DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • Fyodor
    August 21, 2020 at 8:07 am #961314

    @theladye There’s supposed to be a lot more fast-testing coming online during the next few months. Maybe you could figure something out where he structures his work to be away from people for a few days and gets tested in advance?

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    August 21, 2020 at 11:06 am #961322

    @the ladye.. I would concur with Fyodor. UofI just got approval for their saliva test which will be a game changer. Is it realistic for you two to have zero touching/intimacy for the next 3, 6, 9, 12 months? I think you’re being reasonable as is your boyfriend in his concern, but ultimately, you are the one with the condition. I would think that would give you final say in what risk level you’re comfortable with?

    August 21, 2020 at 2:12 pm #961329

    A friend of mine used to be a post-doc there and she said that they were going to be able test every single student twice a week with results in hours. Incredible stuff. I hope that they can scale it up-it would allow us to maybe get back our lives a little bit.

    August 21, 2020 at 3:05 pm #961333

    I’m so excited about the saliva test vs. the poking my brain through my nose with a Q-tip test.

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    August 21, 2020 at 5:16 pm #961337

    I went to pick up a twin bed off Facebook market place this week and ended up chatting with the seller. She works for the state’s COVID response team and she was like “this saliva test IS A GAME CHANGER”.. cheaper, faster, repeatable. Will allow for rapid response as well as potentially reduce the quarantining time

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    August 22, 2020 at 1:32 pm #961363

    I am very fortunate I was able to get my money back for my trip that was planned to Central America, unfortunately my money is still held up with two flight companies for the trip I had planned in May to visit home in Ontario.

    My friend just attended her friends wedding this week, she had 150 guests and apparently no plan for masks? We are trying to plan a skype call to catch and up and curious to hear how the logistics were the day of. Ironically enough the bride is a nurse…

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    August 22, 2020 at 2:36 pm #961367

    In what state is a 150-guest wedding currently allowed?! Even outdoors, a wedding with no masks is likely to get people sick and perhaps even kill a few guests. But, hey, at least the bride got her pretty princess party. Definitely more important than, say, my children going school.

    I am *really* running out of patience for people’s incredible selfishness.

    August 22, 2020 at 4:04 pm #961374

    Chicago is disappointing. So many people are out in groups and not wearing masks. We were doing so well. I’m not sure what changed. It almost feels like people who were hunkering down at their parents house in the suburbs or those who were away at their lake houses are back. Both this weekend and last, so many people are out.

    So I’m echoing Wendy. People are really pissing me off.

    August 22, 2020 at 4:47 pm #961376

    I’m also running out of patience. In my area, once Memorial Day came it’s like the pandemic stopped existing for everyone. Parties, BBQs, etc., it’s just been crazy. Even my parents and siblings, who I thought had better sense, have been pretty reckless and not following social distancing recommendations. I’m 38 weeks pregnant, so I’ve continued to stay basically quarantined with the exception of doctors appointments and very rare outdoor, socially distanced, and masked visits with close friends and family (but even those have been few and far between since it’s been so brutally hot). It’s so frustrating that things are still this bad and it doesn’t look like it will get better anytime soon.

    August 22, 2020 at 8:44 pm #961382

    The newly opened apartment building next door to us is having a crowded roofdeck party tonight.

    August 22, 2020 at 10:06 pm #961383

    Sounds about right.

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    August 23, 2020 at 12:05 am #961385

    I’m pretty pissed, too. All I see on FB is pictures of these 25 year olds I worked with at my last 2 companies standing on rooftop bars arm in arm with dozens of other 25 year old girls. No masks anywhere. Meanwhile I slept almost all day because I rarely go anywhere on Saturdays, as everyone is out.

    I’m so fucking sick of it. (No pun intended.)

    To answer your questions above, sure, my boyfriend could get a fast/saliva test once it becomes available and that would be great…but us going to a mountain cabin doesn’t just hinge on that. If cases are skyrocketing in the fall, he won’t want us driving across the state to get there, or opening ourselves (myself) up to seeing people in other parts of the state.

    My sister made a good metaphor: it’s like if people kept walking out into the road even though they’ve been told not to, and we’re frustrated that the roads keep being closed because people won’t stop walking out because they want to.

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