DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
So I was crazy-busy last night working that event and after about an hour there texted BG that he was still welcome to come buy I didn’t think things would slow down for me soon. So he ended up not coming, which was a little disappointing (just wanna see him!) but I totally understand that he didn’t want to go to my work event alone and not get any time with me. I was helping with registration and was kind of shocked how rude some people can be if you tell them they’re at a private, ticketed event and need to pay for a ticket if they haven’t paid already. Anyway. It was a late and busy night. I am exhausted. BG and I are doing dinner tonight but I’m quietly hoping jet lag is kicking his butt like it did mine a couple weeks ago because I really want an early night if we’re gonna be out celebrating St. Patty’s all day tomorrow.
Anyone have fun weekend plans or dates?
Where is @TheLadyE, what’s new with you?
TheHizzyMarch 15, 2019 at 10:30 am #837327This weekend we are crossing a lot off our list.
Tonight is 19.4 and I’m stoked
Saturday will be busy:
-we’re going to work on writing our vows
-following up with our pre-martial counseling we have slacked on
-hopefully find FMH’s shoes
Sunday will be meal prep and resting up!Nothing too exciting here. After being gone all last weekend I’m excited to be home. We also just got our carpets cleaned so I want to be home in a nice clean house. We might overhaul the house some on Sunday. Get more organized.
Our anniversary is tomorrow so a good meal. A still mooing steak for me for sure. We also are going to a museum tomorrow.
We have our consult with the new dr this evening for the reversal. Fingers crossed that goes well.
Currently sitting at the dentist as we both came in for cleanings. I’m a good flosser and no cavities. Woohoo.
Am looking at veneers on my two front teeth from when they were knocked out when I was a kid. The bonding has lived its life span. That should be cheap. Ha. Thanks to the kid for pushing me on the playground and knocking out my two front teeth.
I have been so sick for the last three days and MofV has been down for the last two days. The good news is we kept each other alive and survived being sick at the same time. The bad news is the house needs to be bombed and disinfected.
My mom is having her knee replaced next week and so my dad is going to stay with us for a few days which is fine, but still stresses me out. Especially since my grandma died shortly after her knee replacement from complications. So, if you’re the praying kind, throw one up for my mom on Tuesday.
All that to say, MofV is Irish and I can pass for Irish (I’m Scottish) and so we are getting shit faced this weekend before the shit storm starts next week.
I have also been super sick with a cold and my bf just caught it on Thursday so I think our St. Paddy’s day plans may be a bit more low-key this year. I still plan to drink a few beers, but I don’t think it will be as much of an all-out party as it usually is. I had wanted to go to Chicago since it is only about a 6 hour drive from me and I have heard St. Paddy’s day is pretty epic there, but the sickness has won. I know a few of you are from Chicago or that area, is it really that great? Or are you mostly just annoyed with the drunken tourists?
I am not the praying type, but I will keep your Mom in my thoughts @Veritek.
I am mostly a lurker, but love hearing the updates from people, especially as I find myself in a relatively new (6 months) relationship after I was sure the last one was “it”.
I hope all is well @theladye. How is life across the pond going @MissD?
Miss MJMarch 15, 2019 at 11:42 am #837349Veritek: Sending good thoughts your mom’s way. For what it’s worth, my mom had a knee replacement a few years ago and the recovery was a bitch to be sure, but she’s doing well now. (Unfortunately, she probably needs to get the other one done soon, but she’s trying really hard to avoid it.)
March 15, 2019 at 11:48 am #837352So we had a blizzard here on Wednesday. Sustained winds of 50+ MPH and gusts up to nearly 90 MPH! It was crazy. Back to work today though. Glad the blizzard didn’t last to long as I didn’t go to the store (who wants to fight that crowd?) and am now nearly out of everything.
Other than having some company Saturday evening, nothing else going on here.
Good luck to your mom @Vertek. I hope it goes well. Knee surgery sucks for sure – sorry she has to go through that. That is def one surgery to avoid if possible but I understand it isn’t always possible.
St. Patty’s is a scene in Chicago! Downtown is a bit of a shitshow with drunks everywhere. If you’re a person who loves St. Patty’s, you’d probably enjoy it. It’s crowded, but they dye the river green and it’s always nice to see the city come to life as winter starts to die down. A couple years I’ve been here have been sunny and temperate enough to ditch the puffer coat for the day. (Two years ago it was fuh-reeeezing.) I have done St. Patty’s the Chicago way a couple times, but I could take or leave it. I don’t really “get” St. Patty’s, even though I am part Irish, and I’d sit tomorrow out if my boyfriend’s friends didn’t have traditions that he enjoys participating in.
Will keep your mom in my thoughts, @Veritek!
I’m not going to lie, the Chicago St. Pat’s day scene can be a total shit show. Maybe it’s ok downtown/by the river…. but the bars in all of the neighborhoods are insane. People are fighting and passing out by, IDK, 2 in the afternoon. Then they go home, rally and go back out. I’ve seen vomit on the sidewalks. I’ve seen two women fight in a bar. I’ve seen people not able to stand. I avoid these types of holidays, like St. Pat’s and Cinco de Mayo around here because it’s total amateur hour.
Others might have had different experiences.
Oh, no — it’s a shit show by the river for sure. When I do St. Patty’s, I have to be drunk, too. Last year I had to work that Saturday, and was on the el at my normal time dressed for a meeting and people were already sloppy. Another year, I volunteered at the animal shelter and on my way home, I saw a woman pull her pants down and go to the bathroom right on the sidewalk. I assume anyone who is into St. Patrick’s Day knows what they’re getting themselves into and considers this kind of thing fun. I don’t really get it and it’s not really my scene, but I do participate sometimes. I don’t think I’ve noticed many Cinco de Mayo celebrations around the city, but would refuse to participate in that.