DW Community Catch-up Thread
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How was/is Ireland, @ktfran??
Living together has gone pretty well, I think! We have had disagreements here and there but overall I’m really happy living together and with our place. We are starting to figure out our meal planning system. I feel pretty lucky because he’s still working from home so if I text him when I leave he’ll have dinner ready for when I get (from what we’ve planned).
His parents and sister visited over the weekend and it was very nice as we haven’t seen them much during the pandemic.
Looking forward to putting up Christmas decorations ?
Also curious about an Ireland update! My boyfriend loves Ireland. His dad is Irish and he, his dad, and his brother have been together on a guy’s trip there a couple times. He wants to go together but it’s kinda low on my travel bucket list.
Glad to hear living together is going smoothly for you guys, @hfantods!
I’ll admit, we already took our Christmas decorations out of storage. It’s not up yet, but maybe this weekend. When I was single and lived alone, I had a small fake tree I’d put up every year, but otherwise didn’t get too into holiday decorating. The boyfriend does like to decorate for the season, to the point that when we moved in together, he kept an eye on where his fall decoration box was throughout the move so that he could whip it out after we’d settled. I think he’s rubbed off on me because now I get excited for it. And because things have felt kinda bleak the past two years, I’ve encouraged decorating a week or two earlier than we “should” — I can enjoy some holiday cheer a little longer.
LisforLeslieNovember 15, 2021 at 3:27 pm #1100088OK, when setting up house with someone do you come with your own Christmas stuff or do you buy new or a little of both? Like who gets to pick the tree topper? Is that a big deal? It seems like it would be a big deal. If I had a tree I’d want a tree topper that looked like Dolly Parton.
I know where my mini-menorah is (it takes birthday candles). I won’t be bothering but it’s there in case of a Hannukah-mergency.
Ireland was fabulous!! It was low on my bucket list too, or not even a thought really. We took the MIL for her 60th, her choice. FIL came too.
We hired a guide, who took us to a lot of lesser known places in Dublin. Then we traveled around coastal towns on the west side. Seeing old, dilapidated castles, cliffs, animals. Drank a lot of Guinness and ate a lot of seafood (and chips/fries). Picked a couple places I’d like to go back and spend more time.
We had unseasonably warm and sunny weather. People masked up. All restaurants required a vax card to enter. It was a great trip.
Glad living together is going well hfantods!! Yay!
Advice needed. Especially now, with abortion rights under attack.
I have the Mirena. It not only helps protect me from getting pregnant, it helps my horrible periods. Prior to the Mirena, I was anemic. I had to change a super tampon every 45 minutes, sometimes sooner. I’ve had to leave work because I didn’t make it to the bathroom within that 45 minutes, riding the el with a coat tied around my waist. I’ve had cramps so bad that I’d throw up.
Five years ago, when it was inserted, it was free. Thank you Obama and ACA. Now, since Trump stripped away many of the protections, it will cost me $1,200 to replace next year. My company no longer covers it because they did whatever loophole Trump offered.
I don’t often speak out, but I feel like I should say something. What I’d love advice on is who? Our company is 55k. If you were in my position, who would you contact? Or would you even bother? I’m on unfamiliar territory. Like I though about sending something to our CEO, president and cc’ing my business operating executive, who I know. But that seems extreme? But if I send to HR, it will likely go into a black hole.
I have the money in my HSA, so it’s not a problem. It’s more on principle.
We supposedly promote women at our company, but yet pick insurance that increases health cost significantly. Idk. Maybe I also needed to vent.
KateDecember 4, 2021 at 2:56 pm #1100670Yeah… fuck.
I wouldn’t bother. The company has a policy for what they cover. You know where they stand. Complaining isn’t going to get them to cover your contraception. I think this is better handled by contacting your senators. You could, I suppose, send an email to whoever is in charge of benefits at your company saying you’re disappointed that contraception isn’t covered, as it’s a major cost to you and is part of your overall healthcare, but… it’s not going to change anything. I guess be grateful you have access to birth control, safe healthcare, and an HSA. Fuck.
Wouldn’t it be in the company’s interest to provide it then?… we sort of joked that our company insurance covered IVF or something along those lines which was not necessarily in the firm’s interest haha.
Is this a question of is it worth it or more you might be compromised for speaking out? HR probably is the best first channel.
I unfortunately think any email you send will end up in a black hole, whether that’s HR or the CEO and president. I do sometimes speak out at work about things I find problematic, but I’m at a smaller company where it’s easier to be heard. I’ll also say, I’ve wondered once or twice if speaking out puts a target on my back. I’m sorry they’re taking the benefit away from you, though.
You’re all right. At most, I could send to our benefits dept. and say I’m disappointed they decided to cut birth control. It’ll get black holed though. Truly, it’s not so much a cost thing. I’m good for it. It’s just disappointing that they decide to cut women’s health out of the plan. Especially since it helps with more than birth control.
We’re headquartered in CA (although they’re moving it to TX). Although CA has different medical options than the rest of the country (for our company).
It’s definitely more of a policy thing, nationally.
Right, it’s both. Nothing would come of it and it might make you appear problematic. But I think if you dropped a note to the head of Benefits, just politely stating your disappointment, it may not do you any harm.
@hfantods, this company has decided it’s not in its best interest to provide that type of coverage, either based on their political beliefs, or cost savings, or both. Another company might find they do need to offer a package that covers IVF for whatever reasons. But best believe the company is always acting in their interest, not yours. That’s why HR isn’t your friend. -