Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
I donated to my local food bank and am planning to pre-pay my next haircut. My sister and I see the same hair dresser, actually, and my sister ended up keeping her appointment yesterday, so I gave her some money to make sure our hair dresser gets a more generous tip.
Some of my extended family got together on Zoom last night and it was fun. We’re all scattered around the country and we’ve never thought to do anything like that before. I have been alone since Friday night (the last time I saw my boyfriend, we don’t live together, I’ve been under the weather and am being as cautious as I can) and connecting with loved ones in that way was huge for me. I feel calmer. I think I’ll be heading to my boyfriend’s tomorrow or Friday so we can hunker down together.
My boyfriend’s stepdad is a Trump supporter. I guess his mom has slowly drifted right during their marriage and she was praising the administration’s response to this. Oh boy. I want to throw things at my TV during Trump’s daily press conferences.
LisforLeslieMarch 18, 2020 at 1:30 pm #877988@Nicole – tell the oldsters now is a great time to go through their countless years of stuff and start getting rid of the stuff they don’t need, don’t use and don’t want cluttering up their homes. They have nothing but time to go through the cabinets, slowly, and get rid of the old tupperware, the clothes they can’t fit into anymore, broken watches and the like.
And they can start marking the “good stuff” for their heirs.
March 18, 2020 at 3:24 pm #877990Call out your relatives if you think they’re being foolish. Now is the time to do that. You won’t see them in quite awhile so tempers will die down if they’re the type to hold a grudge.
BittergaymarkMarch 18, 2020 at 3:41 pm #877992These people — deserve whatever they get.
March 18, 2020 at 4:28 pm #877997I am on immunosuppressants and worry about getting the virus. My daughter’s college (she lives at home) has gone to online classes the rest of the semester but she works at Home Depot who has only shortened hours, not closed completely. My husband works in construction and so far are still busy. He’s not around a lot of people(thankfully) and we really can’t afford for him to be out of work if they decide to close IDK what we will do. I’m able to work from home for now but don’t make enough to support the household. It’s really anxiety producing.
Our state has issued the same order; take-out or drive-thru only and grocery stores finally started limiting the # of supplies you could get (I think they responded too late for that). Late is better than never I guess.
HOwever, the rest of my family is in Arkansas and the schools went online this week and next week is spring break and they plan to resume the week after like normal! I’m just baffled…
Hoping all who are sick have a speedy recovery.BittergaymarkMarch 19, 2020 at 12:04 pm #878035Still in the desert. (Twentynine Palms, California. 3 miles from the east Entrance to Joshua Tree National Park.) I have been on a painting rampage out here in the desert. Did the porch posts out back in a lovely bright shade of turquoise. (leftover paint from when they sprayed the front door.) In the middle of retro shelving next. Also for the back patio.
Today, I will get busy landscaping. I purchased some really great cacti legally in Arizona and will continue work on the yard. Long range plan — Been re-deserting the barren waste land. Years ago this double lot was scrapped free of cacti and local plants. (Fucking idiots.)
So for the past year I have been gradually moving rocks and re-cacti-izing the property for my friend. Lots of tiny cuttings of local plants (both green and purple prickly-pear, beaver-tail, and multiple varieties of cholla.) Planted over a dozen of rescued agave. Some salvaged aloe. And many fun purchases. Fire barrels, red barrels, golden barrels… false saguaros, and now two baby joshua trees.
Spring is here at last, and everything planted a year — all of which survived the summer heat are budding and starting to bud and grow which is really pretty exciting to see. Many will flower.
Trying to stay positive.
HelenMarch 19, 2020 at 3:28 pm #878044BGM your turquoise porch & desert landscape sound lovely
My husband had to go to the hospital today for fluids. He tested negative for the flu and they refused to test him for coronavirus because they didn’t have enough tests, and it would not change his treatment plan. Nurse said their resources were already being depleted. When they entered his room they had on full protective gear, goggles and everything. It all went in the trash before they left the room. New suit when they came back in. Him and the kids are hanging in there. I’m still symptom free. And getting cocky about it. Marching around my house declaring that I am, indeed, a god
HelenMarch 19, 2020 at 3:31 pm #878045Also, the CDC doesn’t know if our pets can catch this. My dog is definitely sick. Her symptoms started just after everyone else’s. She’s listless and threw up a few times. I’m scooping extra poop out back. She’s normally a playful 6yo pup, but she’s acting like a 15yo dog
March 19, 2020 at 4:04 pm #878047Whelp – my work is cutting our hours down now as our sales slow. Not surprising but it’s a nice extra layer of stress now. At least my wife’s employment is safe and steady.
March 19, 2020 at 9:10 pm #878054BGM, that sounds absolutely wonderful. You clearly picked a great spot to go to.
I have some minor symptoms. I’m sure it’s nothing, but of course it’s making me feel even more anxious. I slept ten hours straight last night. I think that’s the most sleep I’ve gotten a night in a decade. The CDC has a symptom checker online, should anyone worry they have the virus.
I went out shopping for essentials this afternoon. It’s pretty grim out there.