DW Community Catch-up Thread
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- This topic has 11,842 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 2 days, 6 hours ago by
ChimingInJanuary 21, 2016 at 3:16 pm #435807
Feel free to disregard what I say, but I’ll say it anyway.
I’ve been following this thread and will continue to check out the site, however, I don’t think it’s fair to chide JimmyJam for what he said. Actually, I’ve found quite a few responses from responders on this thread here even more “sharp.”
Sometimes it really does seem like if an outside voice chimes in, on something someone willingly put up on the site, then this group mentality takes over like “oh no!!!!!” “you’re wrong!!!!” Etc.
Anyway, I’ll say that I’ve written in about something and got responses back, and some I completely disregarded due to me knowing that the responders didn’t know my situation personally and also because I wrote in something and there was so much more to it. However, the responses I got were like “this is too confusing when it’s more than one person involved” but when a member writes in with something it’s “oh you go girl, you’re totally in the right for not listening to friend A, but then go ahead and go out with friends B-X and for friends Y and Z, just forget them” and I’m like whaaaat?
Okay BUT in response to JimmyJam, I agree with what he said. I took it to mean as that sometimes you shouldn’t be dating when you really need to work on yourself. That’s not a bad thing.
Carry on 🙂
January 21, 2016 at 3:16 pm #435808That kitten on the front banner DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK. What a cute kitten :3
I had my third date with Slogan guy last night, we went to this great eat-in burger place near his house, chowed down on a homemade veggie burger and fries, and then back to his place were we attempted to watch a show of his, but got distracted 😉 We have another date planned for Sunday where we are going to do rock climbing and then brunch at Cora’s. Gonna be a good day!
I also made plans for Friday night with a guy, we had been talking earlier but then he went on a short trip out West, so he said I should contact him when he gets back, as he gave me his number. So we are going to meet halfway at a bar he recommended. His code name is Pilot guy cause he apparently used to be a bush pilot. I don’t know a whole lot about him aside from the fact he loves the outdoors, being active and he travels a bunch. So I am hoping it will be good times, he seems cool 🙂
I agree this thread gets overly “you go girl!” at times. I get that it’s safe, supportive place, and it should be, but you know how it’s not a good idea to always listen to your friends and sometimes an outside perspective is valuable? I think it applies. We don’t need pages of people dismissing someone’s perspective because he’s a guy who doesn’t soften his comments with girly fluff and squee.
January 21, 2016 at 4:40 pm #435819I care! (Yes, I know I’m over enthusiastic and encouraging occasionally) I like hearing what y’all are up to! I’m basically at home most of the time and burping a baby. It’s not exciting (even with all the poop and food throwing) so enthrall me with your more exciting lives.
January 21, 2016 at 4:44 pm #435822I mostly come hear to live vicariously through everyone else, and because I need some outlet other than my friends to gush at about the sexy physicist.
Also, I care Veritek! But I also understand not wanting to be analyzed. It’s rough to share things with strangers on the internet sometimes.
LianneJanuary 22, 2016 at 9:39 am #435873I was traveling for work yesterday and just had a chance to catch up on yesterday’s drama. Honestly, I’m a little… surprised? offended? I dunno the right word. But when you put stuff out there about your life – dating or otherwise – for folks to read on the internet, you’re going to get opinions. If you construe those opinions as “advice” maybe you’re not so secure in your decisions to begin with and are second guessing what you’re doing. Which, sure, a lot of us are that way, particularly in early dating. But for fuck sake, if you feel confident in what you’re doing, take it with a grain of salt, as some internet stranger’s anecdote or whatever. Don’t take shit so personally. I, in particular, like this thread because it gives me a chance to hear funny, heart-warming, triumphant, heartbreaking, cringe-worthy stories, that have me reflecting on my own dating past and gives me an opportunity to see those memories from a different perspective. Maybe you don’t give a fuck about my perspective, but maybe someone else – someone who isn’t commenting and is truly looking for answers – does. So please don’t tell me what this thread is for. It’s for all of us, for whatever we want it to be. If you don’t like it, start your own blog and make it what you want it.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. Clearly I’m not secure with my decisions, so that’s why I’m choosing not to put them on the internet right now because I personally can’t handle the feedback/opinions/advice. Me, personally.
Like I said, I’m way too sensitive right now, so that’s why I’m stepping back. I didn’t mean to tell anyone what to write, so I’m sorry if it came out that way.
jimmyjamJanuary 22, 2016 at 1:07 pm #435900I think I missed something, no worries, I have a thick skin when on the internet so do not worry about offending me, I laugh and then go to another site or close out the browser.
One thing to remember, what does not seem like a meltdown to you may seem like a meltdown to “someone else”. We have to consider same sex couples in this discussion ya know.
Remember it is a public forum you are not always going to get what you expected but you are definitely going to learn form it one way or another.
BTW, if you are going to take a swipe at a posters reading comprehension skills you might want to first consider the author or the one you are swiping at may have a learning disability like dyslexia. But then again it not “you” its “”me”