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February 28, 2018 at 9:08 am #741069
I think I have heard of your code! I believe it is the ‘bro code’ Barney Stinson famously brought it to light 😛
Dude, you have made you choice to not marry, that’s all on you. Generalizing an entire gender isn’t fair. The common denominator is there looking at you in the mirror.
February 21, 2018 at 1:08 pm #740147AGReed! Glad to hear of all the successes 🙂
@copa, even if you don’t have “success” you are able to learn and grow, cheesy as it may sound, in your dating life. Every relationship, and date, provides the opportunity to learn and further develop yourself. Better to be ready for the next one, than unprepared!
February 14, 2018 at 3:25 pm #739377@copa haha we actually had our second date at his place, he made falafals 😛 So we continue the tradition of cooking! Food is the way my heart, and his haah
@veritek, he actually agreed to come out tonight to the glutes and hamstrings yoga class, progress 😉
February 14, 2018 at 8:44 am #739248Nothing too crazy for V-Day. I spent a ‘romantic’ weekend with my BF, as we had both been travelling for a couple weeks, so wanted to spend extra time together. We made homemade pizzas and brownies (our cheat day), watched a movie and then did a workout the next morning with a good breakfast. I will probably be seeing him today before I do a late yoga class. We both signed up for a month trial, I thought he had done yoga before, so after our first class (hot vinyasa), he was dripping sweat and proclaimed he had no idea what he was doing lol Well at least he looked like he knew what he was doing 😛
Maybe I should get some good wine soon…
Calling him manfriend @veritek, is that in lieu of not having the BF/GF label yet?
February 11, 2018 at 9:42 pm #738969Well finally said those 3 words to my BF! It was reciprocated as well 🙂 Very happy with my relationship so far. We talk about travelling together soon, and I am a plus 1 to two of his friends weddings this year. Everything has been organic, and no hesitations.
February 8, 2018 at 3:08 pm #738558Mike I think you missed the point of the advice given. I may sound like a broken record, but she wanted the LW to examine the bigger picture, she was not victim blaming. Without more context of the conversations it is hard to give more detailed advice, other than for the LW to examine what he hopes the outcome is, and why he was snooping in her phone. There is a big difference between sexual banter or dirty jokes and sexting. I have done plenty of both. Never with coworkers, which is definitely a fine line as in this letter. Which is why the LW needs to determine their motives for snooping, the purpose and outcome of a future conversation with his wife. All part of the process of having communication and transparency in a relationship, and being fair.
Also….aviaries are no fun to bang.
January 21, 2018 at 1:34 pm #736407@copa I have to laugh at that date with the guy from Match as I had a similar experience with someone last year around this time. He kept mentioning how we have so much in common, this is so great, yadda yadda. He came off way to strong, mind you I did one more date with him as I sensed he was a little nervous, so attributed his ramblings to that? So I ended up seeing the same thing the second time around, talked about what we wanted in life and because, yes, it matched up, he came off desperate to make it sound like we were perfect for one another. He took a while to go away as he was convinced I would change my mind.
Surprisingly enough my BF has mentioned doing stuff for V-day a couple times. I asked him if that day was important to him, he said no but was thinking of things to do regardless. I actually can’t recall if we have plans for that day…We plan to do a big cheat meal the weekend after I get back from Hawaii to celebrate the “end” of my Whole 30 diet. But since VDay lands on a Wednesday not sure if we will do anything.
January 20, 2018 at 10:40 pm #736381I don’t blame you for worrying, it is hard when schedules don’t match, and from personal experience find at least once a week dates help keep things fresh and moving. I think you need to gauge it on your own. Do you still talk frequently? Are the conversations one sided? Has there been more ‘action’ than empty promises to get together (despite the circumstances)? It has been a short while and if you gut is telling you to cut it, then do it. Better to devote your time to someone who has a similar schedule to yours.
January 19, 2018 at 7:39 am #736269@copa, lose momentum? As in keeping regular dates? Or are you starting to see things floundering with him? If you are feeling that way when one date is missed, might be a sign to MOA and cut your losses if one missed date may result in a loss of the very recent budding relationship…But please clarify if I am totally off! 😛