Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
Our winters aren’t that brutal anymore, due to climate change. Getting less and less so. To me, the summers are getting worse, with more and more 90+ degree days.
Everyone who’s super angry, I get it, especially if you’ve lost someone. Absolutely, be angry. For me, it’s a lot better for my mental health to 1) disengage from idiots because trust me you’re not going to change their mind, and 2) listen to what the health professionals are saying and just do that. I can completely control my own behavior. I have no energy to give to being angry at morons. You can’t fix stupid. The other issue is that the more you focus on what these people are doing (flying to Hawaii, meeting up indoors without masks, having a wedding), the easier it is for you to slip into some unsafe behavior that you can justify because at least you’re not doing what THEY’RE doing. Better to just look away from the stupidity.
So, I’m still sick. It’s weird-I’ve never developed severe symptoms, but my nausea hasn’t abated at all in nearly two weeks. I can’t really eat more than a few things without feeling terrible. On one hand I know that I’m lucky to have avoided severe illness. On the other hand, it’s been emotionally draining how long this has gone on and not knowing if it’s ever going to end.
My wife is doing better. The Spawn tested negative twice and is negative for antibodies. So she isn’t patient zero and didn’t get it at the orthodontist.
We have no idea how we could have gotten this. The only time that anyone had any unmasked contact with a non-household member was when the Bride went into Whole Foods for two minutes wearing a KN95 mask to pick up a pre-order. The other alternative is that we got it off of a package/surface.
AngeDecember 18, 2020 at 6:43 pm #976210We’ve had a small outbreak here in Sydney of about 28 and counting, patient zero was a flight crew member who didn’t follow quarantine rules and went out on the town, the strain has been tested and it’s of American origin. Several areas in the Northern beaches are now in a 3 day lockdown because of it and I must admit anti-American sentiment is running a bit high right now. Fair enough too, our borders just opened so people could travel interstate and this idiot has jeopardised all of it to go out for drinks.
We’re going to a drive thru testing place this afternoon. My husband is making me get a test because I have a cough. I feel fine… I had a headache and fatigue but I always do when getting my period. Don’t think I have it, but what else is there to do today?
The most recent place I went was an outdoor patio for a drink last Friday night. Seems unlikely.
We got the results overnight. Very fast, and the test itself was easy, you just stuck a q-tip up each nostril yourself and swirled for 5 seconds. We’re negative. Not sure where I got a cough, but it’s a minor one. I had something way worse back in February.
Roxy_84December 20, 2020 at 6:54 am #977643Well. My husband woke up with a cough and feeling achy on Friday, so we isolated from each other (and the world of course) and he went and got a test and has been confined to the spare room. Came back positive yesterday morning. So I went and got a test yesterday. Came back negative this morning.
We’ve been nowhere and seen no one, but my husband is a doctor so this was always a possibility. This f-cking blows. Our province is under lockdown so we’re not allowed to see people outside our household (and I have to stay inside for 12 more days anyway). So already had made the best of not seeing family for Xmas – we’d pre-ordered nice takeout meals, decided on a good wine to open – and now I don’t even get to spend Xmas with my husband living in my house. Fortunately he’s doing fine right now, just a cough and achy still. Fingers crossed the worst part of this is not spending Xmas together.
Oh man, that really sucks. Obviously on the bright side you should be able to have many more Christmases together, but fuck. I guess get into your coziest loungewear, have a bottle of something nice, a good movie, book, or show, and enjoy your takeout.
We ordered a special holiday meal from a steakhouse in Boston that has prime rib and crab bisque and twice baked potatoes.
HelenDecember 20, 2020 at 11:09 am #977815I tried to go vote in the GA runoffs twice in the last few days and couldn’t because I didn’t have time to wait in the giant line. I’ve lined up my mom to babysit so I can go vote Monday. I didn’t think the democrats had a chance in hell of winning, but seeing the long lines made me feel hopeful. Turnout is record breaking already. We’ll see Jan 5th. I just can’t wait for the attack adds to end. It’s Non fucking stop. TV, radio, fliers filling up my mailbox, people ringing my doorbell, text messages, I can’t escape it. Over it. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays! Our Xmas tradition is to stay home, just us and the kids, so my Xmas will be the same as always.