DW Community Catch-up Thread
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January 22, 2016 at 1:15 pm #435909
Ok, I’m going to change the subject a little and talk about myself. 😉
I went out with NYE dude last saturday, and it was a really fun evening. Since then, we’ve texted a little bit back and forth (like, maybe once a day at the very most.) I was definitely feeling like I was getting attached earlier this week, so not hearing from him was making me feel angsty. But since I had suggested the second date, I decided to back off a bit and give him space to suggest a third. Needless to say, he hasn’t suggested anything, and now that a few days have gone by, I’m ok with it. I’m surprised I’m ok with it, actually. I’m happy to keep the communication lines open, and if he wants to get together, great! However there is a little part of me that is disappointed that I’m not being pursued more (or, at all. I can’t tell if I am or not!) I guess it doesn’t bode well for us.
At the same time, I’m still using Coffee Meets Bagel (and am chatting with a new guy on there), and I was pinged on eHarmony by a 40 year old doctor who lives an hour away from me, so at least I’m not putting all of my eggs in one basket. It’s just frustrating because I just want something to work out. I’m so ready to get off of this hamster wheel.Ohhhh man @Moneypenny I know precisely how you feel. It’s frustrating isn’t it. Like you said, you “just want something to work out”.
I was feeling frustrated earlier today (still am actually) because I thought I matched with someone who had great potential and I was really interested to meet him. The first day we matched, we texted back and forth a lot, chatting, asking questions, seemed like we had a lot in common. Second day, I hardly hear from him. Today, not at all.
Sooooo whatever. Can’t be too disappointed since I never even met the dude but still kind sucks when you just want to be pursued and you just to “get off the hamster wheel” like you say.
Fuuuuuck. Ok I’m done bitching now. Off to work, and then to get a bottle of wine for chill night with my girlfriends.
kareJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:02 pm #435918No date plans for me as of yet, but it’s still early so who knows? Last weekend I dressed up and stuff so I’m thinking this weekend will be more lowkey. Oh and if anyone is interested, I have a pic of my FWB on my instagram. He’s not tagged or anything, and it’s nothing considering the many odd performance art pictures of him on the internet haha.
Not dating related, but do you guys have cleaning tips? Two weeks ago I had such horrible PMDD that I just got through work and stuff, but could barely find the energy to eat or do anything else. Last week my mood went back to normal mostly except for some chest pains and stuff. But now I just feel overwhelmed from the amount of stuff piled up over 2 weeks. If I’m not in a good mood (or high), cleaning is the absolute last thing I want to do. So I’m planning to smoke a bit and clean some this weekend, but does anyone have any tips for maintaining a clean house when you’re in a funk?
ChimingInJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:21 pm #435921Hi 🙂 I think it was ISeeShiny from here that turned me onto UFYH! http://www.unfuckyourhabitat.com/category/basics/ I’m a visual person, so just looking at it makes me want to organize and clean. Anyway, I would say don’t get overwhelmed. The only way to maintain something is to a bit every day, so instead of doing everything at once, do as UFYH suggests and do 20/10s, which are 20 minutes of cleaning and then a 10 minute rest. Life changing! Otherwise, music always helps. Good luck Kare!
January 22, 2016 at 2:21 pm #435922What’s your instagram name, Kare? I know you have mentioned it before, but I don’t remember what page it’s on… (I want to see the FWB! 🙂 )
I’m not so good at keeping things tidy when I’m in a funk either- I try to at least clean/tidy things on the weekends if I’ve left stuff out or piled up during the week. It makes things a bit more manageable!I’m sorry to hear about that dud, MissDre- that’s totally frustrating. More and more lately my outlook has been, well, if he isn’t interested/disappears, that’s his problem and his loss. It has nothing to do with me (since he barely knows me)! Plus having an open weekend means more time for dance classes! (Which I have recently started doing!) I try to keep up the positive energy, but still there’s that little bit of frustration with it all.
kareJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:56 pm #435928Oooh thanks for the link! I will check that out.
@moneypenny my instagram name is queenkarebear. What sort of dance classes are you doing? I need to get back into the swing of working out. I feel like I either have everything totally together (working out, cleaning, all those adult things) or completely chaotic.
@MissDre, I definitely enjoyed being pursued more than doing the pursuing. I try not to text too much. If I haven’t been on a date, I’ll give it a bit of back and forth for a couple of hours then I pull away if they haven’t asked me out yet. I try not to get too hung up on texting because I have a tendency to text friends and stuff randomly throughout through day, but not everyone is like that. I also tend to date guys in their late 30s and up, so texting isn’t their favorite form of communication. (Side note: when I dated someone who was late 30s and English was their third language, and texts were so misinterpretted on both ends. We ended up switching to phone calls.)shakeourtreeJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:57 pm #435929I’m trapped working from home today because of the snow/ice. I hate working from home. My roommate’s working from home today, too. It looks like we’re going to be snowed in all weekend, so definitely no dates happening over here. Roommate’s going to have to make himself useful and clean the house or something or I’m gonna throw him out in the snow because he’s driving me nuts.
January 22, 2016 at 3:32 pm #435932Kare, found you- he’s very handsome! And whoops, I just now see you linked the photo above. And I love your dress!
I’m taking ballet classes- I’m getting back into it after not dancing for, oh, 10 years. haha. But it’s like riding a bike- it’s all coming back to me, although I feel pretty rusty with the more complicated stuff. Right now the classes are saturday (and sunday) morning at 9 and 10:30, so it helps if I don’t have a late night the night before. I also try to get to the gym during the week but I’ve been slacking on that as well and only making it one or two times. I hope you have a productive weekend! 😀January 22, 2016 at 4:22 pm #435934@MissDre @Moneypenny oh man do I know that frustration. For so long it seemed like either I just wasn’t interested in anyone, or when I was they’d sort of fade out after a date or two, or after a couple days of just texting. I mean, it’s reasonable, because obviously not everyone you’re interested in/excited about is going to feel the same way about you and vice versa, but it gets to be kind of exhausting.
I’ve felt low-grade anxious all day long and I hate it. I know it’s because I stayed up too late last night, but all I want to do is shake it and I just can’t seem to. I’m looking forward to seeing the Physicist again tonight. Sounds like we’re probably going to go bowling, which should be really fun and low key and just what I need.
MissDreJanuary 22, 2016 at 4:48 pm #435936@Stonegypsy yes, it’s completely reasonable. I mean, I get it. There have been times where I’ve connected with someone online and initially felt excited about them… so we chat all day asking questions but, you either see more pictures of them and realize they look nothing like you thought they did (not in a good way) or they say something that makes you realize you aren’t compatible, so you fade out and stop replying.
I’m assuming that’s what’s happened here. Plus I’m sure he’s still meeting/talking to other girls online. It’s just disappointing when I SO RARELY find a match that I’m even remotely interested in. Blah.
Anyway, have fun tonight people!