“I’ve Been Sleeping On My Husband’s Ex-Wife’s Bed And I Didn’t Know it!”

I’ve been with my husband for 15 years. When we moved in together all those years ago, we kept his bed, not mine. We’ve had a couple of sets of new mattresses through the years and just recently purchased a new headboard. My husband didn’t understand why I wanted a new headboard as he felt nothing was wrong with the old one. I told him it didn’t fit our king size bed frame and I wanted a nicer headboard. He didn’t agree, but he caved. The headboard came, it sat in our garage for a few days, and I finally asked when was he putting it together. He said soon and I…

“I Kissed My Next Door Neighbor and Now He’s Back with His Ex”

I am trying to follow your Twitter account, but I couldn’t find it; I’m new to Twitter, so I don’t know how to recognize which is yours. Here’s my deal: My on-off boyfriend ended our relationship three years ago. we had started dating as high school sweethearts, and then dated again in our twenties and again in our early thirties. I’m now 39 years old, single and ready to mingle. I was seeing this guy 10 years younger than I; we had fun and he helped boost my self-confidence, but I didn’t have strong feelings for him. We ended things about a month ago and he’s tried contacting me a couple times,…

“She Told Me She’s Pregnant The Day before I Planned to Break Up With Her”

My long-term partner announced she is pregnant a day before I planned to end the relationship. We’ve been in a really bad place for a couple of years and everything we agreed to work on simply hasn’t happened. A lot was to do with motivation and fitness after failed pregnancies over the years. We hadn’t been intimate for a year except for a couple weeks ago. I wanted to be sure there was no connection and there wasn’t. I had planned to break up in a couple days, but this morning she took a pregnancy test and there was a very faint line! Of course, I’ll be there if we/she decides to…

“I Slept With My Boss and I Don’t Want to Talk to Her About it!”

I head a department in an organisation (not sure if that matters) and I am separated from my wife but we are trying to work things out. My boss whom I directly report to is extremely beautiful lady and we have always had this harmless flirtatious relationship; I know she is seeing someone but I thought that nothing could come out of our flirts; however, about six weeks ago we were both delivering a lecture in another country and we travelled together and on the third day somehow the flirt led to us sleeping together. It was a good moment that I wasn’t expecting nor planned for and since I am separated,…

“My Fiancé’s Ex Just Died and He Won’t Stop Posting About How Much He Loved Her”

A few weeks ago you gave me advice (LW 2) when I was excluded from my fiancé’s niece’s graduation ceremony and now I have another question. Yesterday my fiancé’s son’s mother passed away unexpectedly. This has completely left my stepson heartbroken. My best interest is for the child so please don’t mistakenly think I’m making this about me — I just need some outside advice because I’ve never been in a situation like this. My fiancé, of course, is heartbroken as she was the mother of his child, but I don’t know how to react to his constant posting to social media reminding the world how he loved her so much. My…

“My New Boyfriend Isn’t ‘On Board’ With Me Spending Holidays With My Ex-Husband”

My ex-boyfriend and I split three years ago after about 12 years together. We share a nine-year-old daughter and have remained very amicable after splitting, with him still spending the holidays with us and both of us truly putting our daughter first. I’ve been dating a guy, “Ian,” for six months now. He knows my daughter through her school aftercare program and they have a really great relationship through there. We’ve recently introduced him as Mommy’s boyfriend and she is easing into understanding what this means. The problem is that Ian cannot comprehend how or why my ex and I are so amicable. He says it’s not normal and he’s never seen…

“His Son Saw My Text and Now I’ve Been Blocked!”

I met this wonderful guy online through a mutual friend and we immediately hit it off. We have much in common, from our family ideals to food preferences to most definitely our sexual preferences and ideals. Things were going wonderfully and we even met in person AND I met his children. He and I had been texting and communicating every day. We established a great platonic relationship but both agreed that we wanted more. With that being said,sexting was involved with adult memes and gifs but no nudes on either end. Last week was particularly stressful for both of us. I had sent him a meme that said something like — PG13…

“My Fiancé Refuses to Give His Dog Away”

My fiancé, “Derek,” got a dog against my wishes and refuses to give it away. That dog has made it his job to destroy the house and furniture; Derek hasn’t had him trained and the new carpet is ruined. Derek is mad because he takes the dog to daycare three times a week and the extra expense bothers him. On the other two days when he’s at work, he assumes my daughter will take care of the dog because she sorta likes the dog. I’ve made it perfectly clear I don’t want the dog — or any other pets for that matter — and I won’t be responsible for the dog or…

“I’m Chinese and My Boyfriend is White and I’m Worried About Losing my Culture With Him”

I’ve been dating my boyfriend, “Roger,” for about a year and a half. I am Chinese and he is white. He is my first serious boyfriend and the first man I’ve brought home to my family. He is beyond “accepting” of my culture, which has always been important to me. Recently, though, I came across a situation and I hope I can get your advice. My whole family speaks English fluently. I usually speak in a mix of Chinese and English with my parents and just English with a bit of Chinese vocabulary with my siblings and brother-in-law. My boyfriend met my family after about eight months, partly because we are a…

“My Daughter-in-Law Flirts With My Partner and I Don’t Like It”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT)dearwendy.com. This is going to sound nuts but here goes: My son has been married for over ten years to my daughter-in-law, “Darlene.” Darlene is nice but a bit crazy — especially during social cocktail time — and our entire family knows it. She has had one “known” affair during their…

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