DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
@Stonygypsy, In my understanding, the water heater and AC unit are totally separate units. The only way I could see one affecting the other is if they were connected to the same fuse on the circuit breaker but that would be a shody installation job since they’re supposed to have individual fuses.
August 7, 2015 at 11:50 am #371024Thanks, everyone. I know that’s just the way it goes. I guess part of it is that I’m just feeling down because partner is having awesome NRE with the girl he’s been seeing for a few months and I’m in this dating slump getting blown off left and right 😛
And he and I also realized that we want different types of poly relationship long term and so I’m wanting to find someone who is actually looking for a primary partner to build a life with and trying to create the emotional space to meet that person but it’s just feeling like I’m never going to (I know that’s ridiculous and I’m still young and there’s lots of people out there and I’ll find someone eventually).August 7, 2015 at 12:27 pm #371044Ack, Stonegypsy! I’m sorry. If it helps, I can relate somewhat. All of the dates I’ve been on lately have been really meh, and I haven’t had any matches at *all* for like, 3 weeks on coffee meets bagel except for the guy who wanted to walk barefoot and get dirty feet. I also got a “tip” from CMB the other day that someone had selected “have better pictures” as their reason for passing on me (they give you options for the reason why you choose to pass on someone)- Meanwhile, I’ve felt that my photos are a good representation of me, so the comment stung for a bit.
Anyways. I don’t know what to add to help you, but just know that at least 1 person (and probably more!) out there can understand how you’re feeling! And frankly, don’t waste any more energy on that guy. He’s not worth it. It’s good that you gave him an option to hang out, but it’s truly his loss to not take it. Furthermore that’s a lame excuse- although the water heater can be tied to the AC if the water from the WH is cycled into the condensing unit, but who knows if his actually does that.August 7, 2015 at 12:33 pm #371052@Moneypenny Okay, well at least I know they *can* be connected. I mean, I feel like the excuse must be legitimate, or else he would have just been like “I’m not feeling well”, but the lack of follow-up afterward is disappointing.
Like I said, definitely not reaching out again unless he does. And if he does, he gets one more chance to actually meet up.I am pretty excited about picnic dinner guy on Sunday.
Anyway, thanks for the support and letting me whine, guys. DW is just the best.
MissDreAugust 7, 2015 at 2:26 pm #371087You guys! I have a ridiculously confusing dating story. I’ve pretty much already decided what to do about it but would love to hear your feedback. Brace yourselves, it’s long!
So 3 weeks ago I met this guy on OkCupid. I’m the kind of girl who prefers to text, but he told me straight up that he sucks with texting and prefers to talk on the phone. So he calls me that night, and we end up on the phone for 3 hours! And I was thinking, wow I like this guy!
He called me every night for the next 3 nights. Then we met up in person on a Saturday night. It was a nice date, I had a good time. He kissed me. I felt pretty excited about it and I thought he was really sweet and well spoken.
Next day he added me on Facebook so I was like hey cool, he must be interested if he’s wanting to connect on social media.
The next few days he texted me a bit but he didn’t call me, he didn’t ask me out again. I tried calling him once, but he didn’t answer and didn’t call back.
Then I didn’t hear from him for nearly a week so I assumed he was no longer interested. I called one more time, no answer. So I just sent him a quick message saying “Hey, I had a great time with you the other day but I haven’t heard from you so I’m not really sure if you’re still interested in seeing each other again. If yes, let me know! If not, no hard feelings I wish you all the best.”
He called me that day and said of course he’s still interested, we’re all good he’s just been out of town for work. But he said he’d be back the next day and we agreed to meet up. We didn’t make specific plans, just agreed that we’d get in touch the next day.
Next day comes, I don’t hear from him. I shoot him a text saying hey, what time did you want to meet up today? No reply. Later that evening he texts me saying he’s so sorry but he has to cancel, something came up with work. He says he promises to make it up to me.
So I said ok, well I’m going out of town on Monday. Would be nice to see you before I go. Let me know when you have time. He says “You have no idea how much I want to see you.”
But I don’t hear from him at all. Nothing all weekend. This week Tuesday he texts me and asks when he can see me. I said I’d be back Thursday, and he said yes he’s free then. I asked him what he’d like to do and what time is good for him. No reply. Didn’t hear anything from him the next day. Nothing from him on Thursday.
Then late last night he texts me and says “Aren’t we supposed to be hanging out?” I said I didn’t hear anything back from him so I just assumed he was busy with work. I asked what he was up to. He says “Oh I’m just out with friends.”
Sooo…. he made other plans anyway? Why even bother texting me?
Anyway, I dunno what his deal is. Maybe he and I just have really different communication styles, maybe he’s not into me, who knows. Either way, it’s not working.
So I just replied saying it seems like we’ve got our lines of communication mixed up, since they way we’ve been trying to make plans hasn’t worked out so far. I said I’m just gonna leave it up to him, if he actually wants to go out on a date sometime and continue getting to know each other, he can plan something and let me know where/when in advance.
And he never replied to that. So, whatever. I’ve pretty much decided that this ain’t working and it’s not meant to be. If it was, it wouldn’t be so difficult just to set up a second date. I just find it confusing as fuck that he tells me he’s into me, says he wants to see me, but blows me off twice, and doesn’t reply when I ask him what he wants to do. What’s the point?
LoL dating sucks!
Texas TAugust 7, 2015 at 2:26 pm #371088My boyfriend of two years and I go on awesome dates ALL the time. It keeps romance alive. Skydiving, local venues pushing local musicians, brewery tasting, improv comedy theatre in Ft. Worth, star gazing after evening walks, car shows, test driving exotic cars, double dates, exotic wildlife park where they serve the BEST pizza.
I wanna go out now! TGIF! -