DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
MissDreAugust 7, 2015 at 2:49 pm #371095
Yeah I figured he’s not interested and there’s no point trying. But like… Why bother calling me if that’s the case? I’ve been in the position where somebody asks you to tell them straight up if you’re not interested and it makes you feel put on the spot, and you feel like an asshole for saying no. So I specifically didn’t even ask him for a response. I basically gave him an “out” without having to be a bad guy.
And why the fuck did he even bother texting me last night? He could have just disappeared and I wouldn’t have bothered him again. I didn’t even ask him what was up. I assumed he wasn’t interested and I left him alone. So… It’s confusing. I dunno, guys are weird.
I think sometimes we think we’re giving someone an out, but they STILL don’t want to look like they’re being a jerk and taking your out, so they BS you. And they may be trying to keep you as somewhat of an option, also, rather than cutting the tie entirely.
I second what Kate says. I’m pretty sure that’s what Ham Sandwich did by agreeing when I said I enjoyed hanging out, etc, really liked getting to know him. But guess what? I left it in his court and haven’t heard from him in a week and a half. I got the message
August 7, 2015 at 3:19 pm #371104“You have no idea how much I want to see you.”
“Educated guess: Not very much”
August 7, 2015 at 3:20 pm #371105The guy I was supposed to hang out with yesterday was the one to initially ask me out, and then said “Thursday can’t come soon enough”
Frakking guys.May I whine a bit too? I’m just a teeny tiny bit sad about something going on this weekend and I want a date to look forward to but options are limited around here. I find out on Tuesday when I’ll be able to travel near tinder teacher, but man it would have been nice to have that date on lock before this weekend rolled around.
August 7, 2015 at 4:10 pm #371114@Veritek Boo, that sucks 🙁
I totally understand that. Sad things are so much easier to deal with when you have something solid to look forward tokareAugust 7, 2015 at 4:56 pm #371120Agreeing with all the mixed messages guys send. Ugh. The guy that stood me up on my birthday flat out told me “you never called me”. Uh…that is straight up a lie. And we had plans to meet at my place. That you have a key to. I think some guys seriously delude themselves into thinking they’re “good” guys when really the lying and excuses are worse. I actually respect someone if they say “you know what I’m not interested, best of luck to you”.
I’ve thought about Coffee Meets Bagel but hearing feedback on why you are rejected sounds harsh. I like to pretend they saw how much I love reading and assumed I’m too nerdy for them.
No dates on the horizon here, but I’m feeling more optimistic than I have been in awhile. And crampy because Wednesday I came home drunk and discovered I started my period. So ready for this week to end.