Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
AllornoneMarch 25, 2020 at 1:34 pm #878484
Well, last Monday I had a random seizure (I don’t have epilepsy; according to the CT scan, EEG and MRI I was subjected to, I show no signs of epilepsy, though ironically I used to work for an organization that served people with epilepsy). Just a seizure. Out of nowhere. So I guess I “self-quarantined” in the hospital from then to early Saturday morning. They deemed me a fall risk so they even placed an alarm on my bed in case I tried to get up on my own (not that I could with the four IVs stuck in me). Not a good week, And now, even though we are authorized to work from home, we are “strongly advised” against it. At least traffic is pretty damn sweet.
March 25, 2020 at 1:46 pm #878486Thanks Wendy & BGM!
Allornone, that is insane. Has that ever happened to you before? Can’t believe you’re still going in to work after something like that. More power to you. Stay healthy.
AllornoneMarch 25, 2020 at 1:53 pm #878487Never happened before. Truth be told since I’m hiding behind a small amount of anonymity here, I’ ve been dealing with some alcohol issues lately. I had quit cold turkey a few days prior. Other than being a little shaky, I wasn’t really experiencing any signs of withdrawal. But that was probably it. I can’t tell you how ashamed and mortified I am over all of this.
March 25, 2020 at 2:08 pm #878488Allornone, it takes a lot to admit you’re struggling, and there is absolutely no shame in that. This is an unbelievably hard time in general, and compounding it with whatever you’re going through personally…it’s unreal. Be kind to yourself <3 sending good vibes
AngeMarch 25, 2020 at 4:06 pm #878501That’s a lot on your plate, Allornone. Feel free to ask for support if needed.
I’m slowly getting better, whether it’s the pandemic or whatever I have. My lungs are sore but I’ve not got anymore fever and so far the coughing has been stable. My boss gave me the day off today which was nice considering I hadn’t actually had a sick day the whole time. Australia has introduced some pretty sweeping lock down rules which is great but kids can still go to school in lots of states and they keep letting cruise ships full of infected people dock! Talk about mixed messages.
On the ground there’s been some hoon doing burnouts in the area for nearly a week now, I’m impressed he seems to have access to tyres.
ronMarch 25, 2020 at 7:24 pm #878511My county and the county next door are now on lock down as of 5 PM today. We can still go out for groceries, pharmaceuticals, and to walk if we don’t do so in groups. Our state Supreme Court rejected appeals from a gun shop and a law firm that it was unconstitutional for the governor to order them to close. Five other PA counties were already locked down before today.
PurpleStarMarch 25, 2020 at 8:43 pm #878514I live in Mississippi.
My employer is a mental health care provider – so essential.
My Governor is praying for direction – religion is fine, I am religious, but please don’t base the safety of our entire state on prayer. If he doesn’t know how to govern (which I don’t think he does) he could look at other states and just copy what they are doing. Ugh, I didn’t vote for him.
Each city down here on the Coast is doing their own thing. Random as heck.My employer, who provides a vital service, but has only closed two locations, has brought those staff into the open offices to work, to avoid paying out leave time I am sure, thereby increasing the number of people who breathe into the same air as I do every day. I did not want to go to work Monday – I had no idea where the other 70+ people in my building had been all weekend. I actually told a staff member who came in from another site, who I have never met before, to please back away from my desk as I was trying to keep some distance from people. I think I offended her. I did not care. I sprayed down my office with my dwindling can of lysol after she left. I spray my office down at least 3x a day. I wear gloves to open the mail, because ya’ know, virus on paper. I don’t know how how the postal workers are doing this. I need to leave a disinfectant care package out for my local mail man.
Telemedicine has been approved by almost all insurance companies and Medicare – why is my employer not embracing that??? Our clinicians can literally take their office phones home and have sessions with our clients over the phone. But our CEO literally said today that she was not preparing for a full shut down. We have several 24 hour facilities – we can’t close those – those clients have nowhere else to go, but the regular offices – yeah, those could close and clients could still be taken care of.
I am not a clinician, I am in administration and even I can remote in and do a lot of work from home. I would not mind going in every other day to pick up and drop off paper work. I just don’t want to be around so many people all day.
I just don’t understand the attitude down here. Our neighbor, Louisiana, is seeing cases increase exponentially (I have relatives who are sick) and cases here are ramping up. I think we are going to see large numbers in 10-14 days. Yet, my employer has their head in the sand.
Sorry, just needed to vent. Don’t want to vent to my son. He is stressed enough – both his casino jobs closed and he is worried about money and me getting sick.
Stay safe.
AngeMarch 26, 2020 at 1:44 am #878524My job has just announced we go part time from April 20 until June 30, then who knows. I’m grateful to still have a job but if still a bummer. I CANNOT catch a break in this field I swear to god. At least this one was pandemic related and not just bad management ??♂️
AllornoneMarch 26, 2020 at 6:51 am #878539To all who offered, thanks for the support.
As I work for a federally-designated Area on Aging (we provide elder services), my organization has to remain open for the time being. I even have to carry a piece of paper in my car stating I work for an essential service in case we go on lockdown. For now, we are technically given the option of working from home (which my job would be hella suited for) but my boss is “advising against it,” so I guess I’ll keep trudging in for the time being. Probably for the best. Structure is a good thing for me right now. Plus, traffic is flippin’ awesome. Miami roads have never been this sweet.
March 26, 2020 at 7:04 am #878540This pandemic has really managed to shine a light on the fact that most of the time, our bosses are really not our friends. I’m pretty lucky in that most of the opposition to working from home has been in middle-management. It seems that the people at the top of the food chain are the ones pushing to work from home if possible.
I’m finally able to start working remotely today. I hope it goes well – I’m a bit anxious about it because I can be easily distracted by my family’s needs, and I don’t really have a good private area to work at all.
My sister works for a large global company. They announced yesterday that all employees will have their salaries cut beginning April 1. It’s meant to be a temporary measure, but who really knows? I feel terribly for her — she works in a tough field (boy’s club-type environments, long hours, pay is just ok) and it’s been hard for her. And now this. It’s obviously better than being laid off but she’d on edge now in case worse is coming. I’m on edge, too.