Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
HelenApril 7, 2020 at 6:29 am #879870
Anonymousse, I’m having the same frustrations with people not taking this shit seriously. My neighbors tried to organize a block party on my street. They noped out pretty quick when I informed them what was happening on this street. They still think this is some overblown conspiracy. So fucking mad that I took this seriously from the beginning and these fuckwits are still planning parties and have the lung capacity to do so. If I wasn’t worried they’d take a vent my mom or I would need I’d go lick their car door handles. There is zero justice in this world
HelenApril 7, 2020 at 7:00 am #879871I, along with the rest of the world, have discovered Cosmic kids yoga. If you haven’t checked it out yet you should! She’s British and Mary Poppins like. She tells a story and incorporates yoga poses. My kids love it. I did it with them before I was bedridden and enjoyed it.
BethanyApril 7, 2020 at 7:35 am #879872Helen I hope you are starting to see improvement. I’ve been thinking about you a lot and trying to send all the healing/good vibes to you.
This thread has provided me more comfort and consolation than any other thing I have read lately. I have been LIVING for BGM desert posts and have decided when it is safe to travel to I would love to see that area of the country.
We were able to secure a delivery this morning from Amazon Fresh and I was able to get TWO boxes of Whoppers (1 for my daughter’s Easter Basket and 1 ALL for me) and tweezers (my eyebrows are out of control). I had a moment a few days ago because I really just wanted to go to my coffee shop and I realized I didn’t know when I was going to be able to do that. I just want a quad large mocha, like really bad. I guess I’ll have to learn how to make it.
LisforLeslieApril 7, 2020 at 8:56 am #879875@Helen I am glad you are still breathing. Please rest and get better soon.
A friend’s granddaughter* made it into Julliard and I said “If I ever get back to NYC – I’ll take her to a congratulatory brunch”… I’m never getting back am I?
*If you want to see why she made it into Julliard go find the youtube of a bunch of Berklee students doing a rendition of “What the world needs now” – she organized it and did all of the arrangements. She’s freaking brilliant.
LucidityApril 7, 2020 at 9:26 am #879878@Copa and @ktfran my husband has been hanging out with his friends via the House Party app, and has been meeting up with neighbour friends for drinks at a distance. It helps, but he’s used to interacting with dozens and dozens of people daily at work. Socializing also doesn’t help with the loss of freedom and activities he enjoys. We got a nation-wide emergency text alert the day before he broke down advising us all not to go out unless absolutely necessary. Our province was already recommending that, but it jacked up his anxiety and has him worried we might be ordered not to leave our property. He’s afraid of losing his long bike rides.
The light at the end of the tunnel seems very far away. We don’t even have a tentative end date for social isolation. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but schools in my country will be closed for the rest of the year, and since my husband works in education this means he can’t go back to work until September. In the summer, he plays a sport professionally in Europe, and semi-pro here, but both seasons have been cancelled. He’s bummed because he’s getting older and thought this year might be his last. He’s struggling to see any joy in the near future and feeling guilty about feeling this way because (so far) we’re healthy and financially stable.
I appreciate the advice, @LisforLeslie. Last night we watched a Ridiculousness marathon and laughed and laughed. I prefer AFV but I’ll take what I can get!
@Helen, I’m wishing you a speedy recovery. Strangely, having a baby makes this easier. She keeps us busy and brings us so much joy and laughter. Every day we talk about how grateful we are to have her right now. I worried a lot more about bringing her into this crazy world when climate change and overpopulation were my only concerns. Disease is inevitable. It has struck over and over since the dawn of civilization. We’ll get through this. Climate change? Iffy.BethanyApril 7, 2020 at 9:31 am #879880@LisforLeslie, isn’t that the hardest part? Not knowing if you’ll be able to go back to some of your favorite places? We usually visit NYC two or three times a year and now we don’t know if it’ll ever feel okay to go again. I’m also extremely worried about my home state, Michigan. Detroit, already struggling and starting to make a slow come back is just going to be devastated again – it’ll probably be as bad as it was in the 80s when I was growing up. My family lives further north, but the health facilities were already short staffed and lacking in supplies prior to Coronavirus and I’m just fearful now of when my “essential” siblings have to actually go into work or when my husband is on Medical Examiner call.
Although my history of anxious depression has taught me how to disassociate, not that is a good thing. I am weirdly able to cope easier than A LOT of people in my life. I have no idea what that means for my mental health in the future, but right now it seems to be helping me keep up a schedule for my daughter and husband and keep us moving forward on an even keel.
So a few years ago I had some tumors and had to have a gastrectomy. I no longer absorb nutrition well. One thing I struggle with is getting enough protein. Before this I had been drinking protein shakes that are very low in sugar. I have to limit sugar/some carbs because it now causes really bad side effects. Unfortunately it seems like the pandemic caused people to hoard the things because I’m having a lot of trouble finding them. Anyone have any good protein rich recipes? I’m getting tireder and more worn out by the day.
As far as silliness goes my son announced yesterday that he wanted to watch something “that has CGI so bad its great” …so we watched Army of Darkness. We laughed ourselves silly.
@MaterialsGirl – I had tried a protein powder right after surgery and it had really bad side effects. Not that one though. I’ll give it a go. Thanks!
April 7, 2020 at 1:28 pm #879903@alafair: i’ve had their bone broth (good!) and their standard, blue label comes in a 5oz trial. I hate protein powder like whey in general, but because this is something that I would typically consume as a meat eater, I didn’t notice any disruption to my GI or anything
HelenApril 7, 2020 at 3:30 pm #879915Thanks again for all your well wishes! I think I might have turned the corner. My O2 stats aren’t dropping as low with exertion. My chest still hurts but I really think I’m getting better.
Bethany keep us posted on your family and community!
Lucidity I was thinking (before I was bedridden) that having the kids was very grounding. I had to put down the horrific news and make a box of mac n cheese. They definitely keep you moving and remind you that life goes on. Somehow my experience with 9/11 & a young baby was different. I was also a freaking teenager with a baby lol. And your husband has every right to be bummed. He’s lost a lot and the future is uncertain. Just because others have it worse doesn’t mean he shouldn’t grieve his situation
Alafair that blows! I hope you’re able to find a source of protein soon! -