Covid Support Thread
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August 24, 2020 at 4:22 pm #961449
Here in Colorado we have mail in ballots but they also have drop-off locations so you don’t have to actually mail it. Which is what we plan to do. As soon as we get it – we are all sitting down and voting and then I’m dropping them off the next day. Crossing my fingers over here! (does that still work like it did in elementary 🙂 Kind of hope so!
We’re doing the same @Rangerchic. I usually vote in person on election day, but his year, we signed up for mail in ballots and I’m going to drop them off at an official site immediately.
TheLadyEAugust 24, 2020 at 10:41 pm #961456Well, it’s getting closer and closer to me.
A couple nights ago, coming back from a walk with my dogs, my neighbor across the (subdivision) street was outside and told me he got COVID from his daughter flying in from Colorado. In fact, he and both his daughters got it. He’s a very fit, healthy man in his late 40s-early 50s, and he said it took him out for 2 weeks. He couldn’t eat anything solid for a week. That day was his first day out of the house; he got 2 negative tests which is the only reason he was even out.
Then, we found out that one of our coworkers has it. I think she told someone on our team and it got to me by 9:30am.
THEN, one of my closest (probably my closest, in fact, we work together a lot and I’m so new) coworkers told me his mother in law got sick over the weekend & is going for a COVID test. She’s started feeling fatigued, sore throat, flu-like symptoms but tested negative for the flu, and she’s apparently been going to work without a mask. My coworker and his wife hung out with them on Friday night, and CW’s wife is immunocompromised. So he’s scared.
I spent the weekend alone and slept. Huzzah. 🙁
LisforLeslieAugust 26, 2020 at 5:53 am #961527@TheLadyE – well that sounds unbelievably uncomfortably close.
I’m still in Florida – part of me is staying just to keep my mom grounded – I can see she’s getting restless and she’s increasing some of her social activities – nothing dangerous, all socially distanced for the time being. I just say “Don’t bring the ‘Rona home to me.”
I’ve made up my mind that I’m going to see if my absentee ballot is here by the end of September. If not- I will get my butt back to NY, complete my quarantine so that I can maskup and vote in person.
BethanyAugust 26, 2020 at 7:19 am #961532@Helen funny you should ask about mail service. My husband said that his patients aren’t receiving their medications in a timely manner or at all and the practice has had to reimburse costs. Also, his practice (it is extremely small) still does paper checks and he hasn’t received two checks. He was eventually paid by money transfer but his practice has definitely been impacted by whatever is going on at the post office. In the school system I work for teacher’s submitting their paperwork for licensure (which has to be mailed) have had extreme delays or had to redo the paperwork all together because their licensure paperwork never arrived at the state authority.
I’ve talked to our mail carrier a few times and he has said that the post office is just a mess and if you thought it was bad before just wait until close to election day.
My husband and I requested ballots for the November election when Virginia first told us we could and when we receive them we’ll fill them out and either mail right away or take them to the local election board. Virginia doesn’t allow drop boxes, but the governor is working on getting that as an option. And my husband has been uping his overseas recruiter contacts trying to get something in the pipeline to help us leave the country if we need to. I never thought we would be trying to leave the US for any other reason than adventure but well here we are. Sigh
August 26, 2020 at 9:49 am #961534speaking of the post office.. i just got my birthday card last night; that my mom mailed on July 13th
@MG, the mail at our condo is sooooooooo bad. I’ve also had to wait months for cards my family has sent. My nephew picked out the best ever Valentine’s Day card for me last February and I received in, IDK, May.
It has a picture of a gorilla and says “Hey Girl, Looking for a Prime-Mate? Ha!
He’s 4. He liked it because of the gorilla. It still makes me laugh.
HelenAugust 26, 2020 at 10:27 am #961537Bethany that’s my biggest worry, my mom not being able to get her prescriptions. She has COPD and depends on the various inhalers she gets from Canada through the mail. I haven’t directly asked her if she was having trouble getting her medicines because I’m afraid the answer will fill me with impotent rage. She’s capable of securing her meds, so there’s nothing more I can do if she’s experiencing difficulties. This is all so surreal. I expected bad things to happen when Trump was elected, but never in all of my anxiety did I think it would be like this.
August 26, 2020 at 11:40 am #961539I mailed my mom’s birthday card to her in April. Around 30 days later it was returned to me saying “undeliverable” as addressed. So I called my mom and verified all the information. It was correct. Because of COVID I waited until I felt more comfortable going to the post office so around the end of June I went to the post office and talked to the postal worker to look it over and re-stamped it. It got returned to me again! So right now I don’t trust the post office to get anything anywhere (at least not without paying for their “guarantee” delivery service).
I finally had to mail it to my sister, in a different envelope and then she mailed it to our mom. Sigh…
August 26, 2020 at 11:43 am #961542Oh and @LadyE, that sounds so scary! My husband’s coworker came down with a fever and went to the ER. Turns out it was an UTI, so thankful for that (not that he’s sick just that it wasn’t COVID).