DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • Kate
    December 25, 2015 at 8:30 am #404843

    Well! It may have been the first time, but probably won’t be the last if you keep using online dating apps. Guys in their 20s always want to hook up with women in their 30s. There’s a certain 40-ish woman I work with who thinks these are “dates” she has with these guys. As long as both parties recognize it for what it is and use protection, go for it! I hooked up a few times with a really young guy right before I met my husband, and it was fun. Now we just say “hi” in the hall like nothing happened. Perfect!

    December 25, 2015 at 8:02 pm #404873

    LadyE I have never been so chuffed to hear about someone else’s sex life. Go you, you deserved it! 🙂

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    December 26, 2015 at 9:23 am #404910

    Woo hoo, LadyE! That’s awesome. And what a perfect way to boost your self esteem after the disaster of the last two guys you were involved with. Merry Christmas to you, indeed!

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    December 26, 2015 at 12:41 pm #404923

    Thanks everyone! 😉 It was truly unlike me and I’ve never done anything like that before, but for my birthday I told myself I was going to start saying “yes” more where I usually would’ve said “no,” and he was so irrepressibly charming and really cute. I know it’s probably a long shot but I do hope we keep in touch because of how much fun he is and how much we have in common besides the hooking up part. Plus, I want someone to show me around LA! Haha.

    Funny story: I wore spanx under my jeans and top to the coffee shop, and after he asked if he could come back to my place I just kept thinking “I have to get out of these spanx before he sees them” so…you know you’re in your 30s and single when you’re wiggling out of spanx in a coffee shop bathroom and stuffing them in your purse so the guy you’re about to take home doesn’t discover them 20 minutes later!

    I still can’t believe I did that but it was pretty awesome. 🙂

    December 26, 2015 at 2:46 pm #404925

    That’s awesome! Good for you!

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    December 26, 2015 at 4:49 pm #404932

    Nice! Sounds like a good Christmas present 😉

    I finally met the girl my FWB thinks would be good for a threesome. Her and her boyfriend were really fun! We all went to this crazy hippie Christmas eve party in a giant mansion filled with paintings of orgies and stuff. The couple I met are planning an awesome New Years Eve party at their penthouse, so we might go to that next week. I’m weighing offers from different people at the moment. But swanky new years eve party with swingers sounds pretty fun.

    And apparently my coworker that I hook up with from time to time has some swinger friends to that want to watch us have sex? I’m not totally sold on that, but who knows.

    Oh and I went on a third date with the guy that got me flowers. He’s really sweet, but he hasn’t even tried to kiss me yet. It’s not a big deal right now since I’m seeing other people, but I just don’t think I could be with someone who isn’t more dominant than me sexually.

    So uh yeah…that’s just what’s going on in my life.

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    December 27, 2015 at 6:44 pm #405009

    I love be reading about your sexcapades, Kare. Thanks for sharing!

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    December 27, 2015 at 7:35 pm #405010

    Well I have given up on my FWB. I contacted him earlier in the week to confirm plans for yesterday, and he said he would confirm later in the day because he may be out of town for xmas. Aaaaand he never got back to me. He sent me an xmas greeting on christmas, but no mention of our plans the next day or an apology for not getting back to me. This is the second time he has just bailed on me and never gotten back to me. So after this weekend I am no longer making any effort with him. Really sucks cause the sex was great and fun, and he was so handsome! But I am not gonna deal with this crap from something that is supposed to be fun.

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    December 28, 2015 at 3:24 am #405016

    Sorry @Cleo, seems like he’s potentially getting serious with someone else but feels too awkward to properly end it with you (pure conjecture).

    As for me, I’m trying to put a little distance between me and the first guy I’ve felt properly excited by in about 7 years (and that includes my ex). Unfortunately the dude has only broken up from an intense affair about a month ago and is having a hard time letting go partly cos his ex was the one who brought him over here. And it’s difficult to be the good friends I think we can be when there’s also a noticeable sexual attraction there. Ah annoying. But what can you do.

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    December 28, 2015 at 3:31 am #405017

    It’s extra annoying because it feels so nice to be together, like a snugly jumper. It feels like there’s a very forgiving, supportive and almost innocent connection between us. We just like each other above all. Hurumph.

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    December 28, 2015 at 9:51 am #405033

    @LadyE – that’s frigginawesome. Get it gurl.

    @Cleo I’m sorry to hear that, but maybe you can find a better FWB??

    Veracity – if it’s meant to work out it will, and maybe distance is a good thing. But I’m sorry, I know that feeling of being excited and then disappointed.

    – to live your life for one day would be fascinating. I mean that in the nicest possible way. You sound like you have awesome adventures!

    As for me, counting the days till the New Years date with Army guy!

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    December 28, 2015 at 10:41 am #405035

    @LadyE That’s so exciting!! And it’s about time you got to have some fun after the last two guys. Congrats!

    So I didn’t mention it here before, but about a month after my partner and I broke up we got together to talk and decided to give it another go, with the condition that if it wasn’t more fun than work by the new year, we’d part on good terms. Obviously there were some issues from before that needed to be worked out, as well as what we were each looking for from each other going forward, but it’s been going really well. There was one sticking point which was his other partner (me not liking her, him wanting us to be able to communicate, her wanting to be able to communicate with me), but on Saturday she came over for breakfast and we cleared the air, and kinda talked about boundaries going forward (cause that was a major issue I’d had with her), and things finally feel solid all around there. The communication between him and me has been great in the last few months, he’s trying to be more considerate of our time together.

    And the extremely cute/talented/smart physicist is coming back from California in less than a week and I’m really excited. He actually changed his flight to come back a day earlier so we could spend more time together.

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