“We Have Great Sex But She Doesn’t Want a Relationship with Me”

I’m a lesbian and started dating a girl about two and a half months ago. She is insanely beautiful and smart, and we are very sexually compatible. We are both kinky and have high sex drives, a combination which sometimes feels impossible to find among women. We’ve fallen into a rhythm where I’m more dominant and she is more submissive, a role I don’t get to fulfill often as I’m very feminine-presenting and typically date very masculine women. While it has been exciting to meet someone as adventurous as I am, I’m also slightly tortured (pun intended) because what I really want is a relationship, not a sex buddy. We get along…

Updates: “Eaten Away” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today we hear from “Eaten Away” whose non-boyfriend of three months went away to Portugal for a month to write his book and film some things for his YouTube career, and she was worried that, since they never defined their relationship, he wouldn’t hesitate to pursue other women who might show interest in him. She wrote: “I’ve spent the last few weeks wondering what he’s doing and whom he’s with. It’s eating at me constantly because I know that since I’m…

“My Boyfriend Cheated on Me With a Stripper While I’m Fighting Cancer”

My man recently went with his buddies to a strip club and lied about it. Then about a month later, he went out and sent a message to his buddies saying, “If anyone asks, I was with you.” His buddies response was, “10-4.” So my man is gone ’til 4 am, parks where I can’t see or hear him, and goes to the cabin on the property instead of coming to our bed. I confront him and he’s drunk and doesn’t want to talk. I ask to see his phone and he says it’s up the hill in the car. I go looking for it only to go back by him to…

“My Marriage is Crumbling Since We Had a Baby”

I have a son who is almost two years old. I knew growing up I always wanted children. I met my now-husband in college and having a family was high on both of our priority lists. We’ve been married now for about six years. We had a great relationship until we had our son. I’m not sure what has happened to us since then. We argue all the time. I feel like he has become so negative and he acts as though the world owes him something. He looks down on me for staying home even though he wanted me to. For example, any time I mention being tired, he’ll be say,…

“My FWB Called Another Woman After We Did Our Thing!”

It’s time again for Shortcuts. For every question, I’ll give my advice in just a few sentences because sometimes the answer to a person’s question is so obvious and the need to hear it so great that being as clear and frank as possible is simply the best way to go. I have a friends with benefits relationship with this guy, and just last night we got together and did our thing (not our first time). Well, when he was getting ready to drop me off, he called his buddy to come over to his place but, since his buddy had work in the morning, he then called a GIRL, telling me…

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