Forum Replies Created
April 22, 2016 at 7:18 pm #485070
@ktfran the kid decision is interesting…for the past little while, a year I would say, I have been leaning towards the no kid direction. I am 25 and am surprised that I am having these feelings. Maybe it will change if and when I meet the right guy, but I just have enough reasons for not wanting any now or ever really. This thought process also makes me worried dating will be harder since most people wants kids it seems.
April 19, 2016 at 7:43 am #480004@veritek holy guacamole! You really dodged a bullet! I don’t dabble at all in religion or anything spiritual, but damn I have a thing for fate. The fact that you weren’t able to get a 3rd date in after 3 weeks was just fate playing a very nice card of ‘leave that shit alone!’ haha Now focus on your upcoming trip and really relax and have a tech free week!
On the whole defining a relationship, usually I would say it is different for everyone, but really, there should be some rule on labelling too early. In my situation with Slogan Guy I dropped off the dating sites after 2 months. That was after I went on a bunch of dates with various guys and realizing I was happy with Slogan Guy. That took the two months. Then if I were to date Slogan Guy longer (we are ending things since I am moving to Alberta), after 3 months I usually determine whether I want to keep dating him and there is long term potential. That is when I have the exclusivity talk with him as well. Although I am pretty sure he hasn’t been seeing anyone since we started, but always good to have the talk regardless to avoid any miscommunication.
Gifts for birthdays is usually a no go for me when I start dating a guy, especially if its only been a few months. I am not a huge fan of gifts anyways, more into the ‘moments’ thing, like going for a day in the city, or dinner, or a hike etc. But I have dated around my birthday and not told a guy because I didn’t want them to feel like they needed to give me something for it or do something so early on in the dating. I have also dated guys where they understand they don’t need to do anything for me other than send me a bday text or message early on in dating. Slogan Guy even suggested he might send me a gift while I am away and I just flat out said no please a birthday greeting is fine, I don’t need anything. To me it would just be awkward anyways since we are no longer together, so it is unnecessary for him to send me something. I also have no intention of giving him my new address, so that will also prevent any unexpected gifts too haha
April 17, 2016 at 10:33 am #479772@MissDre Sounds like a win!
On the topic of online dating parameters, my cousin actually met her now fiance on Twitter (not tinder no spelling mistake there.) I believe he commented on one of her tweets and it went from there!
But I do agree with @ver that all the dating sites and apps are the same. When my friend started her dating adventures online she found many guys would flip flop from wanting a relationship to something casual. They would say they wanted to date but then reveal they were actually more interested in hooking up. So guys are very much all over the place. As a women in many cases probably (but I am coming from one side here so only see it from the womens perspective). Anyways, I always make it very clear what I want in any of my profiles when dating or otherwise so people know. I also ask up front after a bit of chatting what they are looking for so we can at least avoid any miscommunication. But as Jimmyjam said, guys will say otherwise in hopes of getting the V haha
April 1, 2016 at 4:52 pm #455833Thanks guys! Well I got a bottle of Italian White wine to share with the fam the night I found out. But I have been looking for a new purse lately, and my little bro works at Roots and can get me a wicked discount, so I will be looking for a nice new leather purse for my work! Then a work wardrobe! Thank god I am being paid VERY well haha
March 31, 2016 at 6:11 pm #454137Just accepted the internship position in Alberta! West Coast here I come! Woot!
March 28, 2016 at 6:03 pm #448491@ver hope your dad is feeling better! Still having Easter dinner despite his condition and location was a good idea. Bringing home to him
Things with Slogan guy are still going, although I got a call from another municipality within the Alberta Internship program to do an interview tomorrow after work! So I am excited and hoping for the best. However it just means that there is, again, another possibility of my dating situation with slogan guy to be cut short if I get the job. Only time will tell. We spent the evening yesterday together catching up on the WD, and then watching the new episode. His mom got me a solid choco bunny in leu of easter, and I brought them some chocolate fudge cupcakes from the bakery I work at. Today we went for brunch and then saw the new Batman V Superman movie, very good!
EDIT: Forgot to add this link, a ridiculous post a friend on FB shared. She made fun of it of course, and honestly it scares me the advice this woman gives. Apparently I have been chasing men my entire life, and have oddly had success! I must be doing something wrong
March 15, 2016 at 8:57 am #445415The big thing for me with this is that it’s just too close to home. Someone I was friends with and hung out on a regular basis is maybe dating my ex. I am surprised she is oaky with this is all. To me an ex of any friend is just off bounds for me. I am over him (I know it doesn’t seem so), but I have had plenty of reflection over the months to know I made a lot of mistakes in the relationship and that he really wasn’t a good overall fit for me. I understand he is allowed to date, I get that, it would just be easier to see him on FB with a total stranger then someone I know relatively well. Anyways, I only unfollowed the two, so that is maybe why I was able to see the comment. Blocking might be a good idea, but I think unfollowing them works, as they don’t have any other mutual friends with me.
@kate the only other Navy Guy on this site I can recall was Lyra’s and I think that is who you are referring to? This is the only Navy Guy I have dated, and we didn’t have a FWB when we got back together, I suggested we try dating again (Of course, that was one of my mistakes, so live and learn unfortunately), then I had to go home when I couldn’t find long term work. It was only when I got home that I looked for FWB’s, and now I am dating Slogan guy (To be young and all over the place eh?).March 14, 2016 at 9:36 pm #445359Ugh I am probably going to get shit for this rant, but I don’t care. Otherwise I am going to go crazy. So as I have mentioned in the past, I used to date someone whom I called ‘Navy Guy.’ Dated for a year and a bit, with a break 7 months in, then we got back together in the spring of last year then broke up when I came back home this past fall. Anyways, since coming home I eventually blocked him on FB so I wouldn’t have him show up on my news feed. Well today he showed up on my news feed but through a comment on a mutual friends page. This friend is actually my brothers friend, and she goes to the same university I did. We hung out a handful of times while she was going to school at the same time as me. When my bro visited twice we would all hang out. She knew about Navy Guy and our dating history. We eventually fell out of touch during the second semester of my last year due to her never getting back to me to hangout. So this comment that my ex Navy Guy made was very suggestive and flirty. She changed her cover page to one that had her and two other people in it from behind looking at an ice rink with the tagline ‘how do our butts look?’ My ex commented with a meme saying along the lines of ‘looking good, I approve!’ Now several alarms went off, first of all I mentioned her off an on to Navy Guy, he knew I hung out with her and her connection with my brother. She may have met him once in the whole time I dated him, but I honestly can’t recall. But she was not a big enough part of my life that friending her while we were dating would be deemed necessary (he is friends with my BFF though, the only time we had a mutual friend on FB). So him being friends with her on FB was the first alarm. Then of course the second was the very flirty comment/meme he made on her picture, which was what he did when we first dated, posted flirty memes etc. And that now leads me to hypothesizing they are dating. And I am just having a big WTF moment. I am resisting so hard to message Navy Guy and ask what is going on, as it is none of my business, and he is allowed to date. But if this is what is going on, why her?! She knows my history with him, he knows how I know her through my brother and that we hung out a bunch. And with her being in school and him the Navy there really is no other way for them to have met, maybe the bars? Or online dating site? It is basically sloppy seconds…I unfollowed her on FB so I don’t see future possible comments/posts from him to her. Now I creeped both their pages and aside from a picture she liked on his page a few days ago, this is the only time he has come out and commented or made his presence known on her FB page. I am just confused and this whole possibility rubs me the wrong way. I am just going crazy in my head trying to figure this out and now trying not to think about this and not be bothered. I am dating someone new, he can too but just why her?!? Again all hypothesizing, but it just adds up in no other way…End crazy ex rant.
March 14, 2016 at 3:09 pm #445320My weekend was lots of fun! Surprise party for my friends BF went very well, although none of the BF’s friends interacted with us, which was awkward.
The afternoon delight with Slogan Guy went well too! A little awkward finding the right movements and such, but we both had fun and definitely looking forward to more
March 10, 2016 at 6:58 pm #444797@Mylaray Sounds like a good piece of advice! A good way to approach dating for anyone really.
I am still going steady with Slogan guy. We have plans to see the Toronto Rock Lacrosse team (FUN FACT: Canada’s national sport is lacrosse!) tomorrow night. Looking forward to it as I have never seen lacrosse before and he enjoys the game and the team, despite them doing abysmal this season haha We are being joined by his friend and his GF.
Then Sunday I am seeing him again in the afternoon for some afternoon delight! Haha I have been waiting for some tests to come back and put me in the clear, and then Aunt Flow visited this week, so that stalled things again. So we are finally doing the deed this Sunday and it is safe to say we are both looking forward to it
March 4, 2016 at 8:36 pm #443666On a whim to get out of the house, albeit late, I am seeing Whiskey Tango Foxtrot with Tina Fey tonight solo. Tomorrow I work then will be going to a party of a friends. And Sunday I am hoping to go on a hike with another friend, and then plans to see slogan guy in the evening to watch Walking Dead!