DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,838 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 8 hours ago by Kate.
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  • February 14, 2020 at 11:38 am #875227

    My galentine’s is tomorrow!!!! And despite not having reservations, we’re going to try and get into Cabra. The idea is to go early, like 5:45-6, and hopefully not have to wait more than an hour to an hour and a half and then we’ll probably get drunk while waiting for a table.

    I need to look up the new Emma movie. Thanks LadyE.

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    February 14, 2020 at 1:49 pm #875241

    Oooh. I’m curious how long you’ll have to wait. I went to Cabra last June, we had a reservation at an off time on a Friday, and it was packed. I liked it, though. Enjoyed my food, enjoyed my drinks, was glad we snagged a seat on the patio. Have a great time!

    Also just got an email from the event I went to last night that I won dance lessons in their raffle. A little sad I didn’t win wine (ha!), but I think dance lessons could be fun.

    February 14, 2020 at 1:56 pm #875242

    Yeah. We’ll see about the wait time. If it’s insane, there are plenty of other restaurants I love in the neighborhood. It’s a last minute get together so of course, all decent timed reservations at any place we’re interested in our gone.

    Hmm. Dance lessons. Fun. I think?!?

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    February 14, 2020 at 3:22 pm #875249

    So I feel like I touched on this awhile back. For those of you who moved in with a partner and it involved the sale of one (or I suppose both!) person’s real estate, how the heck do people time this stuff? I got my lease renewal papers earlier than expect this year and am getting down to the wire to sign or not. BG owns his place and like I mentioned, it’s not a dog-friendly building (I have a dog) and he’s increasingly annoyed with the neighbors. So we’ve decided our best bet is to look for something new together. But that involves selling his place, which is something he hasn’t really put much thought into yet. No clue how long it’ll take to sell it. I’m hesitant to NOT resign my lease because my rental rate is so low that I’m positive it’ll be snatched up quickly. I have no idea how people get the timing of this stuff right.

    Miss MJ
    February 14, 2020 at 3:41 pm #875250

    Copa: How soon is your lease up? Can you just sign month-to-month? Or, if not, can you two agree to split the cost of breaking the lease? I definitely would NOT fail to re-sign your lease without something else that is dog-friendly purchased and a firm move in date. And, if you guys buying is dependent upon him selling his place, you may have a bit of a wait if it’s not even on the market yet.

    February 14, 2020 at 3:46 pm #875251

    I owned a condo when we decided to move in together. Looking back, I kinda wish I held onto it because it shot up in value in the last few years, but it was small for 2 people and in particular it only had one small bathroom. I sold it during the height of spring season, and it didn’t take too long. I put the money in the bank, and we rented a really cool apartment for a while before buying again.

    It IS tricky trying to time a sale and a purchase just right, but there are ways to do it. If you find a place to buy before your other one sells, you can do a bridge loan for a bit. Or you buy the new place in YOUR name and just buy what you can afford. Or you decide to rent for a year after selling, while you look for a new place.

    I personally would not buy a house with a boyfriend, I’d probably have it in one of our names and the other person pays rent. I feel like, if you’re not at the point to legally commit to marriage, then why tie yourselves together with real estate and make it difficult to break up cleanly? After you get married, you can figure out ownership.

    February 14, 2020 at 3:47 pm #875252

    PS, i would re-sign your lease. Like Miss MJ said, you don’t want to lose it and there’s not enough of a plan in place yet. Selling a home requires a big push of effort, and can take a few months easily, start to finish. Like from meeting with agents to actually closing. Renewing your lease gives you two a year to get that done and find a new place.

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    February 14, 2020 at 4:21 pm #875255

    I have a June-June lease. I’ve been in this building for years and normally don’t get the lease renewal papers until at least March so I was very surprised to receive them on February 1. Reviewed the paperwork to see if they had the lease dates correct and they do. Called to ask if it was a mistake and it’s not. I’ve already asked about month-to-month and it was a no.

    And yes, I’m inclined to resign the lease. I have a true one bedroom in a nice neighborhood and my rent is so low that I think I could fairly easily find a sublessor or someone to take over the lease. I see crappy studios listed for more than what I pay. I have the money to break the lease and think BG would split it with me if I asked, but it’s obviously not my preferred option. In theory he could sell and live with me temporarily, too, but my place would be small for two people and a medium-sized dog.

    We were planning to rent for the time being and buy if/when we get married. (We’re actually checking out some swanky-looking rental building this weekend just to see what the units are like in person.) But timing everything correctly is more complicated than I thought even though I know people buy and sell homes all the time, move in with SOs all the time, break up with live-in SOs all the time.

    February 14, 2020 at 4:25 pm #875256

    We had been talking to the people at the apartment complex we wanted to live in, keeping an eye on availability. I remember my condo sold in late April, and we moved in June 1 to the new apartment.

    That makes sense that you could sublet your place, and good idea to rent together to try out cohabiting.

    February 14, 2020 at 4:27 pm #875257

    A question

    So when veritek get married does that mean we can close this thread down ?!

    Yogurt whole dating history will be wrapped up and tucked away forever

    What? You thought I was gone? Please….or do we have wait for Miss Dre to get married as well.

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    February 14, 2020 at 4:29 pm #875258

    Yogurt we were actually waiting for you to divorce and remarry yet again, @Jimmyjam!

    February 14, 2020 at 4:33 pm #875259

    I agree with Kate and Miss MJ. Everything they said about co-owning before a firm commitment and re-signing. Or look for a place to rent for a year.

    I can’t remember where his condo is Copa, but it’s pretty easy to sell here. Although buying is definitely difficult. Just an FYI. You basically have to view something worth viewing the day it hits the market, or before. And people are coming in with all cash offers. You’ll know within two to four days if your offer was accepted, and that’s including putting in a second best and final offer. It’s insane! Our place, bought almost three years ago, has already gone up in value by $20k+

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