrie,” one of my closest friends is going to be a bridesmaid. She’s very sweet and beautiful and I couldn’t imagine having another friend be a bridesmaid. With that said, she’s dating the lowest piece of man I have ever met. They are constantly making up and breaking up. He’s been arrested numerous times for drugs, as well as for hitting her and other women. He’s currently in a rehab facility where he will be until November. With Carrie being in the wedding, I know that she will most likely want to bring him along as her date. Am I allowed to…

“My Friend Lied to Me About Dating My Brother”

My good friend, “Meg,” and I were friends in high school and college, before she began dating my brother. Both of them lied to me about their relationship for an entire year, so needless to say, I was terribly hurt. It wasn’t just that they lied to me for a year, but that they told all of our mutual friends months before I knew, so I was made to look like an idiot. Then, about two years ago, they went through a rather nasty break-up after five years together. Meg and I didn’t talk much throughout the end of their relationship, and we just recently started spending time together again. In fact,…

“He Doesn’t Think I’m Fat Enough”

I met this guy “K” on the dating site, Plenty Of Fish, and he was amazing. We talked for HOURS the day he messaged me. He asked for my number so we could text, and I said, “Sure no problem,” — we had SO much in common I would’ve been a fool not to. We continue to text for another 3-4 hours non-stop that night. Next day, same thing — non-stop flirty texting. We work next door to each other, in the tourism industry, and make plans to meet up after work two days after we started talking. The evening goes AMAZING! We mesh well, convo flows like we’d known each other…

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