“Should I Move for The Guy I’ve Been Out With Four Times?”

I began communicating with my beau online over five months ago. “George” is black and I am white; I commonly refer to him as the black, male version of my best friend since childhood. We felt an immediate connection, even reminiscing about many childhood similarities. I have never experienced such a complete connection at the soul level. We are both divorced (he for ten years and I for almost two, but after a long process of counseling and healing before I filed) and in our mid-forties. It has been wonderful; we have had four dates, three of them meeting halfway between us (the third one was overnight) and once when I drove…

“My Mother Complains About How We Celebrate Her Birthday”

Yesterday was my mother’s birthday and the family was getting together at her place to celebrate and I asked her not to cook for me or my family because I did not want to bother her, but she kept insisting on cooking. Finally, I said I will also make a dish, but she said no. So I said OK and then I went to her house, but I guess she was so exhausted from cooking that she told my brother, “Next time when it’s my birthday, just take me to a restaurant.” I let her know the next day that next time we siblings will have a potluck so she does not…

“Am I Rushing Things?”

I have been dating my boyfriend for seven months. We are both 29 and met on a dating app. At first it was a long-distance relationship (he lived almost two hours away) but, wanting to be closer, I moved. He owns a business and I am nurse, so the move was easier for me to make. However, when I moved, I believed that he would be moving in sooner rather than later. It’s been four months and still no progress has been made on the moving-in stage of the relationship. From the beginning of our relationship, we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We have talked about…

“She’s Joining the Navy. Should I Keep Dating Her?”

I met this girl recently and I really like her, and I know she really likes me back, but when we started dating exclusively she let me know that she was interested in joining the Navy. I supported her decision and she recently passed the medical tests and leaves in April for basic training which lasts three months. If she passes, she will be gone for four years and she only gets to come home two times a year. We will only have been dating exclusively for two months by then and we got exclusive pretty soon after we met. I want to make things work with her, but not being able…

“My Boyfriend’s (Co-Dependent) Relationship With His Mother is Ruining Ours!”

My boyfriend of a year wants me to move in with him, but his mother lives with him too and is very dependent on him. She won’t go anywhere without him. She doesn’t take up much space, but she is an emotional wreck and she has no consideration for anyone around her. She makes my boyfriend feel like a piece of scum most of the time, and he refuses to say anything because he was raised with the whole “children are seen, not heard” method. She had a run-in with identity theft a few years ago, and since then she has not used her social security number. Everything she has my boyfriend…

“My Daughter is Trying to Ruin My Relationship”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT)dearwendy.com. I am a 47-year-old mom of two. My son is 21 and in college, and my daughter is 17 and a senior in high school. My husband of of twenty-two years passed away three years ago after a long fight with cancer. My son has always been easy-going and happy….

“My Girlfriend Spends Way Too Much Time with Her Family”

I’m in the Army and stationed on the east coast. I’m dating a 29-year-old school teacher. She’s a single mom and I’m a divorced father but don’t have custody. I feel like she is too close to her parents and it’s causing a huge strain on our relationship. They live ten minutes away from us (I moved in with her a few months ago), and there seems to be too much parental involvement. Every Monday her parents come over for supper and I think that’s wonderful, so that’s not the issue. The issue is her need to eat with them another 2-3+ nights per week. Also, her mom comes over every night…

“My Boyfriend Has Epilepsy and I Can’t Handle It”

I’m 23, my boyfriend is 29. Two nights ago my boyfriend had a seizure and cracked his head open on the floor. I was the first and only responder until EMS showed up. Blood flowed into a large puddle surrounding his head, SO MUCH BLOOD. His eyes looked nowhere, and his skin turned grey. I believed he was on the brink of death, and battled my own shock, to keep him with me while I waited an excruciating twenty minutes for EMS. I’m a lifeguard part time while finishing university, so I know basic first aid and I’ve been in situations like this before (though this was the most serious by far)….

“How Long is Too Long to Wait for an ‘I Love You’?”

How long is TOO long to wait for someone to say they love you? I feel that, after a certain amount of time in a relationship without it being said, you kind of lose your chance to say it altogether. But I hope I’m wrong. I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years. THREE YEARS. I’ve said it accidentally one drunk night around our one-year mark, and he was quick to reply with: “Those words mean more than a one-year relationship warrants.” That’s his point of view and I respect that. So I waited for him to be comfortable with saying it. But, it’s now been three years and still nothing. What…

“He Makes Proposing Feel Transactional”

I was 100% sure that “Jeff” would propose last week (it was a special night for both of us, and one that we both had been looking forward to), but it didn’t happen. Because we talk about everything (my face can’t keep a secret, and he’s not about to let me ruminate in the corner without knowing why), we spent the evening discussing why he hadn’t proposed. It was a lot of things, but mostly it was money. Jeff has a good job as an architect. He works hard and has five- and ten-year plans and retirement goals. However, he doesn’t make enough to feel comfortable, with college debt still looming and…

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