DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    December 29, 2015 at 5:29 pm #405176

    Well tell him a stranger on DW is all for it ?

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    December 29, 2015 at 5:34 pm #405178

    mmmm tuxes. Army guy was just going to wear a civilian suit to NYE.

    There’s something about a well tailored suit or tux. Yummy. Enjoy ktfran!

    December 29, 2015 at 5:35 pm #405179

    Will do Lianne. He likes looking fancy.

    December 29, 2015 at 6:59 pm #405184

    Venting, NYE is just a day, there is no magic that changes you into something new. The ground work has been laid beforehand hand, change or no change.

    Go out and enjoy the night, date or no date.

    I have a date with a gorgeous woman who brightens the room when she walks in.

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    December 29, 2015 at 9:09 pm #405195

    I too am in support of tuxes! Everyone get fancy!

    The guy I’ve only been out with three times wants me to go to his friend’s house for a party. I just don’t want to drive on new years or be drinking around someone I don’t really know that well on their turf. So the plan for now is: be fancy and go somewhere fancy with my FWB for the champagne toast. Go back to my place and change then go to his friend’s penthouse party. I should stop eating sweets since I’m squeezing myself into a corset, but I’m counting on dim lighting to work in my favor haha.

    I need to up my style game though. My FWB consistently wears three piece 18th century suits (with tails!) and gets So. Many. Compliments.

    I also might do dinner with my friends before the night starts. No one is really going out due to no babysitter/pregnancy/newly engaged.

    Question for you guys: how in the world do I take a flattering picture? Anytime people take my picture when I’m out, it’s just not great. Tips for how to stand, what to do with my hands, etc would be appreciated!

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    December 29, 2015 at 9:24 pm #405196

    Kare you have the most amazing and interesting life.
    Just pick out two or three pictures that you see, where you like the poses, and copy those poses. I bet you always look way good, but just chiming in.

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    December 29, 2015 at 9:25 pm #405197

    Practice your angles, kare and figure out which is most flattering. Once you know that, you’ll be able to angle yourself appropriately in pics. It also helps if the camera is above you a bit so you have to look up. I find the best and most natural smile is achieved by pretending you’re laughing. As far as where to put your hands, a hand on the hip always works.

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    December 29, 2015 at 9:34 pm #405201

    Thanks guys! 🙂 I’m going to practice my angles and pretend laughing.

    I swear I’m not that interesting, I just wind up in unusual situations. Hopefully new years eve is fun this year! Last year my boyfriend at the time ignored me to get wasted with some random guys at the bar then called me a whore for dancing with a gay guy. So expectations are pretty low.

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    December 29, 2015 at 9:43 pm #405203

    For photos, remember to stand up straight! And keep your shoulders back. Bonus- it’ll make your bust more… prominent? (not sure if that’s the best word?) Always a nice thing, especially if you’re in a corset! 😀
    I’ve read that when posing for photos, it’s often best to pose at an angle rather than head on. And I read something about how only having one ear showing in a photo looks better. (As in, turn yourself at an angle so one ear is away from the camera.)
    I’m sure whatever you do, you’ll look awesome. 🙂

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    December 29, 2015 at 10:32 pm #405206

    I actually have some fun plans for NYE this year. Figured I should get out and not sit at home and be boring. So I am tagging along with my friend to her brother’s friend’s party. We won’t get all dressed up though….that is for tomorrow!

    My friends and I are going to see the Nutcracker in TO, so we said we would all get fancy and wear heels 😀 I have an awesome and gorgeous long scarf that is an orange/red color and has butterfly wings all over it. Crazy story about it though, I got it for free and by the absolute graciousness of a customer at work! I complimented her on the scarf and she said ‘here take it! I accidentally grabbed two at a sale a while back, so have this one, I have another at home.’ I was flabbergasted. And now I have been waiting for tomorrow so I can wear it and flaunt it around 🙂

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    December 29, 2015 at 10:56 pm #405207

    That is so awesome, @Cleopatra_30! Wear it when we do a DW skate meet up? 😉

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    December 30, 2015 at 10:16 am #405229

    @kare as a photographer, I find the most flattering pictures are of people who don’t realize they are having their photo taken OR don’t care! Just put a smile on your face and have fun if photos are taken – the more fun you are having the more fun will show in your expressions. There’s nothing prettier than a woman who is having fun and not giving a damn what she looks like. Promise.

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