DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    December 28, 2015 at 3:00 pm #405055

    Y’all are so supportive. I love it. Thanks! 🙂

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    December 28, 2015 at 4:05 pm #405064

    146 pages?? Can someone summarize this thread? Ha.

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    December 28, 2015 at 4:10 pm #405065

    @AP – we’ve all gone on dates – some good some bad.

    Ktfran is dating a good dude and he met the fam.

    Lots of folks have FWBs

    I’ve dated three dudes through the entirety of this thread.

    LadyE ditched the lion tamer and had a Christmas fling.

    What did I leave out?

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    December 28, 2015 at 4:16 pm #405066

    This thread is pretty epic.

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    December 28, 2015 at 4:43 pm #405067

    Thanks, Veritek! Good summary.

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    December 28, 2015 at 4:44 pm #405068

    I’m currently pumping at my desk using a hands-free bra thingy and I look ridiculous. I’m half tempted to post a picture. But just half tempted.

    ^ Sorry, not related to dates, awesome or otherwise. But I wanted to share.

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    December 28, 2015 at 5:00 pm #405070

    Great summary by veritek and I’m so happy to have AP’s name pop up on the Forum Activity log! YAY! Welcome back 🙂

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    December 28, 2015 at 5:45 pm #405072

    oh i almost forgot – military balls and tatoo parties. And rent the runway.

    No one ever said we stayed on topic.

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    December 28, 2015 at 6:03 pm #405075

    This thread is totally epic. I hope we keep it going for a long time!

    I had a date last night at a wine bar- one that my office renovated a few years back, incidentally. It was a nice time. Nice conversation, friendly guy. I feel like I keep meeting guys who like to talk a lot, though. It’s weird. And it’s not like I sit there and say nothing- more like, they just get going on some subjects (or themselves) and I interject with comments here and there. Anyway, I had a nice time, but like the last date, that was kind of it for me. Would I want to see him again? Not sure. I just feel so ambivalent about it all, which is frustrating.

    Hooray for your Xmas eve fling, LadyE!! (Get it girl!!) And I’m sorry to hear about your flake of a fwb, Cleopatra. That’s really annoying.

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    December 28, 2015 at 8:27 pm #405079

    @veracityb Ya I suspect that as well, oh well!

    And I am just gonna stop looking for a FWB’s. The gods have prevented me from establishing one for quite some times now, and I need to stop looking haha

    And @LadyE SOOO glad you got some action on your end! It was long over due 😉

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    December 28, 2015 at 8:27 pm #405080

    I also enjoy this thread! Keeps all our adventures from clogging the forum with various posts! Also helps give my friends a break from listening to my men issues haha

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    December 28, 2015 at 9:53 pm #405087

    Been lurking a lot, but gotta chime in – it’s so nice to see this thread go through a season and a half! From summer flings to winter snuggle buddies?

    LadyE, so happy for you! Nice break from those two other guys.

    Veritek, didn’t have a chance to say you looked like a bombshell in your ball photo!

    For the first time in ever I have different options for New Year’s which is a change from staying at home and sleeping early (which, nothing wrong with that). My friend who got married last month is having a board games get together. She’s inviting that guy from the wedding I thought was cute but she isn’t sure if he can make it. The other option is going out with a couple high school friends to a concert. I haven’t been out for drinks at all this holiday and I am feeling antsy. I just have a really good memories last time I went out with these gals for New Year’s in 2010/2011… which was 5 years ago, and I felt all young (21), optimistic and shiny. Now… not so much.

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