Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
AnonymousseSeptember 29, 2022 at 1:10 pm #1116259
I absolutely agree with you Kate. I try to mind my own business, which is very hard sometimes but I have noticed his dad seems like he probably gets really aggressive at home. I’ve seen him yell at his kids, which is totally normal most of us unfortunately do it, but he gets really aggressive with it. They have a 6 and 4 year old. My kids wouldn’t know how to throw a punch. We lose our tempers (usually at the kids, not each other) and yell occasionally but there is never hitting, name calling. There is nothing violent or scary. Like we do not really ever that I can think of throw stuff or slam doors if we’re angry. I didn’t think that was unusual. IDK. I’ve cooled down a little. She’s fine, but I feel sad for her.
So I definitely believe somethings going on there. Little kids shouldn’t know that stuff.
Just got my flu and bivalent booster shots! We’ll see if this booster wipes me out. So far, I’ve been okay after these vaccines and the worst side effect has been an arm sore enough to keep me up at night.
@Anonymousse I’m sorry about your daughter! I never had another kid hit me (outside of my sister, but that was just petty sibling crap) and while I was never a huuuuge target of bullying, I do remember being name called from time to time and I still remember a few of those moments vividly. I hate hearing stories about kids getting bullied and know I’d be upset if I were a parent with a kid getting bullied. I do know a few people who said fist fights broke out regularly when they were in HS, but never experienced that at either HS I went to. Anyway, hope your kid is in good spirits!September 29, 2022 at 3:29 pm #1116262I’m sorry you and your daughter are going through that @anonymousse. I am so glad my kids are grown and I don’t have to deal with any of that kind of stuff anymore.
I still, thankfully, have not had Covid. But I am in perimenopause. Most mornings these days it takes me an hour to fully wake up and a lot of days I feel like I have brain fog all day. The mood swings are awful as is the exhaustion. I feel like I only feel really good about 2-3 days a month. I’ve thought about going to my doctor but I’m afraid she’ll just want to put me on the pill and I don’t want that. I am on progesterone and that really helped my periods…but this monthly roller coaster ride is getting tiring and I likely have a few years to go yet (I’m 46, will be 47 in December). Sigh…thanks for letting me vent
That’s a LOT of the time to feel like shit, I’d at least tell your doctor.
I am 47 and was on the pill but stopped last year because it was scaring me. Now I’m having periods again that are heavy and make me feel tired, headachy, emotional and stuff (today, in fact), and also aren’t 28 days apart like they used to be but more like 3 weeks. But most of the time I feel ok. I’ll be happy when periods get less frequent and go away.
AnonymousseSeptember 29, 2022 at 5:51 pm #1116264Thanks, guys. I’m most worried about that little boy, if that makes sense? My daughter seems okay. She’s tough but also very sensitive.
I hope you gets some answers and feel better soon, @rangerchic.
I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter, @anonymousse. I’m glad she is ok. That is so scary. I could only think of movies. Still, how could you know how to throw a punch, physically?
It’s sad that you have no control over who bullies your child. I also wouldn’t know what to do if my child were the bully.
Hope you feel better @rangerchic
I don’t even see this as bullying. Sounds like a kid who has anger issues and impulse control issues and is acting out. But not like a pattern of behavior that’s necessarily bullying. As a kid I was not a bully, but if I got really mad I occasionally got violent. Even into my teens and 20s.
I had an absolutely horrible night of sleep post-vaccine. Today I am exhausted and I’m not sure if it’s because from lack of sleep or a booster side effect. Or a combo. Initially felt fine, ran 8 miles after work, came home, hung out with my sister for a bit, then hit a wall. I will probably log off for the day after my early afternoon meeting and enjoy an afternoon of the couch potato life. The boyfriend’s dad is coming into town tonight for a long weekend so hopefully I’ll feel more energetic tomorrow so we can take him around the city as planned.
Also, I bought a faux suede mini skort from Abercrombie on a whim at the recommendation of a petite lifestyle influencer I follow because she, too, has a butt. I assumed it wouldn’t be flattering on me (I have a hard time with skirts) but kind of love it. It’s doesn’t look like a skort, it’s a mini skirt with built-in shorts, and it’s flattering on my shape.
AnonymousseSeptember 30, 2022 at 4:07 pm #1116279Yeah, Kate, that’s how I see it. I know violence can be bullying but I don’t think she’s been bullied. It was a one time thing, I hope. They are in 1st grade and it’s like the fifth week of school. Thanks for the support. I was super angry. It’s very hard being a parent and trying to protect your kid while also not have them have a negative view of the world while dealing with crap like this (still not over that she was punched in.the.face.) I have my own issues that I am working through on the way I was treated as a kid, and having this happen was a little heartbreaking for me.
My husband just got the booster yesterday and he is not feeling well. He’s super tired and achy.
FyodorSeptember 30, 2022 at 8:10 pm #1116285I had the Moderna booster while being jet-lagged from our British Vacation and felt like absolute crap for a day. We got the Spawn, who just turned twelve, her bivalent booster tonight-we’ll see how it goes. She had a rough time with her previous doses, probably worse than when she actually had covid.
The boyfriend just tested positive for COVID. This is the second time he has had it. I tested negative, which I was expecting since I just got my booster 8 days ago, but I have a friend who got hers maybe 2-3 weeks ago and tested positive last night. My marathon is in a little over a week and I’ll be bummed if I get sick and have to miss it.