Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
HelenSeptember 4, 2020 at 10:59 am #961886
OUN don’t go see the puppy. Keep doing what you know is right. Seeing everyone around me living like nothing’s going on makes me doubt if I’m being stupid by social distancing still. And I was sick for 7 weeks with Covid! We’re all fatigued and many of us are traumatized. But hang in there & don’t apologize for following the advice of experts. Nothing is more important than your health
OriginalusernameSeptember 4, 2020 at 11:32 am #961887I think so too Kate, but his family tends to keep records of every single function where I am not in attendance ( they have a lot of functions too) and now that things are opening again, despite cases rising again in our state, they seem to think that I am purposely not attending to avoid them and using the pandemic as an exscuse and that I’m some bad outsider keeping their son/ brother from them. I haven’t even seen my 3 month old niece once. My 4 year old nephew calls me crying asking when I can come play with him. My family doesn’t even live that far away from where I am now, a 35 minute drive depending on traffic. I just don’t want the people I love to get infected. I wanted to drive out to see my parents because I do miss them, but also because our family dog is very old and sick and probably doesn’t have another month left in him. The only time that would work for my parents for me to come over would be either tomorrow evening or next week. It wouldn’t work out to try and swing by my parents house first and his brother seems deadset on us meeting this puppy tomorrow.
When I saw the videos of the gender reveal I got a little ticked and told my BF flat-out that his family ( save for the one brother who has also been getting shit for avoiding these things) isn’t taking this seriously at all and didn’t seem to be able to suffer even a minor inconvenience of maybe just bursting open a glitter balloon or whatever over zoom. Like they had to have a big, crowded party leading up to something that took all of 3 seconds to do. I grew up in a very different world than he did, so I am not used to all these big family-centered suburban affairs to begin with. I certainly don’t understand the compulsive need to keep them going during a pandemic. We have been able to avoid large gatherings up until now despite his parents and extended relatives continually requesting us to come over to another pool party, BBq, whatever…
But my BF feels that if he continues to not attend things because of Covid, his family will think we are judging their behavior. Like it would come across as us acting like we’re better/ holier than thou. They’re also insisting that they’re taking every necessary precaution because they hold bigger events outside in the yard. Still a ton of people not wearing masks crowding around the drink table and hugging everyone, but yeah ,totally cool because it’s outside.BittergaymarkSeptember 4, 2020 at 11:43 am #961888I now think that the only way this pandemic will end (here in the US anyway) is for a whole bunch of people to die. Closing down has largely been a bust as much of ‘Merica is too dumb to be sensible. And so any gains made by Wisely closing down have simply been squandered. Wasted.
It’s maddening how so few Republicans have died.
My sheer rage is off the charts. I remain very disillusioned.
My entire life has been blown up —- And for WHAT? I am left surveying scorched earth. Everything career wise is black and dead —- a twisted smoldering ruin.
Apparently, by passing on a TV movie that started shooting the first week of June -— which was FUCKING insane!! (Make-up and I both very politely passed…) I have been blacklisted by that company. Which frankly is a HUGE fuck you. After YEARS of hard work.
Honestly, I don’t see much of a future in anything. I just don’t. I feel like all that remains is headaches and anger. There seems very little point in anything. None whatsoever.
OriginalusernameSeptember 4, 2020 at 11:55 am #961889BGM- I am really sorry that you’re being blacklisted by a company for making the safe, sane, reasonable choice. That’s insane. Why were they even filming during the height of the pandemic to begin with?
Yeah I don’t think Republicans would acknowledge their selfish lunacy of their behavior even if they were dying by the rally-full. They wouldn’t admit to it, or they would claim it to be a liberal conspiracy or some shit. Now they’re all talking about ‘ herd immunity’ as if they really understand what that means. I wish they would all voulenteer to be the first members of the herd to walk into the slaughter house. Trump should prove how great and smart he is by being coughed on by Covid patients on live TV.“Seeing everyone around me living like nothing’s going on makes me doubt if I’m being stupid by social distancing still.” @Helen, I swear my husband and I have the “Are we crazy for staying away or are they assholes for not caring?” conversation at least once a week. It’s like living in two realities, except that covid doesn’t care if you believe in it or not and it’s only gotten worse since March, so…no, we’re not crazy. Right?
As for Republicans, it’s already come out that they didn’t do anything at first because they thought it’d just kill people in blue Dem-leaning cities. And now that it’s obviously taking a harder toll on Black and brown people and the elderly and poor, it’s like Christmas for the GOP! Something to do their longed for mass execution of “those people” for them! All they have to do is do nothing. Which is exactly what they will do.
HelenSeptember 6, 2020 at 7:36 am #961943I know a few of us on here have had Covid. Am I the only one losing my hair 4months after recovery? My fingernails are jacked up too. Super thin and peeling. I lost a lot of hair after my daughter was born almost 3 years ago. It finally grew back and now its all falling out again! I had some bloodwork done but don’t have the results yet. Just curious if anyone else is having lasting effects of this stupid virus. I’ll also take recommendations for products that work on thin hair
FyodorSeptember 6, 2020 at 8:33 am #961944I have read about it happening.
Alyssa Milano said she lost her hair due to COVID. I’m not sure what works or doesn’t work in this situation, but Biotin gummies help me have thicker hair and stronger nails. Also, a good texturizing spray helps. If you have thin spots, Color WOW powder or eyeshadow, or even that Toppik fiber stuff.
Put a small claw clip under the base of your ponytail. Gently pull out the sides of your bun to make it look bigger.
September 6, 2020 at 9:33 am #961946I have been losing more recently, but I have attributed it to stress and seasonal shedding. I think I shed more in spring and fall.
I have really fine hair and have been using Amika 3D volume and thickening shampoo and conditioner for maybe 6-8 months:
These products have “Redensyl” which supposedly helps stimulate hair follicles. I don’t know if it really works, but my hair has been pretty thick and full and I’ve been happy with the products. I don’t use it every wash, but I use it a few times a week. It does have a hefty amount of fragrance, but it doesn’t trigger a headache for me, which is unusual.
I am however, having some odd issues with routine bloodwork. I had to go in and have it tested again just a few days ago.
OUN – I read your posts about your boyfriend’s family and I am so sorry and mad for you. Well, maybe they think you’re judging them because there is something to be judged about!
I haven’t gotten COVID, thankfully, but I have developed this itching habit, including my scalp. My hair isn’t falling out in clumps but I find hair everywhere. I feel gross because I’m itching, and the more I itch the more I want to itch. I got lots of red splotches. I suspect it has something related to anxiety. I first got it in “early pandemic” and my family doctor prescribed me some steroid cream which helped. However my itching has come back.
I feel lucky to be in Canada where are numbers are relatively low, but they are slowly creeping up in my province. My city is also relatively low but we are getting some more cases too. I am back fully in the office and I’ve gone out for lunch with a few colleagues once or twice on a patio.
Last week I joined for lunch and I didn’t realize we were eating inside until we got to the restaurant. There were six of us. We wore masks walking inside but once we were at the table which was a normal sized table, everyone took off their masks once we were seated. I know you can’t eat and drink with a mask on but it seemed so natural for them just to take the mask off and not even wait.
By working in the office I probably have effectively “bubbled” with them. I know I could have spoken up and I could have left. I made the judgment call to stay and take off my mask. The risk is relatively low. But I don’t feel comfortable eating inside yet, mainly due to ventilation. I’ll add that there were two other parties inside the restaurant and we were well distanced from them so that’s fine.
It’s kind of a mental dissonance to be doing all these things to protect us and yet the numbers in our city is in the single digits and the risk is, truthfully, low.
HelenSeptember 6, 2020 at 10:43 am #961948Interesting article! Hopefully that’s all it is, a stress reaction. Not a symptom of something larger like thyroid dysfunction. I keep reading about people acquiring auto immune disorders after having the virus and its definitely worrisome.
I’ll check out those products! Thanks!AllornoneSeptember 11, 2020 at 3:41 pm #962086Hi people. I haven’t posted in about five months. After losing my job due to Covid, I descended into severe depression and alcoholism. I was hospitalized, nearly lost my boyfriend, and was pretty much just a mess for a while. I’ve been slowly pulling myself out though. I’m now in therapy and AA and on meds. I haven’t had a drink in a month and today, I am happy to announce that I was offered a new job at a non-profit I really believe in. I am excited, anxious, terrified, but mostly, optimistic. For the first time in months, I believe it can get better. Suck it Covid. Suck it 2020. We can emerge from the ashes.