DW Community Catch-up Thread
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I actually saw great airfare to Portugal the other day! I checked their weather and it’s too early for their beaches, but I’d still be down if I can get BG on board. He’s pretty adamant about a beach at the moment.
He needs to double check today how much PTO he has, which will influence the trip. If he doesn’t have a ton of days, it’ll be a short Yucatan beach destination. Which is okay, the beaches are beautiful and I like a swim-up bar as much as the next person, but I feel a little frustrated at the idea of a Mexican vacation in an area lacking in culture. I had a great itinerary planned in my head, going to Oaxaca and then a beach, but I don’t think he’ll have enough days off to pull that trip off and the airfare is already shooting up quickly.
I’ve never been to the Keys! I’d be down for that, too, actually!
I am so sorry about your dog @veritek, sending you hugs.
@copa – I went to Nicaragua last April and it was amazing. There are some resorts if you are just looking to relax, but the cities are really easy to navigate and they are very accommodating to tourists as the industry has taken a hit in the past couple of years due to some political unrest.
Unfortunately I was sick the entire holidays and am still fighting a cough, but on the plus side I didn’t get to indulge much so I was able to fit into my jeans comfortably yesterday 🙂
I think we’re going to Kauai in early March now! Just waiting on my PTO to be approved before booking! It’ll be the end of the rainy season there, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for nice weather, even though my understanding is that it rains basically daily there year-round, but mostly on the north shore and almost always a scattered passing shower/storm, rarely ever the kind of rain that will ruin your plans for the day.
January 7, 2020 at 3:36 pm #870577So sorry @MG and @Ver about your dog.
Our oldest dog (who is 11) isn’t doing so well. I was off the last two weeks and didn’t realize how bad he was until I was home most of the time. The vet said it could be cushings (which I didn’t know pets get). So got to try and get him some help with that.
I was also sick during the holidays – a bad, bad cold. I really hated being sick when I was home from work. That was supposed to be my time (and family time)!
@Copa – that sounds amazing! Our next trip I think will be in June going to the Grand Cayman Islands! Can’t wait to go 🙂
January 7, 2020 at 3:52 pm #870581kauai is great! stay south east if you can, Copa. We stayed at the Marriott Koloa landing and no rain down there (we had gone in December).
and check out GoBlueAdventures on instagram. They were awesome and they *now* have beach landing access on the western shore (no one did when we went in 2017). I will say that we loved our helicopter ride.. but it was with the company that recently had the big accident last week.
Thanks for the recs! BG has so many hotel points from when he traveled alllll the time for work that we can actually stay for free at a resort on the east side of the island if we want. I’ve read east is the second rainiest side, but even if it weren’t, I’d have no qualms spending a couple nights on another part of the island even if it means paying ourselves.
BG went there for work a few years back and did the helicopter ride, he LOVED it. Once bored me to sleep (literally) with footage of his tour, haha. Even without the recent safety scares, helicopters make me nervous… but I’d consider the tour anyway.
Anxious to get my PTO approved so we can book away! We saw some great airfare that I’m worried will go up if we don’t book soon.
TheLadyEJanuary 8, 2020 at 11:34 pm #870890Sounds exciting Copa! I think it’s amazing how many of us were single and dating when this thread started – or even 1-2 years ago – and now Ver is getting married, and you’re planning a vacation with BG, and I am twitterpated with my wonderful boyfriend. <3
Y’all, Y’ALL, I am SO READY TO GO BACK TO WORK. I have a verbal offer from a friend and am waiting on the written offer. I should start this month, but the waiting is hard. I’m so ready to be back into a rhythm, and I think it’ll help my puppies with training too (though I’ll miss being with them all day!). I’ve started going to the gym regularly this year to get them used to me being gone.
All that said, my boyfriend and I have been very frugal in our dates the last few months that I’ve been in between jobs, but when I get my offer letter I’m taking him out on the town and we’re going to dress up and take pictures and then I’m going to print those pictures out and put them on my desk at my new job and I’m so excited. 😀
That’s awesome!!! It’s such a wonderful feeling to find a new job after losing one.
I know I’m such a damper, but I wouldn’t put pics of your boyfriend on your desk. Like we were talking about in the other thread, the least info shared about your personal life, the better. I know this woman is your friend, but my strong advice would be to start out sharing nothing but the essentials and only when asked, or if it comes up, like, you say you’re going on a trip and they ask with who. I’m not kidding. You can always show a pic or two on your phone if people ask about your dogs or your boyfriend after you get to know them.
ETA I’m so not trying to be a jerk, it’s just that a boyfriend is part of your personal social life, of which you don’t want to provide any visual in a new job. Date pics belong on your private social media. On your desk, should just be work stuff. Maybe a piece of kids’ artwork, one wedding pic or kid pic or dog pic.
Hm. I guess I’m curious the reasoning behind that, Kate? I recently (past few months) brought a few more personal items to decorate my office, including some pictures. I do have one of me and my boyfriend in a frame. I don’t see anything wrong with it, and even with a few photos of loved ones, my office still feels pretty bland by comparison to other coworkers. I don’t talk a ton about my personal life at work — to the point that when Thanksgiving plans came up, the coworker who asked was shocked to learn I’ve been seeing the same guy for over a year — but a photo or two seems relatively benign to me.
And congrats on the new job, @TheLadyE! New jobs can be overwhelming, but it’s always a great feeling to be hired and starting a new chapter.
Congrats Lady E! I’ve been unemployed before and I know the joy of finding a new job!
My office is super close knit so we are abnormal. They’re going to facetime our wedding since it’s during a work day and we have such a small guest list. But I did wait a long time to put a picture of me and MofV on my desk. Now I just have two of our engagement pics on my desk.
He’s volunteered for several office events that I’ve been in charge of so everyone in my office knows him now anyway.