DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    April 13, 2020 at 9:38 am #880300

    @copa SIL wedding was officially postponed last week until August. It was originally early May. She’s sad but she’s at the mercy of Disney. And the silver lining to all of this is she’s been so much kinder to me because both of our weddings were impacted by this and MofV this she’s finally got some perspective on all this.

    So far so good on the quarantine. The house is big enough we can spread out if we need to but we haven’t really. He works in the dining room and I work in the living room. He has to be logged in from 8-5 whereas my boss doesn’t care as long as I get my work done. Yesterday we drank mimosas and wine all day and binged all four lethal weapon movies – so we clearly didn’t get anything done on Easter lol.

    April 13, 2020 at 9:46 am #880303

    I was wondering about your move @Copa and how that was being handled. Especially with this pandemic. I can’t imagine having to look for a new place or moving right now. I’m glad they extended your lease.

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    April 13, 2020 at 11:28 am #880305

    @veritek I guess SIL becoming more self-aware and kinder is one silver lining to the pandemic. I do feel for people (like you! and a few others I know) who had weddings or other big parties/milestone events that had to be postponed or canceled.

    I think this worked out well for everyone. My management company wouldn’t have been able to show my apartment, and I really didn’t want to deal with moving. I would’ve had to be out next month and was actually a little worried BG might feel slighted when I told him I wanted to extend my lease, but the idea of dealing with moving on top of everything else was causing me so much anxiety. He understood, though, and this buys everyone involved time to see how things pan out. And I think BG is finally realizing how much stuff we both need to purge and/or find storage for. Was very happy he agreed that my bed/mattress should be the keeper!

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    April 13, 2020 at 12:15 pm #880307

    I’m glad your SIL is getting better, veritek. I also feel for everyone who is rescheduling weddings because of this. So much uncertainty on timing like e.g., July weddings. I’m also thinking about my cousin’s wedding in October. She’s in Hong Kong. I was going to go. It’s a fair bit of time away but who knows.

    Seeing your timeline like that copa, it does seem to be working out. Glad your dog got approved!

    My boyfriend and I are not quarantining with each other. We only go out for groceries. I know there is a risk but I guess we are just hoping. There is not a strict shelter in place so we can still drive to each other’s places. If there is, I’ve told him he could live at my place because it is larger; however he’d have to to bring a desk and set up in my bedroom. We have been spending the weekends at my place not going anywhere.

    Stay strong everyone.

    April 13, 2020 at 5:35 pm #880329

    I have a big 40th birthday blowout planned for October and honestly same, who knows if it’ll be cool even then?

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    April 14, 2020 at 12:36 pm #880400

    One of my cousins is supposed to be getting married in July but obviously that’s up in the air at the moment. Glad I held off on buying my plane ticket.

    Glad you can still see your boyfriend on weekends! One of my friends and her boyfriend broke up within the first couple weeks of their city’s stay at home order because they weren’t seeing each other enough for her liking. She wanted to hunker down together, he thought it was too much too soon for them. Granted, this was an ex she’d very recently gotten back together with and they only dated a short while their first go-round last winter and not a stable LTR… odds were against them even without a pandemic.

    April 14, 2020 at 12:46 pm #880402

    RE: Parties. I’m so lucky/fortunate I turned 40 in January and my party and trip to Africa was then. My friends are fairing so well.

    One girlfriend turned 40 in March. Her birthday was obviously canceled. Her bachelorette was this month. Canceled. She also preemptively postponed her wedding in September since her sister lives in Europe and she wants her here for her wedding.

    Another girlfriend was going to host a 40th and make it a celebration similar to a wedding reception. Evening affair, photographer, food, dancing. She’s single and never married and wanted a fun, estravagant party. That was in June. Canceled.

    I have several friends who are pregnant. It’s really scary for them right now too. My sister, who had her baby a few weeks ago, was extremely lucky in that her husband was able to be there. My friend who will have her baby in a few weeks might not be so lucky. This will be here first and only. THAT WOULD SUCK!!

    April 14, 2020 at 12:59 pm #880405

    My BF (Will be 2 years in June) is quarantining at his Mom’s house, because she lives alone and is in frail health. A decision I support wholeheartedly. However…she lives almost literally on the other side of the world. The time difference is 10 hours. So right now we’ve got no idea when he can come back to the US and connectivity is hard. We’re muddling through it though. What works for us is both sync and async communications – we make netflix party dates, we try to catch up via text at least once a day, even just to say hi. We email. What’s hard is he’s very self conscious on the phone due to his accent and is struggles to do voice/video calls. It feels uncomfortable for him but vital for me. We just did our first this week actually. For us what we’ve learned is communication is very very key. We talk about stuff a heck of a lot more and look for solutions from both of us.

    Given how long this may last, I dont know what the future will hold. But for now we’re making it work and I dont believe our relationship is suffering for the seperation.

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    April 14, 2020 at 1:10 pm #880406

    Yeah, I have a friend who was supposed to get married in Colombia, where her fiance is from, in July. She said they’re able to postpone, but not get any kind of refund… and they’ve already put enough money down toward the event that they can’t afford to do anything but reschedule. She’s 36 and pretty bummed because she wants to be married before starting a family, and doesn’t want to wait TOO long to start thinking about that, but doesn’t want to be pregnant at their reception (which due to her job and other factors probably won’t be until summer 2021). They’re now looking into a local civil ceremony for this summer and trying not to stress about what they cannot control, but she’s understandably bummed. Seems like such a headache!

    But in happier news, my cousin and his wife had their first baby yesterday! A new baby boy in my family of many, many women! They’re in the Bay Area and she was allowed only her husband in the hospital with her. I’m so glad everything seems to have gone well, the baby is healthy, and their sweet little family of three will be heading home soon. I’m not terribly close to this cousin or his wife but I was so happy for positive news that I cried when they sent the family an announcement by text. We’re going to have some kind of family Zoom once they’re settled in at home and up to it.

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    April 14, 2020 at 10:48 pm #880440

    My boyfriend and I are not sheltering together either, at least not yet. He was thinking it would be over far sooner than it is, although it is starting to level out in our area and there have actually been no deaths in my county. We started social distancing early and I think it really helped. Other parts of the state (particularly nursing homes) have been hard hit, but our county – relative to the population – is relatively low.

    My boyfriend has been sheltering at his apartment, sleeping a lot. I’m worried about him because he gets depressed and struggles sometimes (so do I). I have my girls and my new job, so I’ve got a lot to keep me busy. He misses us. I asked him to come here on Saturday and he wants to, but he’s terrified of giving it to me even though he’s only really been to the grocery store.

    Other than that, we have been video chatting and we text every day. We’re fine, we just miss each other.

    April 20, 2020 at 1:17 pm #880908

    I’m sorry to read everyone’s stories. I hope you all stay strong, and that you’ll be reunited in happier times soon.

    I’m in a similar situation – live apart from my BF. We were together when the news of the UK lockdown came through. Realistically, with our accommodation and jobs being how they are, moving in together last minute was never an option for us. He’s more optimistic on when it’ll be lifted. It sucks because he’s been furloughed, and I’m still busy, but we do get to talk every day, and do lots of fun things ti make up for it, so it’s not all bad. But it doesn’t replace being together.

    I’ve already stayed apart from my family for months so as not to pass on the bug – I work in healthcare so it’s a big risk. I had to self-isolate recently and lost my sense of smell, so odds are that I had it and luckily didn’t pass it on to any of them because I wasn’t seeing them.

    I’ve had friends cancel weddings, others who are engaged and now see no point in organising things because you don’t know when things will lift, or which vendors will be around. I’ve had friends recently have babies – what a scary time to bring a baby into the world.

    April 20, 2020 at 6:05 pm #880938

    [Deleted by wendy]

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