DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • February 14, 2020 at 9:01 pm #875291

    September. The weather is almost always perfect in September.

    February 15, 2020 at 7:21 am #875300

    Oh yeah, the Top of the Hub… I think I’ve only maybe once been able to just walk in there and get a drink. So many people are always trying to get up there to see the view.

    Boston definitely isn’t New York, but it’s a CITY. August and September into mid-October is a good time to visit, and there’s lots to do. My parents live downtown now in a very touristy area near the Old State House and Faneuil Hall, and since they’re basically retired, they have been trying out all these things to do that you wouldn’t have time for if you were just a regular working person. I can give you a list of things and also meet for dranks. I’m just over the river in Cambridge.

    February 15, 2020 at 9:54 am #875305

    The husband just left for Vegas and is meeting a good friend from Boston. We seriously need to visit the friend and his wife. Their son is super cool. I believe they live somewhere downtown too. I love them because the friend is a stay at home dad and his wife is a high powered career woman.

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    February 15, 2020 at 4:13 pm #875317

    TWO MEETUPS! Boston and Chicago!!

    If you can find me a comedy club with an open mic (I prefer at least 5 minutes, ain’t nobody got time for 3 minutes ugh) I will perform for you! ?

    Anyways, back to dating: I start my new job Tuesday and my boyfriend wanted to get me a new lunch bag because I was talking about wanting one. So I picked one out on Amazon at his request. It was super sweet. <3

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    February 17, 2020 at 12:14 am #875372

    I personally love Chicago in October the most. It’s also a great destination for a comedy show lover… just sayin’!

    BG and I saw three apartments together this weekend, which was actually pretty fun. Yesterday’s was planned and we both liked the unit/building and overall location. Today we took my dog for a haircut, which is a four-hour window of time between drop-off and pick-up, so we decided to go to brunch and day drink while we waited. Ended up taking a fairly tipsy and impromptu tour of a new luxury high-rise that has a doggie parlor inside (ha!) and other great amenities, and boy was it expensive! I’m a bit nervous to move in together — I lived with one boyfriend when I was 24 for about a year, but have otherwise lived alone since college — but it’s still fun to see actual places and imagine what it might be like.

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    February 18, 2020 at 12:02 am #875484

    That’s so exciting, Copa! Wait, was it like a dog groomer inside the complex? That sounds super convenient! My little girl Ginny keeps getting carsick every time we get in the car. I totally get what you mean about being nervous to live with a boyfriend. I am, too, and I’ve never lived with a man before. I like my own space and my own time. We’re both introverts and can introvert when we’re in the same house, so hopefully it’ll go well when it happens. 🙂

    Interestingly, my boyfriend told me he was watching me sleep the last time he was here (over V-Day) and that, with my breathing problems from birth, I never really get into a restful state. He described it all to me and suggested a few things including a humidifier, which I bought. It was so sweet that he cared enough to watch me that closely and be so concerned.

    I just found out my best friend’s twin sister, J, who just got engaged to her boyfriend, and they just moved into a house with the intention of getting a German shepherd puppy within about 6-8 weeks…and THEN they want to get a golden retriever puppy 3 months later! I had no idea they wanted two dogs. J has never lived with dogs before; only cats. I can’t even imagine. I have two puppies who are going to be maximum 10-11lbs each fully grown, and I’ve raised a dog from a puppy before, and they are a TON of work. It’s going to be…interesting, to say the least.

    I’m starting my new job tomorrow and I’m going to leave my little ladies for the first time in 3+ months. I’m so sad!

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    February 18, 2020 at 10:43 am #875516

    We actually didn’t get to see the puppy parlor but it sounded like an on-site groomer. (My dog is from a shelter so I don’t know exactly what breeds he is, but he doesn’t shed, so his hair grows long… grooming appointments are the bane of my existence. They are expensive and no groomers are within a short walk from my current place.) We saw a “now leasing” sign with balloons outside a building and walked in for more information on a whim, and they were able to accommodate a tour on the spot if we agreed to a shortened tour. We were able to see the main amenities and two different units, but the complex is HUGE — so we didn’t get to see everything it has to offer. But that’s okay. This place was very nice but more than I care to pay. If we want the full amenity high-rise experience, there are more affordable options.

    I thought my dog was easy as a puppy, but wouldn’t want two big breed puppies at once. Yikes.

    February 19, 2020 at 3:16 pm #875747

    We have a friend with a five month old Samoyed that weighs like sixty pounds. It kept yanking my arm out of the socket when I walked it.

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    February 20, 2020 at 9:18 pm #875932

    Heck, my little Lily almost pulls my arm out of the socket when she yanks on her leash and she’s a 7lb maltipoo puppy.

    It’s my first week at my new job and I am…tired. Lol. Not used to getting up at 6:30am. Neither are my puppies and they do NOT like it! But my boss is great and I’m hopeful that this company will give me some good experience to put on my resume.

    Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? Dates? My boyfriend and I are going to a vegan mac & cheese cookoff on Saturday night at a brewery. I’m skipping an open mic to go to it but I think it’ll be worth it. Cheese has been the hardest thing for me to give up (as in, I haven’t…heh).

    February 21, 2020 at 6:55 am #875971

    I have a date tomorrow and I’m so nervous. Im quite a shy person and I’m so scared of awkward silence. I found interesting dating tips https://www.happymatches.com/blog/online-dating/first-date-tips/ seems useful.

    February 21, 2020 at 7:46 am #875976

    When I was dating in my 20s I would sit down and think of four or five conversation starter topics for lulls in the conversation. They can be things in popular culture, general background questions for your date, recent colorful news stories etc. Eventually I didn’t need them but it helped me feel more confident in my conversations. Other than that, ask a lot of open ended questions. People like to talk about themselves.

    February 21, 2020 at 7:48 am #875977

    The Hound of Fyodor is always excited to go out at 6am and see the other dogs on our walk, knowing that she can sleep on the couch all day.

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