DW Community Catch-up Thread
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December 30, 2015 at 10:25 am #405230
I have a great NYE planned! My boyfriend and I are going solo for the first time since we started dating, this is our third NYE together. We are going to see one of our favorite musicians in a really small venue and I rented a really sexy dress from Rent the Runeway, my new favorite thing ever, and am going to get pretty and we are probably going to pig out on cheap tacos or mexican before getting wasted and dancing the night away. I have loved our past few New Year’s spent with friends and family but am excited for us to have a little date night, with all of the craziness of the holidays and the depression I have been in the past few months and finally see the end of, I think it will be really good for us.
The “L” word has been spoken. It was texted while I was visiting family at Christmas… but this morning while lying in bed before work, it was said out loud.
Also… I’m looking more forward to new year’s day than NYE. We’re going to wake up, drink champagne in bed, I’m going to make orange glazed monkey bread and he’s going to make omelets and we’re going to have a lazy day together. I can’t wait.
Everyone’s NYE’s sound great! I like how so many of you go to see bands.
Wendy, you have to post a pic of you and Drew all dressed up, please!
@ktfran GASP! THAT’S AWESOME! Who said it? You? THIS IS AWESOME!
@mucha that sounds fun! I hope you have a great new year!
I would also like to see a pic of Drew and Wendy in tuxes. Yes, Wendy, I think you need a lady tux. I mean, why not??
So far so good on the Army guy and NYE – Hasn’t been called up for duty so the date is still on! He’s bringing his dog (did I mention he lives almost 2 hours away and he offered to get a hotel but I told him I have two couches and a spare bed – there’s no reason to waste money on a hotel). I’m excited to have another fluffball in the house for my beagles to play with! And I’m not sure how long he’s staying, but he’s going to show up late afternoon tomorrow and we negotiated some Dexter binging so New Years Day might be serial killer/vigilante watching. Unless we get sick of each other and he leaves. I’ll keep you updated.
Today I’m only working a half day, getting a manicure and haircut this afternoon, possibly shopping sales to see if I can find any other cute dresses that might be fun for tomorrow night, and then taking myself on another solo movie date. Have I mentioned how much I love solo movie dates?
LianneDecember 30, 2015 at 11:04 am #405236@ktfran that is so amazing! I am so happy for you – and your New Years day sounds amazing.
@Veritek – glad the date is still on as of now. I do wonder if your plan to watch Dexter on New Years day is a little too comfort zone for so early in the beginning of you two dating. I think there was caution thrown at that with the other long distance dude. You may want to re-evaluate that…if you want to prolong the date, suggest going to brunch or something instead.
Yay ver! That’s great!!!!! You’ll have a blast.
Well… my niece prompted it when we texted about it. But he said it this morning.
Over Thanksgiving, my niece drew a picture of him, gave it to me, and told me that it was so I could have company on the Amtrak ride home. Said drawing is on my fridge. Then, he came home with me the Sunday/Monday before Christmas. Monday, he asked the niece to draw a pic of me so he wouldn’t get lonely on the train. She did. And on it she wrote “Katie loves Steve, kiss, kiss, kiss.” When he got home, he hung it on his fridge and sent a pic. I told him she wasn’t wrong. So this morning… he mentioned it and then said that “Steve loves Katie, too and has for a while.” So, right now, that’s our L word thing.
Thanks niece.
Yeah, I feel like I do lots of thing wrong in your opinions lol. I don’t mean that in a hateful way, just seems like I can’t get it right! 🙂
The dog thing is happening so it’s too late now to tell him to find a kennel. And you’re probably right about the Dexter. Brunch would be fine, I have to leave town around noon so there’s an expiration date on all of it anyway.
Still learning guys, still learning. I’ll figure it out someday.
It’s about learning from your mistakes. Things didn’t work out with the other guy, so don’t fall into the same patterns. I will say, from the sounds of things, Army Guy already sounds different, but you don’t want to fall into old habits. Keep the mystery going!
Edited to say, with my ex-bf – which, reminder, was on/off for 3 years and a disaster for me – we got comfortable super fast and it ended after 5 months. Coincidentally, Dexter was one of our shows (and I never finished the series, because bad memories). Just take it S-L-O-W. If it’s meant to be, these things will happen organically.
ktfran i’m getting a toothache from the sweetness of that story. Seriously, barf 🙂
Yes, don’t want to repeat patterns. Already was told by Kate absolutely NO sex. lol. Which, agreed. Trying to be better about that in my 30s – have something more established before jumping into bed. Kissing – sure, but more mystery.