Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
@BGM, thanks for the link. That man was hysterical. I have heard that here in California, schools are officially closed for the remainder of the year. I have granddaughters in high school. I’m curious about how instruction will be handled so they can finish the academic year. Poor seniors! No prom and no graduation ceremony. I’m in the high risk group because of age, so I’m staying home, home, home.
LisforLeslieMarch 24, 2020 at 8:45 am #878365The Lt Governor of Texas suggested that grandparents should get back out there to give their grandkids the America they love so much back. Or some shit like that.
Yes – Texas is advocating that old people go out and start shopping and going to restaurants to restart the economy at the risk of their own lives for ‘merica.
WHAT THE EVER LIVING – I just can’t. I can’t even imagine that someone who is a rabid-pro-lifer is suggesting this. The moral dissonance is so loud that my ears can’t take the noise.
In the meantime my brother-in-law had to set down a new rule for my 8 year old nephew: All video conference calls require pants.
March 24, 2020 at 9:56 am #878368Waiting on a test for a coworker. His wife is 37 weeks pregnant and was tested last Thursday. They’ve been out of the office since Wednesday and we had been distancing and disinfecting for several days prior to that. So, needless to say, based on symptoms etc, he was never in the office experiencing the symptoms (good) and we’re at the point where others should have started to see symptoms (so far none yet). Phew. This is just further proof that we did the right thing sending people home ahead of my companies very delayed policy.
BittergaymarkMarch 24, 2020 at 10:31 am #878371GM, yeah… I have heard the same about schools remaining closed here in California from pretty much everybody I know who has kids.
Glad you enjoyed the video. It was a 10 on every level. Parody, cleverness, performance, editing and execution.
I’m really confused that as deaths soar — Republican idiots in both TexASS and the Blight House thing everybody should magically go back to work. ?
In a grim effort to mimic popular Republican 1980s views, I sure do wish that THIS disease would START killing “all the right people.” This oft forgotten previously trumpeted Republican viewpoint became such a cliche in the 1980s it was the centerpiece of a very special Designing Women episode where a gay guy plans his own funeral.
Yep. My patience with fools is at an end.
Anyway… still in the desert. Gonna move more rocks today. Yesterday I created a spiffy clear path to the front door. (Took 31 heavy rocks and stood them upright — think Stonehenge!) Hey — Gotta earn my keep out here in relatively fabulous isolation…
Hang in there, everybody.
HelenMarch 24, 2020 at 11:07 am #878376I’m baffled why they’re even thinking going back to normal life in 2 weeks. America’s response to this is alarming. We’re going to be the next horror show the world watches as bodies pile up. Trump is so desperate to go back to bragging about the economy (that was handed to him) he’s willing to sacrifice a million citizens. Even if you manage to avoid the virus, what if you need a dr for something else? They’re already overwhelmed & reusing protective gear! People are going to die of treatable heart attacks and other diseases because they couldn’t get to a dr!!! Only today did they ban dining in in my area!! We should have been locked down 4 fucking weeks ago!! My rage is overwhelming. He won’t even enforce the defense act. Utter failure. Our only way out of this is if he catches it and dies within the next 2 weeks and they start letting the dr make the decisions
I’ve been having some major connectivity issues working remote this morning. I’m very frustrated, I haven’t yet been able to get on top of my workload while remote. It also seems so strange that I continue to receive urgent work emails over things that are, in the grand scheme of things, trivial. I know life has to continue and I’m grateful to have a job I can do from home, but it feels silly to me to care so much about work when we’re in the middle of a global health crisis.
March 24, 2020 at 11:21 am #878378tell me about it! My kids are getting so many assignments that they’re expected to do every day and turn in for a grade as if this is all business as usual. we are in goddamn survival mode here. Third grade factions can wait. Maybe even until fourth grade.
AllornoneMarch 24, 2020 at 11:40 am #878382I work for a non-profit that provides services for the elderly. My actual job (grant writing) could be done anywhere, but there is so much infrastructure to be worked out among the various client and provider-facing departments, plus our extreme reliance on federal-funding (meaning we do what the State says no matter what) that it’s going to be days before I can even think from working from home. At least traffic is a lot better lately. BoA* works at Comcast in random people’s houses all day. He’s doomed.
*Boyfriend of Allornone; I once tried Partner of Allornone once, but that gave people other ideas.
NicoleMarch 24, 2020 at 3:09 pm #878392I’ve been sheltering in place for two weeks already, so I might be overly amused by this, but, this happened yesterday and it’s pretty surreal :, shelter in place order happens that will close liquor stores and dispensaries. People make a crazy rush on those places (probably lots of new infections as a result) Mayor decides in a matter of hours that those places are actually essential. leave it to Denver to get a prohibition overturned in a matter of hours. Meanwhile, the dispensaries only use cash, so…gonna stay far away from that.
BittergaymarkMarch 24, 2020 at 3:53 pm #878396People just need to ignore Trump. He is try nothing but an idiot. A dangerous, babbling idiot.
Ignore him. Ignore his rants and suggestions. Just tune him the fuck out. I suspect that… state after state will start doing that VERY soon.
End of rant. I have rocks to go find.
March 24, 2020 at 4:38 pm #878402We are on day 17 shelter in place. We haven’t gone anywhere, just our own yard space. I have three elementary aged kids and it is getting pretty intense. Our little 700SF California beach house was not created with quarantine in mind.
I live on a popular street for walking and see so many people out for walks. I will see people walking and coughing. Moments later someone else will be walking in the same space that someone was just hacking coughing, completely ignorant that something might be in the air. I see this all day.