Covid Support Thread
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FyodorAugust 11, 2020 at 8:14 am #945637
I’m sure it’s a combination of
(A) Important for right wingers to signal their support for Trump by pretending this is all liberal BS.
(B) They know school can’t operate safely but they want circumstances to force their hands rather than planning for remote operation and getting blamed for not trying.
I think the reopening of schools is a lot more nuanced than that. I’m absolutely not saying we should reopen schools because it’s a disaster. But what happens to the underprivileged kids whose parents have to work (most likely at jobs they hate serving or doing things for the privileged) just to keep lights on and food on the table? Many don’t have internet. Many kids will go unsupervised. It’s not like people working outside the home can just say “oh well, I’ll rearrange my schedule” or hire in home care.
This pandemic has greatly highlighted the economic divide, especially when it comes to children and schools.
Miss MJAugust 11, 2020 at 8:54 am #945725I agree that there are valid reasons to push to reopen schools and that there are people who sincerely want to do what’s best for poor and underprivileged children and believe in person school is the answer. But Donald Trump and the GOP Death Cult are not among that group. If they were, they’d have invested in the things we need to do to make that happen safely (you know, like they’ve done in countries everywhere else). This current push is nothing more than a crass political stunt to claim things are “normal” when they very clearly are not. And it sucks that the least privileged among us have to suffer the most for it. Again. January can’t come fast enough.
You’re right. Trump and the GOP don’t care about the underprivileged. I do think some local governments, like Chicago’s and our mayor, did consider it and we ultimately decided to go remote learning. They’re trying to address issues for those who need it.
It’s something I think a lot about and try to help where I can. I always have.
FyodorAugust 11, 2020 at 9:22 am #945789“I think the reopening of schools is a lot more nuanced than that. I’m absolutely not saying we should reopen schools because it’s a disaster. But what happens to the underprivileged kids whose parents have to work (most likely at jobs they hate serving or doing things for the privileged) just to keep lights on and food on the table? Many don’t have internet. Many kids will go unsupervised. It’s not like people working outside the home can just say “oh well, I’ll rearrange my schedule” or hire in home care.”
I should be clear, that I’m talking about the folks in Georgia who have been opening unsafely in areas of high spread and generally disdaining social distancing, etc. I know that there are a lot of schools that are struggling to do right by their students and communities.
August 12, 2020 at 11:55 am #949153So had a skype chat with my friends the other day and all three are living in different cities in Ontario, where the province is the second highest for COVID cases.
They are in their stage 3 of recovery, but the province is still trying to get people to maintain close social circles of 10 people (all inclusive with one another), and recommending avoiding merging of other social circles to avoid contraction of COVID.
Two of my friend are being completely irresponsible with it and it just grinds my gears. One is part of a wedding party where they reduced their numbers from 500 to 150 people with just the ceremony, they won’t be wearing masks, but will have all guests socially distanced at the venue. She seriously has no qualms about it and says if she gets it, she gets it! She is then supposed to go to a 3 day overnight horse/camping trip right after the wedding. I literally told her I am worried and concerned for her and others safety.
My other friend lives with her BF and her family lives in another town where they have exclusively bubbled, not including her. She decided to bubble with her BF’s family who is “isolating” at their family cottage, and as she described proudly, are not strict with the rules of isolation/social circles etc. Her brother is her main frustration as he has a 1 year old that she hasn’t seen since March. He has a multitude of stressors (mental health/depression, new family, new house with renos, balancing work and parental requirements) and she is being selfish in thinking that he is being controlling and unreasonable for not allowing her to see her nephew. She is completely offended that her brother doesn’t agree with seeing her because he doesn’t trust her BF’s family due to them bubbling with her (again, this would have been a merging of social bubbles which is not advised). She went on a selfish rant about how unfair it is that he is being so strict, that she hasn’t seen her family in close contact for months, yet decided to bubble with her BF’s family, and didn’t bother to quarantine for 2 weeks to try and see them after they expressed their concerns.
She is finally getting a COVID test as her BF was showing symptoms, so she is hoping that it is negative and with that can then see her nephew, parents and siblings. Her selfishness though prior to all that has just made me gag. She felt the requirements from the province to bubble with 10 people was not a strict guideline, that you could extend past that as a precautionary risk, which of course isn’t the case at all. I am having serious doubt with these two people and not feeling all that great having listened and kind of nodding my head at their qualms and comments.
FyodorAugust 12, 2020 at 12:06 pm #949178I wish that public health authorities in the US had pushed the idea of social bubbles as they did in Canada and other countries. We get most of our spread from social gatherings because people assume that if they’re not in a bar or restaurant they’re being safe. You see it a bit in the behavior discussed in this article.
I don’t doubt that many people wouldn’t comply, but having some kind of general framework for social behavior might get more people to behave responsibly.
FyodorAugust 12, 2020 at 12:11 pm #949192@Cleopatra_30, I’ve had to block lots of people on facebook who continue to advertise their large social gatherings.It’s just too depressing and will-sapping.
August 12, 2020 at 12:28 pm #949227@Fyodor Ya it is a great idea in theory, but in practice Ontario is definitely seeing issues because people assume indoor social gatherings (where you are expected to keep 6ft/2 meters and wear a mask) are treated like social bubbles.
There are a few articles from this month that express the concerns that the province has because of this misconception or stretch of the rules. I see it would have its challenges because you are asking 10 people to be exclusive with one another and that is hard. Even thinking of my own social circle, the issues that can come with it. Mind you my province is doing better, but we are seeing numbers creep up since we loosened restrictions.
We have seen raves, beach gatherings, businesses running large events cause these outbreak periodically in my province. So people are still being kind of flippant about it.
BethanyAugust 12, 2020 at 1:27 pm #949343I hear you @cleopatra_30, my own immediate family (I live 12 hours away from them) is making me bonkers. My dad started feeling cruddy and had to get an Covid test and it took 3 days to get that scheduled and then they (my mom and dad) had to wait another three days to get the results. Thankfully he was negative but the whole time my mom was complaining about missing my cousin’s wedding being held in a hotspot of Michigan. When I saw pictures of her wedding there was only 4 people with masks on and they weren’t really socially distanced – but it was held outside, so that made it all better.
My mom complained when we told her that they could not come and visit for my daughter’s bday. She didn’t talk to me for a few days and said we are being ridiculous. So I had to tell her that is okay, but I know at least my little family is safe and we are doing our part to try and bring down the numbers. It didn’t matter when we explained that my husband has to work in a hospital a few times a month or that I am now being required to work in person a few times a week. She is seriously acting like a bratty teenager. I can’t control them but I can tell them no and they don’t get to come around until WE feel it’s safe, not just when the govt feels it is.
I just wished people in other countries really paid attention to what is going on in the US and realize it could happen in their country. I do not wish what is going on in my country on any other country.