DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • March 15, 2019 at 4:45 pm #837409

    Guys 20 mins until phone consult with the new urologist. Send good thoughts! I have a bottle of wine if it goes well and tequila if it doesn’t. Hahaha

    And based on the sounds of St Patrick’s day in Chicago maybe I’ll still to the ol Shamrock in Newport. Who am I kidding, I avoid Newport during any drinking holiday. Shit show!! Last time I did the 4th there I ended up with a black eye from someone throwing a volleyball at my face with sunglasses on.

    March 15, 2019 at 5:13 pm #837412

    Good luck @JD!

    I am to old for that kind of partying but I’ll be honest it was never really my thing anyway. It seems drinking just about anything anymore gives me headaches (besides a beer or a mixed drink).

    Have a good weekend all!

    March 15, 2019 at 5:34 pm #837414

    Already done and approved. He says August at the latest but we will be on a wait list.

    Must get my butt into better shape now that we are sure. I let myself slide a bit after finding out our last surgery wasn’t happening, mostly due to being upset about it. Luckily the weather is getting better so can get my butt outside more.

    Woohoo. The anniversary present I was hoping for.

    in my day I could party for sure but now at my age it’s a 2 day hangover if I have more than two or three drinks. Not worth it. I could see is possibly going out tomorrow after dinner but I think it’ll depend on the mood and if we want to deal with the crazy party people. And even then people get way too nuts around here so unlikely. People get in bar fights and screaming arguments regularly at bars. Whole different world around here.

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    March 15, 2019 at 11:17 pm #837442

    Hi Copa! Thanks for asking about me. 🙂

    I’ve mostly been working and doing comedy. Dating has been a shitshow. I’ve been trying but it’s truly awful. This week, I met a guy on OKCupid and we messaged back and forth all evening Monday, so on Tuesday he asked to call me. He got on the phone and was…drunk? High? Insane? Anyway, he had Googled my relatively unique name and found my blog and my comedy events, told me I should stop doing comedy with all women (which I often do) because it will “hold me back” plus a fuckton of other misogynistic shit, including that “he knows Louis CK and what were those women expecting when they went to his hotel room at 3am?” He’s 37 years old, unemployed, and living with his parents in a small town outside of the city…only the first of which he was honest about until I called him on it. I told him I needed to go to bed (it was 11pm) and I literally had to hang up on him still talking at 11:30pm. He then spammed me with messages varying from butthurt to insane, blocked me on OKCupid, and then texted me at 4am when he “woke up” (?) accusing me of blocking him and being close-minded. I asked my neighbor to keep my dog the next day because that scared me.


    I am headed to LA in early April to see my FWB and do some open mics there, which will be fun. Comedy is going really well and I’ve made a bunch of friends. My job is challenging and mostly rewarding. Other than that, meh. Glad to hear things are going so well with BG! That gives me hope. 🙂

    March 16, 2019 at 5:05 am #837450

    The time to hang up would be as soon as he said hello and seemed drunk. “Oh, sounds like you’ve been having a good time. You know what, let’s talk tomorrow. Give me a call then. Goodnight!” Or if not then, as soon as he said he googled you and blah blah blah. “You know what, I don’t like where this is going. I’m going to go to bed now. Good night!”

    March 16, 2019 at 6:13 am #837456

    Oh wow! Good thing you phone screened him. Glad you are having a good time doing your comedy!

    March 16, 2019 at 4:44 pm #837485

    Wait,@TheLadyE, you left out what happened on your date with that guy.

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    March 16, 2019 at 11:08 pm #837495

    Kate – I honestly couldn’t tell that he was drunk (I don’t even know if he was). I should’ve hung up after he told me what I should be doing with my comedy, but he teaches a firearms class and I was scared. I wanted to placate him before I got him off the phone because he knows my real name. Never had to deal with anything like that before, so I’m sure I didn’t handle it perfectly.

    Which date? Obviously nothing has gone well because I have zero updates. A bunch of big dull duds.

    March 17, 2019 at 5:39 am #837503

    @E, I want you (and all women) to be safe when dating. I don’t know about hinge or some of those apps that are attached to FB, but I’ve used OKC and there’s no reason for a guy to know your real name. I’m not trying to lecture you, you’re 35, you’ve been dating a long time, but you have to use pics that aren’t posted elsewhere on the web and a username that’s not going to lead to a search on your real name. I never told anyone my last name until we’d been out at least once AND I liked them. Otherwise, no reason to have it. When chatting through the site before meeting, be careful not to drop details like the company you work at or the club where you did a show. And then the second a guy gets nasty or weird or sexist, just block him. I got some of those mean messages from randos and I always blocked, sometimes reported. Engaging with them at all just rewards them. You’re a strong professional funny woman and you don’t ever have to sit there on the phone for an hour and be insulted.

    March 17, 2019 at 6:19 am #837506

    We went out on a St Patrick’s themed date. I used to go to this pub crawl that started at noon and we’d go to all the wack Irish places around Faneuil Hall and wear crazy costumes, but everyone got too old and had kids.

    Yesterday morning I went to the small-format urban Target they put in at the T station near my house (I LOVE IT!!!) and bought us outfits. I got my husband a green zip hoodie, green satin bomber jacket with white stripe trim (which, Karamo on Queer Eye is wearing a similar blue one haha), Irish flag socks, and a shamrock medallion. Very 90s Boston street hip hop, and he’s like, “I look fly.” I got a one-shoulder Celtics top and a light-up shamrock headband and I had green nails and green smokey eyes. Extra Masshole middle-aged woman chic. Then we went on a little pub crawl on Boylston Street and drank green drinks. The bartender at Uno’s had green dye to put in my Prosecco. And a drunk older lady said my headband was wicked pissah.

    I had a corned beef boiled dinner on Friday night too.

    Today I’ll probably wear my outfit to the nursing home to see my aunt, because the nurses like festive shit. I might show my aunt a Queer Eye episode. She is pretty bored in there. I try to tell her sensational stories about the news, without getting into horror territory.

    March 17, 2019 at 7:05 am #837508

    We avoided most of the holiday debauchery. Went to a steakhouse for our anniversary dinner. They sat a group of two couples at the table next to us and the men were way too drunk to be at dinner. Ones wife had to tell him to stop as we were sitting there which he was so drunk he wasn’t even aware of, then slurred some rude comments our way including merry Christmas, which i am not sure why was an insult to him so much as just a confusing comment. Haha. He clearly realized he was being an idiot though because he straightened up and slipped the waitress’s his card to cover all of their meals from what I assume is shame once his wife gave him the look. Ha.

    I thought I’d see a lot more partying as even a normal Saturday night around here is a bit crazy and we were in the downtown area but it was pretty calm. Maybe everyone had already blacked out.

    They cook their veggies there so yummy. Zucchini with roasted peppers. Husband and I decided we were going to make similar. We both love zucchini. We actually are growing some now to prepare to put them in the ground in a few weeks. They sprouted to 5 inches in a few days! We have a bunch of veggies started and found a pop up green house the other day at the store. It’s small bit big enough to hold it and transition them outside. We get pretty into our growing. I kill anything but he’s really good at it. I also planted a ton of Broccoli and peppers.

    Son comes home tomorrow, late.
    Hoping his flights are on time. Poor kid has more delayed flights than anyone ive ever known.

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    March 17, 2019 at 11:07 am #837533

    Oh man. I participated in the debauchery. BG and I had fun with his friends out in the suburbs and decided to take a later train home… but this also meant we skipped dinner, which I’m sure you all know is a terrible idea when drinking all day… and then decided to go to one of my friends’ parties after getting off the train. So, I’m pretty hungover today.

    I really like a lot of BG’s friends and their SOs, but met one yesterday that I didn’t like very much. He asked me if I drink in a way that felt oddly judgmental. I had a drink in my hand so I asked, jokingly, what kind of question is that!? And he clarified by basically asking if I’m a heavy drinker because he is, he said. Then at one point when BG was grabbing my coat, he said something about BG like, “What a weird guy. Don’t you think he’s such a weird guy!?” I was surprised by the comment, it was completely unprompted (BG wasn’t doing anything even a little weird), and it made me pause before saying “no” very flatly. And he seemed blown away by my education. And at one point made a comment about how good I looked. IDK, every interaction with this guy felt off-putting. I wasn’t a fan. BG mentioned he seemed agitated and I guess at one point was fighting with his fiance at one of the bars (I didn’t see this), so maybe I caught him on a bad day.

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