“My Ex’s New Boyfriend Sleeps Over and It’s Having a Negative Effect on Our Son”

Your help and opinion with a concern I have would be greatly appreciated. Is it possible that my 14-year-old son may be exposed to some mental harm as a result of the manner in which he was introduced to his mother’s boyfriend? He tells me of the stress, the discomfort, and the anger he has experienced, but could there be worse things brewing in his 14-year-old brain? Here are the steps taken that seem to be a reckless way to add a new adult — mother’s boyfriend — to his life: 1. Mother verbally informs son she has a boyfriend she wants him to meet soon. 2. Son makes clear numerous times he…

“My Gentile Friend Never Acknowledges Jewish Holidays”

I’m Jewish. I was raised Orthodox. I was the president of my shul for four years, a reform congregation. Judaism is a BIG part of my identity. Jewish holidays, traditions, and rituals are important to me. I have a friend whom I’ve known for 22 years who is Catholic. She attends bible study, chapel, and mass, all weekly. Her religion is important to her. She has NEVER wished me happy Rosh Hashanah, happy Yom Kippur, happy Hanukkah, happy Passover. I haven’t said anything to her because I don’t want to damage our friendship. We live next door to each other. It would be awkward if things went sideways. My brother, who was…

Your Turn: “Do I Have to Invite My Fiancé’s Daughter to Our Wedding?”

I’m feeling a little under the weather today, with a sinus infection and foggy brain, so I’m going to let you all handle this one and if I’ve got more energy later I will chime in in the comments. Over the past four years we’ve had huge issues with my fiancés daughter, “Clementine.” She’s 22 and not in my life at all because of death threats, stealing, lying, manipulating, and disturbing legal violations against others. She occasionally contacts her father, usually to request money, which he denies. It was a very rocky road to get to this point. Dilemma: We are planning a small destination wedding. Despite all the dysfunction we’ve crawled…

“We Break Up Every Month. Should I End It For Good?”

My boyfriend, “Robert” (32) and I (31, f) started dating in February of last year. From the get-go, I had this feeling of doubt. During our first year together, almost every month, I told him I simply couldn’t get rid of the doubt and then I broke up with him almost each month; we then got back together a day or two after each break up. In May of last year, a lady friend from Robert’s hometown texted me saying that there were rumors that he and his ex (39) were still in contact, probably getting it on, but she had not seen them together and she had no proof. I confronted…

“I’m Afraid My Bisexual Boyfriend Is Going to Cheat on Me with a Man”

I’m a 21-year-old female and my boyfriend is 22 and bisexual, which I knew going into the relationship. The issue is that he watches a lot of gay porn — never straight — and only talks about the attractiveness of men. Porn makes me physically sick to my stomach, and we have talked about what he views and how I feel about it. He made several promises to me that he would stop and that he would never go and be with a man. He had never had — to my knowledge — physical relations with a man, but he has sexted them on multiple occasions, pre-relationship. I am the first relationship…

Dear Wendy’s Best Advice for Deciding Whether to Move for a Long-Distance Relationship

My boyfriend and I have been long-distance dating for 10 months and everything is great between us. We see each other almost every month and we’ve been talking about my moving in with him in on the west coast, which I want to do so much. The thing is he hasn’t met my family, which I wanted him to do before I moved, but things have changed and he is planning to get a place so that I can move in with him first and then he will save so we can come back to my home to meet my family. M family doesn’t like this idea and wants me to keep…

“I Ghosted Her After Five Years and Now I Want Her Back”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT)dearwendy.com. A few weeks back, I got back in touch, for the first time in five years, with the girl with whom I cut contact without any explanation whatsoever. We were never officially together. Instead, we had a sort of fling that lasted five years. So I got in touch without…

“He Disinvited Me To Meet His Parents and Took a Female Friend Instead”

I’m in my late twenties and have been with my boyfriend — also in his late twenties — for nearly two years now. He is a good man and I love him deeply. A couple of months after we started dating, a close friend of his, “Jane,” broke up with her boyfriend. She took it really hard and my boyfriend was there for her quite a lot. I did not initially have a problem with this as it was mainly just spending time with her and her having a shoulder to cry on. Two months after Jane’s breakup, my boyfriend decided to plan a trip to his hometown, inviting Jane, me, and…

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