Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
ele4phantSeptember 2, 2020 at 10:57 am #961803
MJ so glad the news for your dog isn’t so dire!
A few weeks ago our cat was panting, so we paid the big bucks for the emergency vet late at night. Turns out he has asthma.
It’s always very stressful when your pet is sick, but as with all stressful things right now, COVID protocols take a shi*tty situation and make them that much worse.
TheLadyESeptember 2, 2020 at 3:22 pm #961812MJ, so glad to hear the good news about your little girl. And no, she’s not “just a dog” and anyone who says that is not worth listening to. My dog(s) are my children. I lost my first dog, my heart dog, last year to a VERY fast-onset heart issue – as in, she passed away within literal hours of showing symptoms – and it was by far the absolute worst experience of my entire life. When I took my second dogs (two sisters, puppies) to the vet for their first checkups, I sobbed in the car before we went in because the last time I had been there had been the last day of my first dog’s life. Don’t even get me started with Petsmart or her favorite places. It’s so hard and scary, and I’m just so glad you got news that is manageable and not (as) difficult. <3
Our state is moving from Phase 2 to Phase 2.5 this Friday and gyms are opening again at 30% capacity. Bars, entertainment venues and movie theaters are still closed. IDK. It’s weird, because we just had outbreaks at 2/3 major universities in the area.
I went to my favorite fast-casual Mexican place for Taco Tuesday yesterday and ate inside for the first time since March. I went after the lunch rush and the place was nearly empty. It felt…so familiar and yet so different at the same time.
OriginalusernameSeptember 2, 2020 at 3:51 pm #961816There is this middle aged man who lives around my parents. He is autistic and he has this emotional support dog, Spunky. A little terrier mix. He would walk Spunky around the neighborhood saying hello to everyone he came across outside. Sometimes, in those pre-covid days when I was able to visit my parents, I would occasionally run into him on his walks. He would talk to me about what he and Spunky did that day. There were a few times when talking about Spunky where he would get very upset, near the brink of tears. When I asked him why he told me that he loved Spunky so much that he was scared of the day that ” Spunky would need to go away forever”. Spunky wasn’t even an older dog. He just loved Spunky so much that the awareness of Spunky needing ” to say goodbye” one day was the worst possible thing. I felt that so much. I still get emotional when thinking about a cat I had since childhood, that died 9 years ago. My parents dog/ our family dog is pretty old and sick right now too. My mom called me the other day to tell me to just ” prepare myself”. There is no real way to prepare yourself for that. Pets are family. It’s just this very human thing to love them so much. I think that people who would laugh or roll their eyes at someone grieving the loss of a pet probably have something twisted going on inside them.
September 2, 2020 at 5:00 pm #961818LadyE, you saying that your state is lifting some restrictions (despite outbreaks) made me think about this graph I saw recently on covid projections:
There’s a line in the graph for projections is states begin easing restrictions, a line for projections is restrictions stay exactly as they are currently, and a line for universal mask use (95%, nationally I believe we’re around 50-55%). The line for eased restrictions shows up to 5000 deaths a day by December 1 (five times more than the already horrific rate of a 1000 a day that we’re at now).
September 2, 2020 at 5:04 pm #961819Then again, this info is only coming from the most prestigious centers for global health research in the world (IHME). It’s probably fake news.
TheLadyESeptember 2, 2020 at 10:42 pm #961827@Wendy, oh I agree with you. I am 100% sure we are going to see more spikes because people are going to go batshit crazy once more things start opening up. They’re ALREADY packing out restaurants on weekends.
My behavior will not really change. We’re working from home until mid-2021 and I just spent $$ to redo my back porch (last time I did anything to it was 4 years ago, it was due for a major refresh) and I’ll be sitting outside with friends/socially distancing for as long as the weather allows. Thankfully in NC the weather is mild through October generally speaking.
I’m worried for my parents, because their tiny town in PA is doing next to nothing to prevent community spread. My parents are being very careful but most people aren’t, and they’ve already known several people who have been in the hospital and/or have died.
OriginalusernameSeptember 4, 2020 at 9:45 am #961881So my boyfriend’s cousin just held an enormous gender reveal party last weekend -_-. We didn’t go, obviously, and neither did his oldest brother and SIL, but I think a great number of the rest of his family attended including his father and possibly his mother who lives near us. When we got the e-invite from his cousin we were able to view the RSVP list and it had to be atleast 70 names plus their plus 1s marked under “will be attending”. I was pissed.
My parents next-door neighbors all got Covid from their daughter’s gender reveal party back in April or May. I know the parents and grandma really didn’t want to have it, especially not at their house, but gave in eventually. Everyone got it, including the pregnant daughter. Apparently the dad was hospitalized for a few days because of it.
When we told his cousins we would not be attending because we were still following social-distancing guidelines they said ” oh, I guess that makes sense. It’s good you’re taking the pandemic seriously”.. like wtf. So you’re aware of how what you’re doing is a terrible idea, but you’re going to do it anyway? They actually pushed the party off by a day because we were supposed to get a bad thunderstorm the originally selected day. So, it’s like ” wow, it’s great that you’re concerned for everyone’s health and well being when it comes to weather but not the greatest Pandemic of our lifetime”…
His dad uploaded a bunch of videos of the into a group chat and nobody, not one single person in the videos was wearing a mask, practicing physical distancing and there had to be atleast 70 people filtering in and out between the inside and outside of the house and patio area. So congrats, it’s a corona!
Anyway, I know my boyfriend is sort of embarrassed by his family over this, but he has a hard time standing up to them, particularly his father. I told him that I would, under no circumstances, want to spend anytime near his parents, even with a mask on, for another 2 weeks and then it would have to be outside while remaining 6 feet apart.
Now his other brother and his brother’s wife want us to come to their new house to meet their new puppy. I don’t want to do this. Even if we were to stay outside, masks on, I think this is a slippery slope with his family. If we go to meet the puppy, his father will expect us to attend whatever labor day bbq they’re planning. I keep asking my BF whether or not this brother attended the party and all he says is he doesn’t know. Then ask, right? I get that puppies don’t stay puppies for long, but I have a family I miss and love too. I was hoping to finally go over to see my parents this month because they have been keeping pretty vigilant. Why should I risk their health because his cousins wanted to burst open a balloon filled with blue glitter in front of a large audience. Would I be out of line to message his SIL directly ,asking as nice I could if they attended? for some reason we can’t see the RSVP list any longer after the event passed. Am I being unfair to him and his family here? I know I can’t keep him from his own family, I can only make my own choices. But we live together, his family all live in the area were in. He sees his father often on his drive to work ( he has to pass by their house) but because his family ( all but one brother) won’t take this seriously, I would have to put off something I have been hoping for since March.I have some team members in India, and my co-worker’s in-laws got it, her MIL and two grandparents. The grandfather has died. India seems like it’s surpassing the US for worst shitshow. I hear they’re not accurately reporting anything and just burying people in ditches.