DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,838 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 8 hours ago by Kate.
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    May 15, 2018 at 8:45 am #752697

    @hfantods I’m so happy for you!! I remember your reservations and I am glad you stuck it out. I think when we’ve been dating dickheads for so long hat don’t treat us the way we deserve, it’s jarring to date someone who does treat us well and that thrill isn’t quite there in the same way, which leads us to believe it may not be what we want. I felt similarly with my husband and thank god I didn’t psych myself out. Same to you! Congrats.

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    May 18, 2018 at 8:04 am #752844

    @hfantods that is so awesome! So glad to hear you are moving along with your BF and becoming more comfortable 🙂

    Off topic: Found this book review for ‘Hard to Do: The surprising feminist history of breaking up’


    May 23, 2018 at 6:59 pm #753857

    So I just recently had to block a very cute guy I’d met because he called me drunk – THREE times in one day before noon while I was at work. Kinda funny in retrospect – he was a very lovey sort of drunk but damn.

    The amount of crazy out there is really startling. All I’m looking for right now is a nice guy in my age range who has his life together, makes me laugh, and doesn’t freak out if I make more money than he does. Sadly hard to find even in a big metro area like LA!

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    May 24, 2018 at 11:17 am #753946

    @alafair Yeah, that’s a bit excessive. A few years ago, I met a guy on a bus and we exchanged numbers and made plans. He was really chatty throughout the week by text, which I didn’t love but dealt with cause I thought it was nice that he seemed excited. Then he absolutely killed his chances the night before our date when he blew up my phone with drunk texts. I still went out with him as planned, but the onslaught of drunk messages turned me off and I was over it before we’d even spent time together. And then we discovered on our date that he’s good friends with my cousin and had met a lot of my extended family, so he was like a meet cute gone awry.

    May 25, 2018 at 11:11 am #754062

    Yes, @alafair that was too much.
    I recently had to block someone too.

    Turns out, at work, sometimes they send people over from other departments to help us with the high work load. They had been sending this guy who was funny, charming, not bad looking. During work we had a lot to talk about, he even brought me tea one day and I brought him tea the next day.
    Well, then one day he texts me out of nowhere. Turns out I never gave him my number. He asked around or, what’s worse, looked for it in my file (he works at HR). Can you believe this? I just blocked him, and haven’t seen him since.
    And all of these lead to a crying crisis over the fact that this made me think of the guys that I keep attracting and why do guys think they can do this sort of thing and I’ll never find anyone decent.

    May 25, 2018 at 12:07 pm #754068

    @Ale, would it really be so bad if he had asked a friend for your number and texted you? (Obviously, if he used your HR file that’s a very different story and a terrible professional violation).

    May 25, 2018 at 1:20 pm #754072

    I think that would be bad, yes. We see each other at work a couple times a week, we chat, so he could have just asked me for my number. I think it’s an invasion of privacy to ask someone for a phone number without your consent. I’m 99% sure he looked for it in my file though which is worse

    May 27, 2018 at 7:00 am #754186


    So did it happen? Inquiring minds want to know

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    May 29, 2018 at 9:13 am #754339

    @Ale I don’t think it’s bad if he asks a friend for your number, but going through your file would be crossing a line to me. Did he admit to going through your HR file? I don’t know what the policies are surrounding that kind of behavior, but it seems inappropriate and abuse of his position. If you guys are friendly at work, then yeah, there’s no reason he can’t just ask you for your number.

    So living so close to my neighbor has had it’s kinda hard moments. I went away for the long weekend and came back, was minding my own business in my living room unpacking, and saw him through my window going back to his apartment with someone else. I have no clue who she is, or if it was anything romantic. I know it’s none of my business. It’s not even THAT big of a deal, but I still felt a tiny pang of…idk, jealousy/sadness(?)…in my gut. For someone I got to know by running into him outside all. the. time, I’ve barely seen him the past month or so that we haven’t really been talking. But I bumped into him this morning and he was super friendly so we caught up for a bit. As a person, I still like him, still think he’s attractive, but he was a flakey in dating and flakes drive me bonkers. I mean, I guess it’s nice that we can be mature and friendly.

    May 30, 2018 at 10:22 am #754510

    @Copa yeah that kind of sucks… Same thing happens to me when I see my ex at work and remember good times.

    So, I posted here about my ex professor from grad school that I asked out. He came back from Chicago and we never went out but he kept sending me memes and asking me how I was, but conversation was always two-three messages top. I asked him out again last Saturday, because my friends and I were celebrating a birthday that day (some of my friends are mutual friends with him). He said that he was definitely going then never showed up.
    Then on Sunday… Around 6 pm he texted me asking me what I was doing. Then he said “nevermind, I just want to fuck”. So, this dude that almost never talks to me started telling me how he was drunk and horny and thought of me but that he knew I deserved better than that but if I still wanted to do it I could come over.
    So, seemed promising, great on paper but he fucked up.

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    May 30, 2018 at 2:46 pm #754550

    Yikes! @Ale, I’m not sure how actively you’re trying to meet someone at the moment, but I think now might be a good time for a short dating break. I have to take them when I get too exasperated.

    Side note, one of my favorite podcasts, Death, Sex & Money, released an episode today about dating in the today’s world. I only listened to the first 10 minutes this morning before work, but I’m curious to listen to the rest. The first person she talked to was a gay Asian male talking about his experiences with dating apps in D.C. in the year or so that he’s been out of his last LTR. It was interesting. I lament on here fairly regularly about how I find people really flakey in our dating app culture, and that’s basically what he was talking about — but he described, like, next-level flakiness. He said that he’s arranged casual hook-ups and gotten to the point where he’s shown up to another person’s house and they won’t open the door cause they’ve changed their mind.

    May 31, 2018 at 9:59 am #754635

    @Copa I am not actively dating right now, I’m not on any dating app. But I thought this guy deserved a chance, maybe. So I asked him out. Anyways.

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