DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • TheHizzy
    December 4, 2017 at 3:52 pm #728428

    @MissDre I get you totally. We picked the ring together back in AUGUST. And I had to wait until almost December to actually get proposed to. But, I wouldn’t have wanted it any sooner. I was feeling impatient with waiting but in the end it all worked out.

    December 4, 2017 at 3:59 pm #728432

    I’m also a little bit scared that he’ll change his mind now that it’s all real, because that’s what my ex did to me. But I’m trying not to let my own insecurities get to me.

    December 5, 2017 at 8:54 am #728467

    Do you really feel like he might change his mind / this isn’t real (vs. he might need more time)? It does seem like, to be on the moving in August timeline, he needs to take you ring shopping at Christmas, or arrive with a ring. That would demonstrate he’s on the same page with your timeline and acknowledges all the preparation and hoop-jumping and planning that you’ll be doing between now and August. If that doesn’t happen, I guess what you do is focus on starting your business, on the side, *for you,* and if there’s no proposal by the next time you see him, say in February, that he’s not on the same page actually, so you don’t move forward with plans to quit your job, rent or sell your condo, etc. And you would ask him if he needs more time or where he is with things.

    December 5, 2017 at 9:10 am #728471

    Well considering what has happened to me in the past, changing his mind is always a possibility. My ex and I had actually agreed on a timeline to get engaged, he said he was cool with it. I told him I’d like to go ring shopping together, he kept putting it off. I asked if he was waiting for something, or if he felt like there was something he needed to accomplish first and he said no, he wasn’t waiting for anything. A few months later I asked him again where he was at and I couldn’t get a straight answer out of him. He finally told me that he hated my family.

    Then again, he acted like a dick towards me in the 8 months between agreeing to get engaged and me finally leaving him.

    So I dunno. My only life experience with this kind of thing is that guys say they want something and then change their minds but don’t tell you and just treat you like shit instead so that you’ll do the dirty work of breaking up.

    Sometimes you just can’t help but let old insecurities resurface, even though you’ve moved on. Especially in a time of change and transition.

    December 5, 2017 at 9:27 am #728478

    Well, yeah, there’s your past experience, and also, that kind of thing does happen. But now you know what the signs are. So if he starts withdrawing or being pissy, you know to have a conversation. If he’s being a great boyfriend then maybe you can tell yourself to relax because it’s just your past trying to eat at you.

    December 5, 2017 at 9:30 am #728479

    I know. So far he’s still being great. Still FaceTiming me every day, still sending me pics of what he’s up to and asking about my day and telling me that he misses me. I look forward to him getting here at Christmas.

    December 5, 2017 at 9:32 am #728481

    @MissDre Does this relationship feel differently than the past one? It’s hard to not let those past experiences guide us down a bad path. I still sometimes compare FMH (Future MrHizzy) to past relationships. And FMH sometimes still doe that with me. But each day that fear goes away. I think once you live together the relationship will change. You’ll feel more secure. Just….enjoy the ride to there.

    December 5, 2017 at 9:35 am #728483

    It’s not just guys. I did that to my ex-fiance. We talked marriage. And a life together. I told him what kind of ring I’d prefer. He proposed. I said yes. Shortly after, I started to withdraw from him. It took me about 5 months, maybe 6 to finally call it off and break up. Those months were totally fucked up and I feel bad about how I acted, but it’s good we didn’t marry only to divorce later.

    Anyway, what Kate said. Don’t let old insecurities ruin what you have now. You know the signs to look out for… so enjoy this time and your relationship!

    FWIW, he married a few years after the break up. So, me being an asshole didn’t keep him from finding someone. And I was an asshole. He looks happy and I was thrilled for him!

    December 5, 2017 at 9:55 am #728487

    @TheHizzy it does feel different.

    There have been many times where I’ve been scared that he will disappoint me (all my own insecurities because of my ex), but he never has.

    Whenever I have brought up something serious, he has never avoided the topic or tried to get out of discussing things.

    He has been excited for me to meet his friends, even invited me to that wedding in Italy and thanked me for coming.

    He has told his family all about me and shown them my picture, even his mom. He’s always affectionate. He always holds my hand.

    He goes out of his way to take care of me… for example taking the bus 1.5 hours from Gatwick airport to Heathrow airport to meet me so we could travel to our hotel together.

    He’s the one that has asked me 3 times to move. He sends me postcards when he travels for work. He says out loud that he loves me.

    I could write a list as long as my arm. Basically he is the extreme opposite of my ex in every way.

    December 5, 2017 at 12:09 pm #728536

    @MissDre – just enjoy this fun sounding ride 🙂 Easier said than done.

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    December 5, 2017 at 12:26 pm #728542

    @ktfran I’m just curious, but were you guys able to stay or become friends post-breakup?

    Anyway, yes, @MissDre, what everyone else is saying about not letting past insecurities ruin your current relationship. If you’re able to look back on your past relationship and recognize that the writing was on the wall, that there were too many instances of dragging his feet and acting non-committal, I’d say it’s super unlikely you won’t notice them again IF your current boyfriend starts acting that way. And it sounds like so far, so good — he’s being a good boyfriend and showing you in meaningful ways that he cares and is committed. And I think you’d notice a shift and quickly be like, “Dude, we need to talk about this!” You wouldn’t stand for someone stringing you along this time. Like I remember lamenting to an older, wiser co-worker after my second big break-up that I felt like things had fallen apart super quickly, and she was like, “Um, actually, you should feel proud that you recognized a bad situation quickly.” And I think she was right. My first relationship/crappy breakup sucked but it helped me immensely in recognizing what was “off” and when I needed to cut and run without the agony of trying to force a relationship to work.

    December 5, 2017 at 2:32 pm #728573

    We did remain friendly afterwards. I’m not sure how, because I did everything wrong. We worked together, so that prob had something to do with it. We both moved to different cities within the same week about 8 months after the break up. We had lunch and wished each other well. After that, pretty much no more contact, and that’s ok.

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