DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    March 23, 2020 at 9:37 am #878290

    The wedding was nothing like we imagined but it was everything we needed. We married on a deck with just our parents and his sister and our dog. Then we ate lasagna and went home and had ice cream. It was perfect. As I said in my vows, it was never about the party – it was about marrying him.


    March 23, 2020 at 11:06 am #878300

    Oh my gosh, wonderful @Ver!!!! I hope you’re able to celebrate with all of you loved ones when we’re able. Wear your wedding dress again!! You look so happy!!!

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    March 23, 2020 at 11:20 am #878304

    CongratS, ver! Wishing you many happy years together!

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    March 23, 2020 at 11:34 am #878305

    Congrats @veritek!

    My sister knew this couple when she lived in NYC through her gym and showed me the video they posted to social media, captured by a friend: https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/21/us/new-york-couple-married-street-officiant-trnd/index.html. I think several videos of their wedding are making the rounds online at this point. I’ve become really weepy in the past two weeks and got all weepy as they shouted, “I do!” I thought it was sweet.

    It’s not about the party, but I still hope you get yours.

    March 23, 2020 at 11:39 am #878306

    Congratulations @veritek33! I’m sorry things didn’t go how you planned, but a small cabin ceremony also sounds lovely, and now you’re married and you have the rest of your lives together!

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    March 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm #878309

    Excellent! Congrats again, we are resilient and adaptable in all this craziness 🙂

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    March 23, 2020 at 3:13 pm #878329

    Hey @copa and anyone who is in a long term relationship but not living with your SO— are you guys self isolating from each other?

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    March 23, 2020 at 4:41 pm #878334

    @hfantods Great question. My boyfriend spent the weekend with me; it was our anniversary and he has been self-isolating for a week because he’s had a cold (no fever and no symptoms like COVID19), so he was already pretty safe. He left this afternoon to take care of some things for work and his family. I’m very high risk so we are going to discuss what to do next/when we can see each other next. Even so, when he came in he took a shower and changed clothes (and we washed his clothes) before he would hug me.

    I want him to quarantine here, and he probably will at some point.

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    March 23, 2020 at 4:47 pm #878336

    I spent a week apart from BG (last week), which was due in part to the stress of going remote overnight at work, my dog getting sick, and feeling under the weather myself. My state is now sheltering in place and I’m at his place. I didn’t want to spend 2+ weeks alone, but we also weren’t sure if we’d drive each other nuts working remote together in a small-ish space. Today was day one and so far so good. Since we’ve been talking about moving in together, I feel like this an intense crash course in cohabitation since we’re together 24/7 basically, and it’s not fun like vacation.

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    March 23, 2020 at 10:58 pm #878351

    Also congratulations @Ver! You look lovely and so happy. Definitely giving me Jenna Fischer vibes!

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    March 30, 2020 at 9:25 am #879065

    Thank you all for the kind words 🙂 We are hoping to have a big Halloween party/reception assuming this all calms down by then and renew our vows with our friends and have a big costume party. Fingers crossed.

    10 days into marriage and it’s going pretty great. We adopted a new dog, got all our thank you cards written and cleaned the house from top to bottom.

    I hope everyone is doing well out there – stay safe and healthy friends.

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    April 10, 2020 at 9:28 am #880139

    @veritkek Did SIL have to cancel her wedding? I can’t remember the exact date (late spring? early summer?), but was wondering about that since a Disney wedding seems HIGHLY unlikely even a month or two down the road.

    How is everyone doing hunkering down with their partners? We’ve been doing pretty well. I honestly wasn’t sure how it’d be sharing a smaller space 24/7 — we don’t live together yet so we don’t HAVE to live all over one another like this — but it’s been fine. BG was initially the more disappointed one about social distancing, but now that we’re a month deep, I think he’s handling it better. I’ve had a couple really down days (last Friday, cried on and off basically all day) and a couple pretty grumpy ones. I’m doing my best to manage my emotions, though, I think I’m normally pretty good at it, but I do really appreciate his patience now more than ever. There was one day where he could tell I was frustrated by the lack of space for me in his bedroom, and I took the dog on a long walk… came home to a rearranged bedroom to give me more space. I do feel like I need to go home to check on things and grab a few things this weekend — I keep putting it off because I’m pretty happy here.

    I also ended up extending my lease through end of summer, and my dog was voted in by the HOA, so it looks likely that I’ll be living here by fall. We both have so. much. stuff to sort through to discard old things we no longer want. Luckily, we have plenty of time right now…

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