DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    March 11, 2020 at 2:36 pm #877551

    9 days out from wedding. People keep asking if I’m excited. Why, yes, I am. However, we’ve reached the point where I just want to do the damn thing and be married already. And eat the brunch and wear the dress.

    Anyone else reach the point of LET’S JUST FUCKING DO THIS ALREADY before their wedding?

    March 11, 2020 at 3:08 pm #877552

    I was more like that for the honeymoon, but I didn’t have the family drama you’ve had to deal with. I’m sure that didn’t help. I had one day that was frustrating in the lead up thanks to my MIL but overall I think I was very fortunate. At least you’re in the home stretch now!

    March 11, 2020 at 3:17 pm #877553

    That’s so exciting @ver!!

    I was basically like that the day the husband proposed to me. For months leading up to our wedding (our engagement was 10 months total), I’d ask almost daily if we could elope already.

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    March 11, 2020 at 3:25 pm #877554

    lol @Ange we can’t go on the Honeymoon until May – after sister’s wedding. Surprisingly she hasn’t been too bad lately but we’ve also not communicated with her a whole lot. Everything is pretty much done at this point except writing the check. And MofV claims the vows are “in his head” so I’m hoping at some point they get down on paper too lol.

    MofV’s parents asked if they paid for our plane tickets to sisters wedding if we’d stay longer in FL (we plan on making it into a road trip) and we declined because we’d already made plans to leave for a honeymoon the day after her wedding and we’re not telling his family because of the fit she would throw. (Because the one time I mentioned leaving for our honeymoon after her wedding to consolidate the travel she was highly offended that the focus of the trip wasn’t 100% her wedding).

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    March 11, 2020 at 3:55 pm #877558

    That’s super exciting, @ver! I don’t know how I’d feel cause I’m not married. I think I’d be excited and anxious. (I binge watched Love Is Blind on Netflix and it gave me major anxiety watching people who’d known each other six weeks cavalierly go into marriage. Ha.) Live stream your wedding for us!? Kidding. (But would totally “go” if you did somehow stream it. Just sayin’…)

    Because the one time I mentioned leaving for our honeymoon after her wedding to consolidate the travel she was highly offended that the focus of the trip wasn’t 100% her wedding)

    ^LOL. If it’s offensive to use a wedding as a springboard for a personal trip, I’m the world’s worst friend. Most weddings I’ve been to have required travel on my part, so I always try to turn it into at least a long weekend. SIL is bonkers. My only wedding this year is in Portland and I’m very excited to spend a few days in town before or after.

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    March 11, 2020 at 4:45 pm #877559

    @Copa – my thoughts exactly. She actually said to me “You can do what you want – I just dont’ want you standing around at my wedding talking about your honeymoon”. Because that’s exactly what I would have done?

    Every destination wedding I’ve been to turned into a personal vacation. You want me to use my vacation time and money to be there? I’m gonna do some stuff I want to do. And with wedding and that trip in one year, we simply have to do what’s affordable.

    We aren’t livestreaming but we’ll have a videographer and Id be happy to share the highlight video afterward 🙂

    March 12, 2020 at 7:41 am #877585

    She sounds absolutely bonkers. I give it two years.

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    March 12, 2020 at 11:09 am #877603

    She actually said to me “You can do what you want – I just dont’ want you standing around at my wedding talking about your honeymoon”. Because that’s exactly what I would have done?

    Even if you did that, it’s not a big deal! It’s not like it’d be the talk of the wedding. At a friend’s wedding last summer, I saw some long lost college pals. We’re pretty much all in relationships now. I asked the newly-engaged one about her wedding plans, and the newly-coupled up one about her relationship, etc. We in no way stole the bride’s thunder. I loved seeing everyone so happy. It’s absurd SIL can’t see that it’s possible to be excited for the bride and groom while still being happy for a guest’s milestones.

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    March 12, 2020 at 3:15 pm #877613

    @Copa – what do you think the chances are she wont’ sit around at my wedding talking about her wedding? ALSO – WHO CARES!

    Now I’m worried a global pandemic is going to get our elderly guests sick.

    Ale – 2 years might be generous.

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    March 13, 2020 at 1:42 pm #877649

    My grandparents officially cancelled coming to our wedding. They’re too old and too compromised to even risk it. I cried. It’s their anniversary and this was going to be a celebration of their marriage too. But we don’t want them risking their health for our wedding. But I’m drinking a lot tonight.

    March 13, 2020 at 2:16 pm #877651

    Aw man Ver. I’m so sorry. I hope they can at least have it streamed! Start thinking about the bangin’ anniversary party you can have with them next year. Of course it’s the right thing for them to do, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Hang in there. <3

    (If it helps…do I remember correctly that your SIL’s wedding is supposed to be at Disney World? If so, I hereby grant you ample permission to feel some schadenfreude at the freakout she must be having about the closure of the Disney parks.)

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    March 13, 2020 at 3:00 pm #877652

    I’m so sorry, @veritek! That really sucks! But I’d (and I’m sure you’d) rather them not risk it. Maybe you can still find a way to celebrate with them after everything calms down. Or, and I know it’s not at all the same, maybe you can Skype them in somehow so they can kiiinda be there?

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