Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
HelenMarch 26, 2020 at 11:20 am #878570
Allornone I’m so sorry you had to go through that! I was with my dad when he had a withdrawal seizure. I’ve never seen him look more terrified. He’s been sober for 10 years now. I’ve been sober a few years after a shit ton of bad decisions and shame. Hang in there! It will get so much better with time
every day listening to the news, here in the UK our hearts are going out to America. We are scared here, very scared, but at least our healthcare is free and the govt will give us something to live on so we can stay at home. it must be fucking horrible for so many in America. Right now I really wish I was religious so I could pray for you or skilled in voodoo so I could take out your awful president.(joke) Hearing everyone’s stories here is making it so real.Our Prime Minister has just come down with the virus, as has next in line to throne. I’m indifferent to Royals and highly not keen on our PM, as he’s a Tory and a buffoon, who hesitated and will have cost lives, but I’d never wish this virus on anyone. Trump was very blasé’ in the beginning though and he shook a lot of hands. I think we’ll see many politicians fall in more ways than one before this is over. if the gods are looking to choose; him first .
Solo outdoor exercise (walks, short jogs) are still allowed where I am, so long as we keep appropriate distance between ourselves and others, so I’ve gone on a couple runs and plan to do so every couple days as long as I’m allowed. At-home workouts in between. Walking my dog and whatever activity I can manage to get in have been really helpful for my mental health.
I’m about to make my first grocery run in two weeks and not gonna lie, kinda nervous! Things were pretty picked over two weeks ago, so I guess we’ll see what I find this afternoon. Wish I’d gone this morning, but just wasn’t feasible with work. Might have to do a second trip in the morning later this weekend or sometime next week.
I just saw something outside that got me a little teary-eyed. The local elementary school has been closed for weeks and everyone has been staying in. Just now I saw a line of cars – all carefully set far apart – driving down the street and honking lightly. They were the teachers from the local elementary school. They’d decorated their cars with hearts and colorful signs saying which teacher was inside, that they loved and missed their students, and that they were proud of how strong the kids were being. The kids were watching from windows and doors and cheering. Parents were recording the parade with their phones and cheering along with their kids. You could see the teachers waving in their cars. Everyone was being very careful with social distancing through all of it, too. The kids looked so happy.
TheLadyEMarch 27, 2020 at 3:57 pm #878677Well, as I suspected it would, the startup I was working for just laid off the entire sales team, including me.
I’m in the final round of interviews for another role at a great company that I really, really hope I get. I am supposed to hear something by Monday. It would be a dream role at a dream company, so I’m trying to maintain my excitement. I really, really hope I get it though!!
@TheLadyE I’m sorry to hear that! I hope the other job works out!
My grocery store experience this afternoon was far more pleasant than two weeks ago. I had to wait in a line for about 10 minutes to get in, but it was really nice to shop without crowds and they were pretty well stocked. Two weekends ago, it was absurdly crowded and totally ransacked — no meat, no eggs, no grains, very little pasta, no soap, etc. Glad the panic shopping seems to have subsided.
PurpleStarMarch 27, 2020 at 8:00 pm #878712I lost it at work today.
Came in to a memo saying one of the staff tested positive and reminding us to wash our hands and clean our offices. Oh, and take our temperatures. No closing the office – No decontaminating of the office – really….no plans for that.
I call my son to let him know that it seems 100% that I have been exposed, which means he has, his girlfriend has, their friends…it became exponential very quickly. His girlfriend has now been forced back to her apartment out of town (college) because she can’t go home as her household includes a not very healthy senior citizen. He also learned that he is officially laid off from both of his jobs.
So I lost it at work.
Told my boss I didn’t think leadership was doing enough, nor had done enough, to protect staff and clients. That I was going to start working from home Monday, or I was taking my leave time and going home for two weeks. I am no longer comfortable in the building.
I asked the boss if they were alerting the vendors and cleaning service that have been in and out of our building. Am told that is not my concern – phrased in a, you are just upsetting yourself over things you cannot fix sorta’ way you silly over emotional woman. How morally reprehensible are the people I work for, who seem to think they can just sweep this under the rug and not tell people they may have been exposed?? I told him we, I, had a moral and ethical obligation to tell people they may have been exposed. And I did, starting with the very next delivery that was made to our office. I plan on telling the other vendors I work closely with over the weekend. I expect to either get written up or fired over it.
Job searching is now a must for me. I cannot continue to work for an organization that has so little regard for its staff and community. Which is ironic because it is a community service organization.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Please stay as safe as you all can.
March 27, 2020 at 8:21 pm #878714Oh my gosh, PurpleStar. I’m so sorry. That’s awful. I just… don’t understand how people can put their employees at risk like that at this point when more and more people are getting sick all over. I would have lost it too. And LadyE, I’m so sorry you were laid off! 🙁 I hope this new potential job turns into an offer!!
I went outside past my driveway today for the first time since Tuesday. I walked to Target to get some snacks (cookies and chips) for a friend of mine who is going to swap me for some toilet paper! She’s got an autoimmune disease, so she’s staying in and we’re going to make the swap tomorrow. The tiny Target I went to was pretty sufficiently stocked, except for TP. It wasn’t crowded, and a lot of people were wearing masks. I washed hands when I got home. It seems like people around here are doing what they can and following the recommendations, which is reassuring.
golfer.galMarch 28, 2020 at 7:19 am #878765Purple star I am so very sorry. Ask A Manager published the name and contact info of a journalist who is outing companies for their abhorrent behavior related to COVID, if you’re inclined to go that route. Link below: mother in law found herself in a similar situation a few days ago. She works for a private, closed to the public pharmacy that fills bulk orders for nursing homes, psychiatric facilities, prisons, etc. They have a bunch of written new safety requirements and promised that all the stuff they receive in and have to handle (empty pill bottles, paperwork, etc.) would be sanitized, that they would have the right gloves and masks to use while filling orders, they would reduce staff and stagger start times. None of it has happened. She told the owner that she was worried their negligence was going to get staff sick, and then get an entire nursing home of people killed because the medicine they’re taking was put in the bottle by a covid positive person who’d been breathing directly on the pills and didn’t have appropriate gloves on. She had dozens of incidences she’d documented in a notebook with dates, times, etc. The owner blew her off, got angry and told her to go home if she didn’t feel safe. So she did. She now has no idea if she has a job, she doesn’t feel safe going back even if she does, and she’s afraid they’re going to try to block an unemployment claim. I told her to contact an employment lawyer ASAP, and I make the same recommendation to you PurpleStar. You may be protected under state whistleblower laws or provisions under OSHA, and I’m not sure if the new federal Corona package includes increased reporting protection. Many times a 15 or 30 minute consultation is free. Definitely talk to a lawyer about what’s going on.
PurpleStarMarch 28, 2020 at 11:09 am #878787GolferGal and MoneyPenney – thanks. What is worse is I am the one to get supplies for my organization – we have gloves and cleaners – no masks – cannot find those anywhere. We get regular reports from the Dept.of Mental Health – we are considered a governmental agency – my leadership should know better and act more responsibly. I have seen the link on Ask a Manager – I will think on that this weekend and see what they do on Monday.
I am also the one who has been getting supplies for my neighbors and friends who are either elderly or live with elderly and have been judiciously safeguarding themselves. So now I have some small groceries and paper supplies for my neighbor that I will have to spray down with lysol and leave on her porch and tell her to re-wash it all, and herself, once she gets it inside.
The casserole my other friend was going to pick up is going into the freezer.
It’s just that I consider myself not only at risk, but a risk to others now. We had to go out and get dog food this morning – I tried doing Walmart pick up – that was not working – and I had about 4 meals of dog food left. I felt hella guilty doing that – but there is no one to shop for me. So I overshopped in case we get quarantined. I plan on calling my Dr. on Monday and get advice from her.
I am in the house until Wednesday AM, when I am supposed to go the office and trade paperwork. I would almost rather show symptoms by then so I don’t have to worry anymore. (ya, know, except about dying).
And I thought after Katrina down here nothing could be worse ….
Stay safe.
Hugs and Love to you all.HelenMarch 28, 2020 at 12:37 pm #878799I am still running a low grade fever and have extreme fatigue. Some cough, but not much. I’ve never been sick for this long. Over it. Although it is nice to have a reason to dump the kids on my husband and lay in bed all afternoon. Plenty of people not taking this seriously in my community. They’re at parks, coffee shops, home depot is crazy. They don’t believe literally everyone who has gone through this that it’s bad enough to warrant a lockdown. My husband is a rock star. I already knew that but thought you should know too