Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
LisforLeslieJune 11, 2020 at 6:05 am #888715
@BGM – I have been saying the same thing every day. May many racists in Tulsa (on Juneteenth of all dates!) bring home COVID.
Of course, I also worry about the protesters and hope they are doing their best to protect themselves and others but I know that in another week – we are going to get a surge.
@Fyodor I haven’t really paid attention to what’s going on in Japan or what their strategy for COVID has been, but lived there in middle and high school. Mask usage was already a very common practice there, so I’m sure people were on board with that as a precautionary measure. (Whereas here people throw tantrums over it and take to the internet to compare mask requirements to rape. Errrm…) Also, greetings were very different in Japan — more formal, like bowing, less touching like handshakes and hugging.
My husband and I went out to eat for the second time since the lockdown ended last night. Servers still wearing masks and such.
I heard about a wedding happening this weekend locally. 200 people. 15 person wedding party. I have such mixed feelings about it. Firstly, I’m hella jealous they’re getting to have the wedding they planned – can’t even pretend I’m not jealous. But also – THIS IS SUCH A BAD IDEA RIGHT NOW! I don’t believe any social distancing measures are being put in place. The venue is not requiring it so they’re just not doing it. I sincerely hope this doesn’t cause the cases in Missouri to rise, but I’m pretty confident that going back to huge events and weddings certainly isn’t going to cause numbers to decrease.
BittergaymarkJune 11, 2020 at 10:58 am #888746Yikes: I have had a trifecta of bad / disappointing work news and it’s not even 9 a.m.
It’s as if the last three irons that have long been simmering in the proverbial fire have simply turned to Balsa wood and all burnt up.
Hope everyone else is doing much, much better.
June 11, 2020 at 11:21 am #888756I did go to the hair salon last Friday and it was soooo nice to do a normal, regular thing. Wore masks the entire time and it’s a small salon so not a lot of people – only 6 total. 3 stylists and their customers situated 6 feet a part.
But then, went to the grocery store Monday and OMG! the store has a sign that asks everyone to wear a mask (but it is not required) and suddenly at least half the people weren’t wearing masks. I’m so so disappointed that so many people are apparently just deciding this is over and ignoring the guidelines. Makes me nervous to even go to the grocery store now. At least I can still work from home and my boss is pretty understanding, at this point, I may have to for a long, long time.
Sorry about your bad news @BGM. Hoping something else will pan out for you.
WTF with not requiring masks in the supermarket! Ours is still on a limited capacity basis and there can be a long line. The aisles are all one-way, and masks are required. I ran over there this morning to grab some items for my neighbor and it was totally fine and under control. I’ve been in the afternoon and had to wait a while to get in, but at least it’s under a canopy. I can’t believe masks aren’t required, that’s such a basic and easy way to prevent spread. Did Colorado not learn anything from 1918-19 when they had a bad second wave?
NicoleJune 11, 2020 at 11:59 am #888762@Rangerchic are you in Denver? Mask compliance is basically 100% in the Northeast (Stapleton/Park Hill). Grocery shopping at supertarget has felt really safe. Costco is reportedly also hard core about enforcement but I’m gun-shy to go since they were always SO crowded pre-pandemic.
shakeourtreeJune 11, 2020 at 12:07 pm #888764Courts are reopening now, and both judges and the lawyers are all so slammed from the backlog of cases. I did a week-long trial over video-conferencing last week, which was even more stressful than a typical week-long trial. I’m going back to court in-person for the first time later this month, but we will be required to wear masks and have temperature checks before entering. Only attorneys, parties, and named witnesses are allowed in the building. I’m pretty overwhelmed both with my workload and trying to prep for all this litigation from home without the help of my colleagues and support staff. It’s going to be a stressful summer ugghhhhh