Covid Support Thread
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We are at a high of case counts in six months. Ugh. I think they are accelerating booster shots here.
It’s just that one year ago we had the hope with vaccines. Now, I don’t know. Maybe the new antiviral?
Omicron’s Rt is about 4 which is like not good.
KipianiDecember 15, 2021 at 2:12 pm #1101006The other day I ran into an old friend/mentor at the grocery store. We exchanged hellos, as neither of us really had time to catch up, but it was bittersweet for me – we go back almost 10 years and she supported in some of my toughest times, but a few months ago she told me she and her family have not been vaccinated (and she only mentioned it after she asked me to hang out with them one weekend, and I wanted to confirm they were vaxxed).
It’s so disappointing. Another friend, I’ve just kind of done the “slow fade,” but I miss her. How are others handling these kinds of relationships – and the anger?
LisforLeslieDecember 15, 2021 at 3:11 pm #1101008@Fyodor – I assume those are hospital stats or are they overall stats? I mean, not everyone who gets this, reports this. Also, of those getting infected is there information on vaxxed/not vaxxed?
New York’s numbers aren’t good – but once you get out of the metro regions, it’s about 70% rural ‘mericans and 30% gluten-free,farmer’s-market, grow your own yogurt folks.
PhoebeDecember 15, 2021 at 3:57 pm #1101012@ron
Your stats fascinate me. As someone who lives in Massachusetts (and loves it here) I’m not sure what could be causing this, if I’m understanding what you wrote. Everywhere I go, everyone is masked. I got out of my car to pump gas the other day and forgot to put my mask on, and I got stared at until I realized and dove into my car to get it. And I was near no one. Everyone I’ve spoken with is fully vaccinated and boosted or about to be, small kids excepted of course.
Maybe I’m naive, but I Just. Don’t. Get. It. Maybe as you say, it’s travel? We’re a small, pass-through kind of state.
December 15, 2021 at 5:14 pm #1101017NYC is not looking good. Tons of broadway shows canceling bc so much covid in the casts. six cases at my kids’ school, including my friends’ kid who was exposed in class 13 days after his second vaccine shot (and now has symptomatic covid). My friend’s employer tests the employees every week and this week 20 out of 25 tested positive. All fully vaccinated (don’t know about boosters). Lines at testing sites are suddenly several blocks long, which happened literally overnight. The DOE (department of ed) is reporting over 700 cases a day and that’s with hardly any in-school testing. UGHHHHH
ronDecember 15, 2021 at 6:05 pm #1101019Lis For Leslie —
The data is from New York Times. They report it daily in their on-line addition. They give more details on methodology, but here is the summary:“In data for the United States, The Times uses reports from state, county and regional health departments. Most governments update their data on a daily basis, and report cases and deaths based on an individual’s residence.
Not all governments report these the same way. The Times uses the total of confirmed and probable counts when they are available individually or combined. To see whether a state includes probable cases and deaths, visit the individual state pages listed at the bottom of this page.
For more, see answers to our Frequently Asked Questions about the methodology behind how we are collecting this data.
The Times has identified reporting anomalies or methodology changes in the data for United States.
More about reporting anomalies or changes”
Just got my booster today. So far so good with side effects, but it has only been a couple hours. Hoping to keep it that way, though — work is busy right now and I prefer not to be down and out tomorrow. We’ll see. This was the soonest appointment I could get when I booked a few weeks ago and I didn’t want to push it out.