DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,838 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 8 hours ago by Kate.
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  • April 13, 2017 at 7:56 pm #681802

    Yeah, I don’t eat much during the day and have more at night. I know that’s not the best advice for weight loss, but that is what I do.

    April 14, 2017 at 11:03 am #681914

    If he’s suggesting the restaurant, look at the menu beforehand and decide what you’re going to order and stick to it. If you can pick the restaurant, even better. I recently got back on track with Weight Watchers and my cousin and her husband were visiting last weekend, so I picked a restaurant where I knew I could get something healthy. And the active date thing is a good idea of course – hiking, kayaking, biking, etc.!

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    April 14, 2017 at 11:28 am #681921

    @anonymouse, your body doesn’t care at all when you eat calories! If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight regardless of time. All of those old sayings lines “no food after 5pm” have been proven incorrect.

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    April 15, 2017 at 10:21 am #682039

    So date number four is going to be a kayaking architecture tour, and I think grabbing a bite to eat afterward. Since we’ll be paddling for three hours before eating, I won’t have to feel as bad!

    And, honestly, I may be alone in this, but I’m not a calorie counter, even when I’m trying to lose weight. I get too obsessed with the calorie count. (I don’t weigh myself either for similar reasons.) I’ve had the most success in the past following a whole foods diet that is heavy on the produce and lean proteins and low in refined carbohydrates and added sugars. (Think Whole 30 without being as strict.) When it comes to dining out, alcohol gives me less anxiety than food. A glass of wine here or there won’t hurt me, in my opinion, but I hate not knowing how my food is prepared when I’m trying to buckle down with my food choices. But I guess I have no choice but to deal/try my best, OR be a total recluse. Ha.

    April 15, 2017 at 10:48 am #682043

    One thing I used to do it I knew where we were eating dinner was look at the menu ahead of time and decide what I was going to order, then stick to that. ETA, oh, K already said that. It works.

    I’ve tried not weighing myself and just eating smaller portions and exercising, but if I don’t hold myself accountable for what I actually eat and drink, I will gain weight. I had gotten up to 118 back in January by not paying attention, and after tracking with Fitbit for 3 months I’m sticking at 112. We go out a lot too, I just have to be aware of how many calories are in certain dishes, order something tasty but not awful on the nutritional side, and eat half of it.

    My credit card bill is smaller when I write down what I spend in a notebook too, as well as tracking it on Mint.

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    April 15, 2017 at 11:08 am #682047

    Yeah, I’m starting with smaller changes at the moment and doing well on that front. My last job was so hectic that I was constantly eating out, sometimes up to three meals a day, so no surprise I gained weight. Now I’m back to eating solid breakfasts and packing my own lunches. The only thing I need to rein in at this point is dinner, which I’ve more or less done with the exception of when I’m out with other people. I think if I’m mindful during most meals, it’s okay to cheat here and there, and I should be more comfortable in my own skin again within a few months. I have, in the past, gotten snide remarks from people if I’m open about the fact that I’m trying to watch what I eat, and hate feeling judged for trying to be healthy. (It’s such a dumb thing to judge someone on, but I do catch myself feeling embarrassed!)

    April 15, 2017 at 11:12 am #682050

    Nah, there’s a way to do it. If you’re, say, a lightweight rower trying to make weight, and you go out and don’t eat or drink, and make a million modifications to a salad, and then send it back, and you’re always hangry, yeah, that’s not fun. If you’re just like, “Dish X, sauce on the side,” and don’t eat any rolls, no one should notice or care.

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    April 16, 2017 at 8:05 am #682117

    Poor lady 🙁 She starts blaming and questioning herself for the guys creepy gift. She did NOTHING wrong. It was all on him for taking it too far. Gah wish some women didn’t see it always there fault for leading the guy on.

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    April 16, 2017 at 10:06 am #682121

    I seriously wanted to vomit when I read that article. And then rage at, “He even mentioned, as if it were relevant in this situation, that some women will go to any length not to be alone.” UGH.

    How was date #4, Copa? I have major city envy of you guys! I wanted to do the kayaking architecture tour when I visited Chicago a couple years ago, but I felt I wasn’t fit enough. Loved the boat tour anyway!

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    April 16, 2017 at 10:15 am #682123

    Date four turned into a marathon date! We grabbed lunch and went on a kayaking architecture tour. (It was windy as hell and so much harder than I thought it’d be!) We went back to his place, and one of his college buddies came over to watch hockey. Taco Guy cooks! And cooks well! We all got takeout tacos from a nearby taqueria (WAY better than our taco Tuesday tacos!) and Taco Guy brought out a brussel sprouts and kale salad and poblano rice he’d made a couple days ago, and they were really good! His friend was great, and I Liked that his friend hugged me goodbye, and after he left, Taco Guy and I watched a movie and made out a little. And eventually I left. I have nothing going on for Easter today since I have no family nearby, and I’m so tired — but it’s worth it! Assuming there’s a date five, though, it won’t be for another 1-2 weeks since he’s traveling this week and my mom is coming to visit for a week at the tail end of the week. So that’s my update!

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    April 16, 2017 at 11:37 am #682130


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    April 16, 2017 at 4:44 pm #682154

    Awesome! Also I am up for taco date. I love tacos. Good tacos. Ask AP about the time she made me vegan tacos… guess I can’t handle that much mushroom/nut combo

    MissDre I hope you’re having fun!! Send us a batsignal or something.

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