Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
Well, my boyfriend is sick with… something. Flu-like symptoms started yesterday and at first were pretty mild until about 4am, when out of nowhere he went from feeling meh to feeling very ill, got up to get himself some water but was so fatigued from that small effort that he had to sit down in the living room. I got up to check on him and was worried enough to ask if he wanted to go to urgent care. We didn’t, he eventually made it back to bed and fell back to sleep. Today he looks and feels a lot better, still feeling under the weather, achy, and keeps needing to sit down if he stands for too long. It could be some other ailment, but he got a COVID test to be sure. We’ll know on Tuesday.
HelenJanuary 4, 2021 at 7:55 am #992728Copa I hope he feels better soon! My husband & I experienced the same fatigue when we had Covid. It was the only symptom we had in common. Crippling fatigue. Order a pulseoxmeter and keep an eye on his O2 stats. My oxygen dropped to the low 80’s with little exertion and I didn’t feel it. I was short of breath for 8 weeks, but I couldn’t tell when my O2 was super low. Keep us updated and stay safe!
BittergaymarkJanuary 4, 2021 at 10:27 am #992816Oh no, Copa! Hopefully, the test comes back negative.
LA is increasingly scary and bleak. I am laying low. And rather happy that a kind friend selfishly gave me a fifty dollar netflix card. (Selfish in that she was simply DYING to talk about The Crown with me.).
The show is well made. Very.
But so shallow and trivial. I mean could anything be more vapid and nonexistant that the meager problems of an inbred Royal family that literally do nothing but wave from parades while traveling the world in style as they spend unearned millions?
Honestly? Who gives a fuck?
I’m hopeful it’s negative. We don’t go anywhere except the grocery store! The only thing we’ve done out of our norm recently is going to the eye doctor. But we’ll see!
We found out last night that my boyfriend’s sister, who lives in SC with her family, is now getting tested again. Maybe a month ago, her husband got it from a coworker after an unmasked indoor lunch. She tested negative. Well, they ended up going to a NYE party at a friend’s and almost immediately after, a few guests found out they have COVID. So now she’s getting tested again. She’s a teacher. I keep thinking if I were a teacher through all of this I’d rage quit. And then I hear about teachers like her.
January 4, 2021 at 12:13 pm #992869I get feeling frustrated with teachers going to NYE parties, but when they are told that it’s safe for them to gather with 20 or 30 kids in poorly-ventilated classrooms where they remove their masks to eat lunch, it’s probably a hard spill to swallow that gathering indoors with friends and family *isnt* safe. You really can’t say one kind of mass indoor gathering is fine (it’s not) but another is reckless.
BittergaymarkJanuary 4, 2021 at 12:25 pm #992879Yeah, and the narrative changes every five minutes. Remember Pelosi gleefully eating Chinese food in Chinatown encouraging evetybody to flock to indoor dining way back in february?
It’s laughable to me that school is in session anywhere… schools are petri dishes even without a pandemic.
Hope you’re both okay! I feel like maybe this new variant has been around the cities for a while and that’s why more ppl seem to be getting Covid even though they hardly do anything?
My boss had her kids and their partners over for Christmas, and one of her kids has now tested positive. In my head I’m like, “whyyyyy?!”
That said, a lot of people got together with family. I just found out even my most germophobic friend did. And so many cars were gone from our street the past 2 weeks, that are now back. We saw our next-door neighbors in the hallway coming back from somewhere with suitcases.
Well, my comment about teachers at parties is more from the perspective that if I were a teacher, I wouldn’t feel safe in the classroom (especially with the new strain, which I’ve read children are more susceptible to). And if I had to go into the classroom (because rage quitting often isn’t an actual option for people), I’d feel like that was all the risk I needed in my life. I’d probably my free time rage tweeting instead of going to parties as a teacher. (A good college friend is also a teacher in the south, also has to go into the classroom and she’s scared every day, upset that people who traveled and mingled over the holidays will still be sending their kids back to school today, etc.) But yes, I understand the point you’re making. I don’t know his sister or her husband well since they don’t live nearby, but they’ve consistently seemed so cavalier about everything that I’m judging them pretty harshly every time I hear a new story.
HelenJanuary 4, 2021 at 2:11 pm #992962Honestly, I have decision fatigue. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve been hunkered down since last March, but it just isn’t an option anymore. My 1st grader has special needs & requires speech therapy that he gets from school. My 3yo daughter also gets speech therapy from the same school. My 20yo son works in retail. My husband’s job is requiring him to travel again. He sells software to law enforcement, so he interacts with cops & visits jails. Pretty sure that’s where we caught covid last March. I had a bad case. He’s packing up for a trade show right now. He’ll be in a building with 100s of cops & sheriffs for 3 days. Some of these cops come from counties that forbid law enforcement from wearing masks!!! Only the fucking south. With all this exposure why am I avoiding restaurants? Why am I keeping my son out of sports? Why keep my daughter out of dance class? Why not go to my AA/NA meetings? I haven’t done anything in almost a year and I’m really wondering if it’s worth it. Like it or not we’re exposed. Do I pick back up Cub Scouts, soccer, ballet, Waffle House, trampoline parks on rainy days?? Or keep staying home? I don’t fucking know. I’m trying to make the best decisions for my family (including my mom who’s been on O2 for a decade) but I don’t know what to do! Every precaution seems futile and no matter what I do I feel like I’m short changing my kids