DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
@oliviamas You can be shy but still able to hold your own in a conversation! I’m shy, but I’m still friendly, funny, charming. I also used to worry about stuff like this, but it was never an issue. The only date I recall going on where the conversation truly never got off the ground was one with a guy who I assume was also shy, who asked me zero questions and made me do all the talking. (Don’t be that guy!) I like Fyodor’s suggestions for preparing for any lulls. Worst case scenario, you two don’t mesh or have much to talk about — you finish your drink and call it a night. Good luck!
BG and I are going to a Lumineers concert tomorrow. We just found out BG’s bro, SIL, bro’s best friend, and bro’s best friend’s wife are also going so we might all do dinner beforehand if we can coordinate. We leave for Hawaii a week from tomorrow so I suspect we’ll both be putting in some extra time with work this weekend, too.
My dog hates waking up early. I wait until I’m ready for work before taking him on a walk on weekdays. He usually doesn’t get out of bed until he hears his breakfast hit the bowl. At night, he puts himself to bed at like 9 p.m. If any of you also have floofy mushtache-y/beard-y dogs, maybe you can relate, but when he falls asleep, it’s usually on one side of his face and his mustache will be sticking straight up on one side only when he wakes up. It’s the cutest.
Our fun date this weekend is our couples shower/stock the bar party! I have a friend driving almost four hours to come. And MofV’s sister is going to come – so that should be interesting. But we get to dress up and have wine and beer so I’m calling it a date!
First dates are job interviews with cocktails. Have fun, be yourself and try not to stress too much!
And my dog likes to go pee around 5 am each morning. She tried to talk me into a 3 am the other night and we agreed 5 am was more reasonable.
AllornoneFebruary 21, 2020 at 2:21 pm #876043I feel you with pet waking times, Veritek. My cat is similar. I usually get up at five a.m. and usually feed him first thing. Today, he just insisted for me to get up at 4:45. Like, seriously, Catsby? It’s fifteen dang minutes. But short of kicking him out of the bedroom (which seemed silly over fifteen minutes), the sucker would just not let up. So up I got up. I’m a chump, and he’s king of the dang apartment.
But your date sounds awesome! I have no such great plans. Quiet weekend, where BoA (boyfriend of Allornone) and I will probably just do errands. So you have fun for the rest of us!
TheLadyEFebruary 21, 2020 at 10:41 pm #876069I’m lucky, I guess, in that all 3 of my dogs have been great sleepers and love sleeping in. They sleep until I get up. They’ve actually started holding their pee until I get up, too (we sleep with pee pads at the end of the bed), which is real progress. I started getting up early, taking a shower, getting ready, and then putting their harnesses on when they’re on the bed and immediately taking them out. It’s a lot with two, especially because Lily (her sister is Ginny) is afraid to go down *just the first step* of the stairs by herself. But we’re managing.
OMG @Copa THE SMUSHED BED FACE LOOK! All 3 of my ladies have gotten it. It’s the cutest. <3
Tonight was so much #adulting: I came home from work so exhausted. I did 3 loads of laundry and meal prepped for next week so it’s done. I don’t know how people go out and party all weekend and then show up for work on Monday. I’m sure it’s the newness of the job, but I was draggging myself through today.
So exciting, @Veritek! Let us know how it goes! (By the way, a “stock the bar” party sounds awesome.)
Speaking of pee pads. My aunt just adopted a rescue dog who was brought in a van with her 8 puppies. She thought a puppy would be too much work so she adopted the mom (only 1.5 years old, so like a teen mom). But whatever someone did to this poor dog, she’s afraid to go outside. Literally, at all. They told my aunt that and she was still like, ok. So anyway, she’s trying to get her to at least like sit in the doorway but she’s terrified. She only goes on pee pads, and she’s not a tiny dog.
@copa how was Lumineers???
Our shower was great and we came home with a huge variety of alcohol. Anyone ever had peanut butter whiskey? Because we have a bottle now and no idea what to do with it lol. Also some fancy gin and a case of truly’s from MofV’s guy friends that I’m more likely to drink.
Yesterday the Midwest had a heat wave (60 degrees) so we took our dog for a two mile walk and then to the pita pit for lunch on the patio. She was pretty exhausted after a long walk and slept/snored the rest of the day.
I think pee pads are so gross. Never used them with my pup, but then again, he never had to go outside in the middle of the night as a puppy. I’d take him out late at night, last thing before bed, and he’d sleep in bed with me. In the morning, I’d carry him outside first thing, come back inside and get ready for the day, then take him out for a real walk right before work. Eventually he learned to hold it until after I was ready. He had some accidents, but not a ton. He was the best puppy.
The show was great! I’m not, like, some die-hard Lumineers fan, but they were great live and opened with my favorite of their songs. The lead singer at one point mentioned that Ho Hey is a breakup song, which made me LOL because the few weddings I went to in 2013 all featured that song heavily. Only downside to the night was that the show was out in the suburbs and we truly underestimated how hard it would be to get a Lyft or Uber into the city.
Sounds like your shower was a fun time! Never heard of peanut butter whiskey but Googled it and found a recipe for a peanut butter whiskey milkshake, which I’d 100% be down for. I also love a good old fashioned so I think I’d be down for even a classic drink with a twist.
We also had a beautiful weekend here. I was able to squeeze one outdoor run in (about died because I only run outdoors, which means I don’t do it much in the winter) and yesterday BG and I took the dog to the lakefront. We grabbed a drink at a new-ish bar/restaurant right on that lake that’s in a historic building — it was mild enough that we were able to drink on the patio even though it isn’t set up yet. The dog got compliments from strangers about his happy disposition. I love “false spring” in Chicago, always makes me so excited for warm weather.
TheLadyEFebruary 24, 2020 at 10:17 pm #876300Yeah…pee pads aren’t ideal but otherwise they will make a mess everywhere. With two of them it’s challenging. Also, honestly, I’ve been really, really depressed in the last few months without a job and it was often just really hard for me to get them out together (our bedroom is upstairs) before they had to go. I use reusable pee pads and they’re pretty much pee pad trained now. Today I got stuck at work late, til 6:30pm, and the dog walker left at 12:30. Thankfully they had pee pads to go on in their pen and I just washed them.
My boyfriend & I went to a vegan event Saturday night that was, honestly, kind of lame. Afterwards we went to a speakeasy down the street and it happened to be “goth prom night”, lol. I was wearing a plaid skirt, tights, and boots. I have a ton of tulle skirts and lace and even belts that look like corsets but of course I didn’t wear any of those to this random night out. Alas, lol.
Got back from vacay with my bf and his friends! I was a bit nervous since I didn’t know his friends too well but it was a great group. My bf moved away from his hometown while they’re mostly still there so I haven’t had a chance to get to know them until now. My bf is a groomsman for one of his friends this summer so it was fun talking about that.
My boyfriend and I definitely got to know each other.. as in resort food and stomach stuff and close quarters in the room. My boyfriend has Crohn’s. It is mild but he has the occasional flare up. I do wish there was more certainty in the future but until then hopefully his diet can prevent flare ups. I do understand him more after the resort.
A guy emailed me from my professional development club asking to meet to discuss “what I have been working on” over coffee or beer. I really hate that I don’t know if this is just club related or more. To be honest I don’t really want to go aside from that not knowing if it’s more because I am sort of busy this month. But maybe it’s good networking especially if it’s just related to the club.
TheLadyEMarch 2, 2020 at 11:12 pm #876836@hfantods I’m glad you had fun on your vacay! Gosh, Crohn’s is no joke. My sister dated a guy with Crohn’s when she was in her early 20’s and he had a flare up with her. It was intense.
I think every couple has to go through that sort of thing, Crohn’s or not: the time when one of you is violently sick and the other has to take care of them. VERY early in our relationship, I made tacos for my boyfriend. He ate jalapenos out of the jar. He spent half the night throwing up and the next day slept until about 6pm. It was maybe a month in. Now, I would force gatorade down his throat and probably get him a smoothie and also medicine. Then, I kept offering him water/OJ (which he kept freaking refusing, ugh) and stayed in bed with him half the day so he wasn’t alone. He now jokes that I tried to poison him early on but it didn’t take. Heh.
As far as the networking thing – maybe you could suggest that you meet up with him and someone else you’re closer with in the group so it’s all together? That way there’s a buffer of someone else and it feels less date like. I think this entirely depends on how well you know him and how long your professional relationship has been. Certainly don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable!
Heh, so speaking of traveling with a partner and ailments. BG and I spent last week in Hawaii, which was a super fun trip and our first together unless you count long weekends for weddings, which I really don’t. But I was allergic to the local environmentally-friendly sunscreen and a few days in started getting a small rash. Didn’t think much of it, even as it slowly worsened, and it took me until the last day to realize it was the sunscreen. The Amazon reviews are full of people who have had the same issue. I feel like a dope for using it the entire trip. The break-out was delayed, but I’m covered from head (well, neck — thankfully my face was spared) to toe in a rash/welts/hives at this point. I’m jetlagged and taking Benadryl and feel like I left my brain in outer space at work at the moment.