Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
KipianiDecember 10, 2021 at 11:38 am #1100866
@Allornone: “the parents that post on this forum didn’t make those decisions- they are simply trying to deal with the consequences.”
Thank you! You hit the nail on the head with this. @BGM, I understand your reservations about the new policy I mentioned earlier – I myself was surprised, if a little wary, that kids would be allowed to stay in school with testing rather than quarantine for even the first few days. But after the past year and a half, I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to leave these decisions to the experts. In this case, my child’s school has a medical committee to advise on policy changes. I only have so much energy and I am choosing to dedicate it to balancing my duties to family & at work without losing my mind. As a layperson, I think my responsibility is to listen to and follow mainstream, cautious guidance BASED ON THE SCIENCE AVAILABLE, such as this school policy. That’s the best I can do.
Haha, great, we were just ramping up this voluntary re-entry program at work where vaccinated people could go in on certain weeks. Now they’ve paused it because the risk in New England is again too high. I was in for 2 days this week. Really hope I wasn’t exposed to anything, but feel pretty safe being boosted. I actually enjoyed going in though 🙁
December 10, 2021 at 1:16 pm #1100873I was just reading an article on CNN about how the death rate in Michigan is at its highest of the whole pandemic, but so far, none of the deaths have been in anyone who has had booster shots. 75% of the deaths gave been in unvaccinated folks and 25% in folks whose last shot was more than six months ago (And of those, I’m not sure how many actually had two shots or just one). Id say – and actual experts are saying – that current data suggest that the risk of death or even just serious illness for people with boosters, and especially people with boosters and no underlying conditions, is really really low/ close to zero. Maybe that will change but right now, I don’t have any anxiety at all about getting serious ill myself. For people whose last shot was more than six months ago, the risk is higher (maybe much higher). And for those without any vaccination, the risk of infection over the winter is sky high and the risk of serious illness and death is probably relative to overall health and age, but I think it’s going to be a really, really bad time for anti-vaxxers.
My own personal concern now is around whatever longterm effects might result in covid transmission – even mild or asymptomatic cases – that we don’t know much if anything about. I still think Drew and I had covid in late march/early April 2020 (before tests were widely available), and while the kids had zero symptoms at the time, I do worry that if we had covid they likely did too and I hope that doesn’t effect longterm health for any of us, and I hope that any infection we might have in the future, even if it’s likely mild or asymptomatic bc we’re all vaccinated, doesn’t result in any longterm health issues. But, yeah, I no longer have any anxiety about serious illness or death for myself or anyone I love and care about is are well-vaccinated.
I have my booster appointment scheduled for next Thursday. I had little reaction to my second dose of Pfizer (other than my heart racing while I was in the observation room — still don’t know what that was about — a mild headache on and off the rest of the day and some brain fog). My booster will be Moderna and am curious if I’ll have any reaction this time round. Work is super busy for me in December so I’m hoping I’ll be good, but I had to wait a few weeks to get this appointment and don’t want to wait longer.
All I can say @Copa, drink A LOT of water. We had J&J first and were really sick after. We had the Moderna booster and I drank a crap town of water and was basically just tired for a day. My sister, who had the same deal as us w/ J&J and then had the Moderna booster had a pretty bad headache w/ the booster. But she also said she didn’t drink much water. I know it’s trite, but I’m convinced water helps with the symptoms.
LisforLeslieDecember 10, 2021 at 3:34 pm #1100879I read yesterday that basically COVID infects and/or hides in fat cells and makes it very difficult to treat the obese. So I am glad I got my booster.
If you look at the hotspots – the northern midwest is super hot right now. Thanksgiving kicked off the next round, with lack of vaccination, obesity and cold weather driving people indoors. The south is returning to lower transmission because everyone is back outside again.
@Wendy – although it’s true we don’t know what we don’t know…unless you already have long covid, I don’t think there are resurgence or cascade effects of SARS viruses. We know stuff like herpes/chicken pox leads to stuff down the road, but I haven’t heard that about SARS lines. We haven’t seen anything like COVID 19, for sure, but we also haven’t seen any long term issues from some of the nastier SARS variants from years past. Nonetheless, your dread is not irrational.When I was in Michigan a little over a month ago, I stopped at a Subway to grab a sandwich on the road. I was in a rural area (most of the state, basically) and it took me a minute to realize I was the only person wearing a mask besides the sandwich artist. Michigan has not been requiring them indoors and I don’t think that’s changed since I was there. The area my parents live in is what I refer to as country club republicans… so mask wearing in that area was much higher despite no mandate and vaccination rates are also high. I did still have to urge my parents to keep their masks on indoors. My dad got his booster, but I don’t think my mom has yet.
I was in downstate IL, my hometown is right on the Mississippi, for Thanksgiving. Despite the IL mask mandate, NOBODY was wearing them anywhere. Ok, a few were, but mask wearers were def the minority. I’d say about 3% of people wore a mask. My mom, nieces and sis where theirs still, luckily.
ronDecember 10, 2021 at 5:10 pm #1100883Now is an example of why it’s foolish to have the same masking rules everywhere. I always mask in public places, but, the places we excoriate are doing quite well now. Daily cases/100,000
PA -59 (cumulative 1/7 infected; 1/375 died)
Michigan – 84 (cumulative 1/6 infected; 1/375 died)
Texas — 12 (cumulative 1/6 effected; 1/388 died)
Florida- 8 (cumulative 1/6 infected; 1/346 died) they report 99% of 65+ vaxxedFor states at the ideological poles:
Mississippi — 17 (cumulative 1/6 infected; 1/288 died)
Alabama – 10 (cumulative 1/6 infected; 1/303 died)California – 18 (cumulative 1/8 infected; 1/524 died)
New York – 50 (cumulative 1/7 infected; 1/338 died)
Massachusetts – 70 (cumulative 1/7 infected; 1/352 died)I think higher death rates in AL and MI due to worse medical care. Otherwise, California is a positive outlier, but by and large, this plague is just swinging through different regions on differed time frames for each wave. Super strict lockdown vs almost zero lockdown doesn’t seem to have made a huge difference. We have a lot of travel in U.S.