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    July 10, 2022 at 5:41 pm #1110813

    I still have no clue if I’ve had COVID. I haven’t gotten very sick (by which I mean, sick enough to be completely bed-ridden) in years but have had some minor cold-like symptoms and test at home frequently any time that happens. Or even after I’ve been exposed to someone sniffly. Always negative. But maybe I’ve had an asymptomatic case or bad test results. IDK. I do know a handful of people who have it right now or who are getting over it.

    I am a little under 5’3″ and like to compare the fit of regular vs. petite items — depending on item/cut/fit, I sometimes prefer one over the other. I’ve never loved shopping in stores for petite items since often they had limited selection in stores, but it has gotten worse and we’ve had a lot of store closures here as well. Last month I had a conference and needed some last minute items since my pre-COVID wardrobe is still every so slightly snug and I wanted to feel confident in something that fits great as I am now. I also got a little panicky but found a dress I really like that fit without any alterations on sale at Ann Taylor Factory of all places. It opened during COVID so I’d never been inside and somehow didn’t close. I even got compliments on it at the conference! So that was nice and lucky for me.

    Have a great trip! Hope you guys stay healthy and have a great time. That’s one of my bucket list destinations.

    July 10, 2022 at 6:28 pm #1110816

    Oh yeah, I also found a really nice Ann Taylor dress in my closet that fits. I could wear it to the interview or just to work one day, I should get more wear out of it.

    I did just order an ivory suit from Ann Taylor. I can wear the jacket and pants to the office separately, or even together to really look good. Then I’ll have it just in case I don’t get this job and decide to frickin leave. My resume is up to date and I’ve been prepping so I’ll just take my show on the road.

    Someone at work just went to the Galapagos, her FIL paid for her family to go and stay on like a 27-stateroom yacht. She said it was incredible. A baby 2-week old sea lion came right up to them.

    July 10, 2022 at 10:45 pm #1110818

    We made it! When we arrived in Quito, they gave us a PCR test and then the morning we were to board the ship, we had a rapid test.

    We had to fly from Quito to the Galapagos. Landing, I got super emotional because I’m so happy to be here. Today was a strict ship day. Tomorrow the fun starts. We’re doing two long hikes on different islands. And two snorkel sessions on those islands.

    It’s whale migration season. We may see some humpbacks. The crew saw a blue whale the other day. Here’s hoping!

    , it’s also baby season, so we’re likely to see some baby animals too.

    We’ve already met some cool people. Our 100 person cruise is mostly the above 60 crowd. There’s a couple families. And there’s about 10 of us in the 30-50 range. We’ve formed our own little group with the later crowd.

    Miss MJ
    July 11, 2022 at 8:23 am #1110822

    Oh, yeah, shopping for work clothes is so hard now! I had to get an updated wardrobe for an upcoming multi-day trial and figured I’d just pop on over to the mall and get some basics one afternoon. Yeah, no. Closed stores, few professional styles anymore and ridiculously few sizing options. I wonder if that’s going to change as more and more people go back to the office? I hate shopping for suits and blazers online. I’m hard to fit and I have to try everything on and sizes between or even within the same brand vary so much.

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    July 11, 2022 at 9:27 am #1110823

    I have a friend who was in the Galapagos last month. She’s a teacher and pre-COVID spent her summers being one of the leaders of groups of teens and got to go to all kinds of cool places for free and get paid. That has obviously been on pause for a few years, but this year it was back so she got to go to the Galapagos for I think a few weeks and her husband was able to join. She said the baby sea lions were super curious and friendly, and very interactive in the water. She has pictures on the beach with a couple baby sea lions riiiight by her but said swimming with them was unreal. I’m super jealous!

    We just got back from a long weekend away, we drove about six hours north to an area with a national forest and a national shoreline. It was really relaxing and I enjoyed being out in nature, but the town we stayed in is a very small midwestern town and I really underestimated how many Trump 2020 and even confederate flags I’d see. And OMG the idiotic right-wing political bumper stickers. Had to tune that all out to stay relaxed.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoCopa.
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    July 11, 2022 at 9:38 am #1110826

    I had just “graduated” to Ann Taylor pre pandemic and then it closed all its stores in Canada during the pandemic. Not sure where to buy suits. Banana Republic is uninspiring. I might try Club Monaco. I think Aritzia is an option but I don’t feel cool enough for that. Also weight gain etc.

    I don’t really know the best place to write this. My dad, even though he is in Canada, has been watching a lot of Fox News and other YouTube channels. He is retired and my mom says he just sits and watches it all day. He spouting conspiracy theories like Biden didn’t win the election. I don’t know what to do. He needs hobbies. He was always right leaning but this is kind of scary.

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    July 11, 2022 at 10:17 am #1110828

    I prefer Ann Taylor over LOFT, but LOFT is a bit more budget conscious. I think Ann Taylor is overall nicer and they have more polished professional wear. I haven’t been into a BR in years. I used to shop there often when I lived near one. I know a lot of my gal pals like Zara for trousers and blazers. I have tried on the trousers and they were a hard no for me.

    Kind of interesting that a Canadian is invested in U.S. right-wing political conspiracy theories. I have some close friends who aren’t American/don’t live here and I am frequently peppered with questions about why things are unfolding here as they are. They think America is nuts. (I do think sometimes they’re naive to think that what’s happening here — e.g., abortion rights being stripped away — couldn’t happen where they are, but that’s a different story.)

    July 11, 2022 at 10:41 am #1110829

    My mom says Loft is better for a curvier / more hip-y body while AT doesn’t work great for her because it’s more of a slim silhouette, or straighter. Idk about that but I always always turned to Ann when I needed an interview suit or nice outfits for client meetings.

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    July 11, 2022 at 10:41 am #1110830

    I liked Loft too for more casual clothes. They are also no longer in Canada. Zara never fits me well.

    I think he found it entertaining at first. They are sensationalist. But now he has been brainwashed.

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    July 11, 2022 at 11:06 am #1110834

    I’m not hip-y, but I have a butt and quads/hamstrings to match. LOFT dress pants do not work for me at all, even the curvy options. Though they do have one style of skirt that comes back around every fall that I love the fit of on me and over the years I’ve bought a few in different colors or patterns. My favorite pair of dress pants are actually from BR, a now-discontinued style of ankle length straight leg pant and the curvy petite version fit me SO well. I was mildly upset when I found out they were phasing that style out, so I bought a few pairs in different colors maybe 5 years ago. I have two pairs left that are still in good condition (one black, one navy) and will be sad when I have to retire them.

    July 11, 2022 at 12:14 pm #1110836

    I know the BR pants you mean 😭

    July 11, 2022 at 6:03 pm #1110842

    My mom stopped by today with like 5 different tops that would go with my navy suit. She had a brand-new white Brooks Brothers tee, a white Eileen Fisher sleeveless, a striped v-neck and a top with little dots from Loft. She is crazy. She had retired but got talked into going back half-time and she likes buying clothes. She had also ordered herself a casual matching shorts set from Loft but didn’t like her legs in it and gave it to me. She also had another cute tee with safari animals on it that she bought in 2 sizes (she always buys a small and an extra small, like who cares, it’s a t-shirt), and she gave me one.

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