“My Boyfriend Cheated On Me With Other Men!”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT)dearwendy.com. My boyfriend and I, both in our late 40s, have been together for three months. Things were going fantastic! The sex was amazing. Then I found out he was secretly having sex with men one to two times a month. I was shocked and devastated. I knew this kind of…

“I Don’t Want to Invite my Alcoholic Mother To My Wedding”

My boyfriend and I recently decided we want to get married in May when he’s on leave from the Army before he deploys. We had talked about an intimate wedding on the beach near our hometown, just the two of us and our witnesses, and then when he gets out of the Army we could have a big ceremony with all our loved ones. Now my boyfriend is mentioning that he wants his parents at our intimate wedding. Which is great! I love his family and I would be happy to have them there. The only problem is, if his family is there, I would have to invite my family. I would…

“My Boyfriend Thinks I Need His Permission To Care for My Children When It’s My Ex’s Turn”

I have been divorced for five and a half years, and I have two kids with my ex, a 10-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl. I have been dating this guy now for four years, and he’s been living with us. In the last year, his jealousy for my ex has completely blown out of proportion. He doesn’t like that I have a good relationship with my ex and feels that I am only on good terms because my ex has me trained to do him favors. For example, last weekend was my ex’s weekend with the kids, but we were at my daughter’s hockey game and my ex wasn’t feeling well,…

“My Family Doesn’t Support My Upcoming Marriage”

I have been dating my fiancé for three years now and I love him. We met in college and we are very compatible. I’m finishing up my Master’s degree in business and he is planning on attending pharmacy school in August. His pharmacy school is on the other side of the country. We want to get married before he starts school. However, I have received so much pushback from my mom, dad, and grandma. They all think it’s ridiculous to get married before I am out of school and working full-time, especially since I am job searching in another state. My fiancé has been planning to propose to me for over a…

“My Boyfriend Wants to Give My Niece a Bracelet Because He Thinks She’s Pretty”

My close girl friend gave me a gold bracelet for Christmas, and when I showed it to my boyfriend, he commented that it was pretty and he then said: “I hope you won’t feel bad, but I want to buy Lily a gold bracelet, too.” Lily is my 7-year-old niece whom he’s met only once when we visited my sister a year ago. He finds her really pretty. I just find it weird that out of nowhere he would suddenly think of buying her something when he’s never bought something like that for me and didn’t even remember to give me something for my birthday (I’m not really after material things). Do…

Shortcuts: “I’m Moving In With My Boyfriend, But He Won’t Let Me Hold His Baby”

It’s time again for Shortcuts. For every question, I’ll give my advice in just a few sentences because sometimes the answer to a person’s question is so obvious and the need to hear it so great that being as clear and frank as possible is simply the best way to go. My new boyfriend and I decided to get an apartment together. He has a one-year-old daughter with his ex. His ex is okay with me being around the baby and he kind of is, but he won’t let me pick her up or anything of that sort. We move in together in two weeks, and I feel like I’m not allowed…

“Can I Stop My Horrible Sister From Moving Into My Community?!?”

Last year my husband and I purchased our first home, about an hour away from my parents and three hours away from his. We love where we live, and we are part of a tight-knit, small community where everyone is very involved and knows each other. We love the distance from our families – close enough that it is very easy to visit, but far enough away that we don’t have to worry about people randomly stopping in and we can develop our own identities in our new community. Now I feel that our safe haven could be under attack. My younger sister and I have never had a great relationship. She…

“I Want to Have Marriage and Kids By 26, But My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want to Move That Fast”

I’m 23 and have been with my partner now for four years. We have a lot of fun together, and share similar interests and friendship groups. However, over the last few months I have been underwhelmed in the relationship, and wondering if there is something more out there. Recently, I started chatting to an old friend whom I used to work with, and we get along like a house on fire. Not only that, I find myself quite attracted to him, and more interested in receiving his messages than those from my boyfriend. Now this would seem simple: break up with my boyfriend, and chase this other guy. But then who knows…

Morning Quickies: “My Ex-Wife Is Still In Love With Me. Should We Try Again?”

My ex-wife had a hard week and she had no one else to talk to, so I asked her over so she could get things off her chest and feel better. When she got here, she had been drinking. She said that nobody would give her the time of day (her family isn’t very supportive), so I listened to her talk and gave her a hug because she needed one (I loved it because I loved supporting her) and she kissed me. It felt like our first kiss. She says she still loves me and I love her with all my heart, but she won’t entertain the idea of reconciling because she…

“When Do You Know It’s Time to Break Up With Someone?”

When do you know it’s time to break up with someone? I hope by virtue of asking it’s not the time, but I also don’t want to hear what I think might be your answer. I’m 28 and have never been in a relationship until now, no flings or anything. I was busy with school and work and did some online dating, but nothing stuck. I’m also a virgin. I met my boyfriend about five months ago online. Initially, I wasn’t sure if I was physically attracted to him, but he was really nice (also funny, smart, etc.). Still, he wasn’t my type as far as I knew, but I wasn’t ever…

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