Updates: “Picture Perfect” Responds (Again)

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Picture Perfect” who wanted to know what guys thinks of boudoir photos. She updated us once before to say she’d decided to have the photos taken. Now, she updates us again to tell us how it went.

Updates: “Issue to A Dress” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Issue to A Dress” who was surprised that a friend still expected her to pay for a dress she agreed to purchase from her after she gave her a concert ticket worth the same amount. Keep reading to see whether she paid for the dress after all.

Updates: “Sucker-Punched” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Sucker-Punched” whose boyfriend cheated on her with his wife (yes, you read that right) after borrowing a large sum of money from her that he had yet to repay. Keep reading to see whether she heeded my advice to MOA.

Updates: Bridesmaid Times Two Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Bridesmaid Times Two” whose sister asked her to be MOH in her wedding on the same day the LW was already committed to being a bridesmaid in another wedding. Find out whose wedding she’ll be attending, after the jump.

Updates: Inter-Faithed Responds (Again)

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Inter-Faithed” who first wrote in asking advice about how to navigate her mixed-faith relationship (she’s Jewish, her then-boyfriend is Catholic). She updated us once before and now has as a new update.

Updates: “Over the Crisis” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Over the Crisis” who wrote in a couple months ago saying she was sick of her boyfriend’s ongoing existential crisis in which he seemed undecided about what to do with his life. “My opinion,” she wrote, “is that he should go a more traditional, business-minded route that I think would make him (and to be completely honest, us) the happiest and the most secure.” Keep reading to see whether he’s still undecided.

Updates: “Stood Up Bride” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Stood Up Bride” whose aunt RSVPd for 10 people to her wedding — even though the invite was only for five — and then didn’t even show up to the wedding (nor did the other nine family members who were expected to come with her). The LW wondered how she should address the no-shows at future gatherings, including an upcoming family BBQ they were all invited to. Keep reading to see how she handled them.

Updates: “Uneasy about His ‘Friend'” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today, we hear from “Uneasy about His ‘Friend’” who was feeling apprehensive about her boyfriend’s friendship with another woman, especially since he would soon be moving to the other woman’s city for grad school. “I don’t want to tell him to not hang out with his friend,” she wrote, “but I don’t feel like this is a good friendship and I’m a bit uncomfortable. Is there a better compromise/solution to be made here?” Keep reading to see whether they found a…

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