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    August 18, 2020 at 11:38 am #961110

    @Veritek33 glad to hear you are okay! Will you try to plan a different honeymoon later? Or were these events just pre and post the honeymoon?

    @Copa, well if your family isn’t supportive at least this community and your friends are! At that point maybe that is where you get your stronger support system from 🙂

    I’ve been seeing someone for a couple months now, but things have turned for the worst in my eye the last few weeks. He warned me he would be unavailable most evenings during the week due to overtime work for the next 6 weeks. However he hasn’t been making much of an effort to keep in touch with me or keep me updated on his availability (which when I ask has been none so far, even on weekends).

    By taking on the maintenance of our communication the last few weeks it has felt very one sided, compared to when we were seeing each other once a week for long day dates (which were great and lots of enthusiasm from him). My breaking point is in view and I hate that it has happened so quickly after 2 months of seemingly good dates with him.

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    August 14, 2020 at 6:52 pm #955074

    @Fyodor, wow, just wow.

    I was talking with my classmate yesterday who is an American, and she visited the states back in July to see family. She said it was staggering the differences in states and their approaches to mask wearing. Apparently they were the odd ones out in Idaho for wearing masks inside stores and restaurants. No one wore them when they passed through communities.

    Luckily she promptly quarantined for 2 weeks and has vowed not to ever go back haha I kid, she has family there so is probably going back in the winter unless they truly close the border.

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    August 12, 2020 at 12:28 pm #949227

    @Fyodor Ya it is a great idea in theory, but in practice Ontario is definitely seeing issues because people assume indoor social gatherings (where you are expected to keep 6ft/2 meters and wear a mask) are treated like social bubbles.

    There are a few articles from this month that express the concerns that the province has because of this misconception or stretch of the rules. I see it would have its challenges because you are asking 10 people to be exclusive with one another and that is hard. Even thinking of my own social circle, the issues that can come with it. Mind you my province is doing better, but we are seeing numbers creep up since we loosened restrictions.

    We have seen raves, beach gatherings, businesses running large events cause these outbreak periodically in my province. So people are still being kind of flippant about it.

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    August 12, 2020 at 11:55 am #949153

    So had a skype chat with my friends the other day and all three are living in different cities in Ontario, where the province is the second highest for COVID cases.

    They are in their stage 3 of recovery, but the province is still trying to get people to maintain close social circles of 10 people (all inclusive with one another), and recommending avoiding merging of other social circles to avoid contraction of COVID.

    Two of my friend are being completely irresponsible with it and it just grinds my gears. One is part of a wedding party where they reduced their numbers from 500 to 150 people with just the ceremony, they won’t be wearing masks, but will have all guests socially distanced at the venue. She seriously has no qualms about it and says if she gets it, she gets it! She is then supposed to go to a 3 day overnight horse/camping trip right after the wedding. I literally told her I am worried and concerned for her and others safety.

    My other friend lives with her BF and her family lives in another town where they have exclusively bubbled, not including her. She decided to bubble with her BF’s family who is “isolating” at their family cottage, and as she described proudly, are not strict with the rules of isolation/social circles etc. Her brother is her main frustration as he has a 1 year old that she hasn’t seen since March. He has a multitude of stressors (mental health/depression, new family, new house with renos, balancing work and parental requirements) and she is being selfish in thinking that he is being controlling and unreasonable for not allowing her to see her nephew. She is completely offended that her brother doesn’t agree with seeing her because he doesn’t trust her BF’s family due to them bubbling with her (again, this would have been a merging of social bubbles which is not advised). She went on a selfish rant about how unfair it is that he is being so strict, that she hasn’t seen her family in close contact for months, yet decided to bubble with her BF’s family, and didn’t bother to quarantine for 2 weeks to try and see them after they expressed their concerns.

    She is finally getting a COVID test as her BF was showing symptoms, so she is hoping that it is negative and with that can then see her nephew, parents and siblings. Her selfishness though prior to all that has just made me gag. She felt the requirements from the province to bubble with 10 people was not a strict guideline, that you could extend past that as a precautionary risk, which of course isn’t the case at all. I am having serious doubt with these two people and not feeling all that great having listened and kind of nodding my head at their qualms and comments.

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    August 10, 2020 at 11:52 am #943179

    @Copa, holy cow that was fast 🙂 Congrats! I imagine it will be a bit hectic now getting everything ready to move.

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    July 17, 2020 at 6:12 pm #900862

    Canadian here as well. Being an hour away from the border most people in the province I am in are worried about those coming across, claiming to be over for just essentials. However several americans were caught in Alberta hiking and were charged for it because recreation, entertainment etc at that time was still not permitted. We as a country continue to extend the border closing and I don’t see it opening until next year. It would be crazy if we ever did right now considering things are not cooled down yet in the South.

    Generally though, my friends and I do see the States as being a bit nuts, that the states and people are so patriotic and using the mask wearing as a political statement. Obviously the wrong way to address a global pandemic stating masks are infringing on their rights, when ironically enough not wearing one and not being safe actually infringes on providing a healthy and safe environment for others. Therefore they are inadvertently infringing on others rights to a healthy and safe environment!

    The irony. We do have some crazies here as well, we have had a few protests and stuff in some major cities about COVID being a conspiracy, communist agenda, etc. But most are wearing masks, seeing more now actually, and I am making more of an effort to wear at the grocery where I wasn’t before. Just transit and certain malls if I ever stepped into one.

    We have had some upticks in cases though, usually due to businesses not following rules and allowing more people into establishments, or having gatherings larger and without proper distancing. Our health officer for the province is really trying to make sure people are aware we are not out of this yet, we still need to be vigilant.

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    May 29, 2020 at 1:44 pm #887092

    My friends boyfriend is from New Brunswick and his grandparents still live there. She texted me yesterday that a medical professional returned to NB from Quebec, did not socially isolate, and proceeded to cause a breakout of 150 cases. WTF.

    I was at work yesterday and we have controlled numbers in the greenhouse, and we also don’t allow people in and out willy nilly. We only let the elderly and those who work in medical centers (with proven ID) skip the lines. Had a guy who worked in the medical center come in and just totally ignore distancing, wasn’t wearing a mask let alone gloves and I had to forcefully tell him to stop where he is and stay put to avoid him from getting to close to people (he was trying to walk up to me by crossing unsafely in front of other guests and interrupt me in the middle of a transaction). I swear to god, what is wrong with some people? You are in the medical field, do you not see how you are a risk to others by not practicing social distancing and not wearing PPE??? You are not an exception.

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    May 21, 2020 at 3:55 pm #886365

    My bleach bottle is looking nicer and nicer each day 😛

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    May 21, 2020 at 2:53 pm #886357

    Honestly, once you are indoors at home, social distancing is irrelevant. Closed spaces are just a huge risk for anyone because of the closer confined spaces, and shared surfaces etc. SO if you plan to open your social circle @hfantods you just need to be wary on who else you bring in and where you go for errands. Obviously still limit the frequency of visiting your folks because regardless opening your social circle is still a risk unless otherwise stated by Ontario officials.

    Wearing masks has continually been recommended to avoid people spreading the virus through bodily droplets. So start wearing them if you haven’t already for errands if you haven’t been.

    Our health officer in BC has basically stated if you plan to do anything, do it outside (we have reduced limitations now due to our success but please keep an eye on Ontarios rules and follow those). UV radiation and the outdoors has been shown to reduce the probability of spreading the virus. Hence why indoor facilities and group gatherings in indoor spaces have been banned. Group gatherings over certain sizes even outdoors are still not recommended since the gathering of large groups regardless of being outside propagates the chances of contracting due to close contact with people.

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    May 21, 2020 at 2:45 pm #886355

    @CanadaGoose, funny you mention that, sounds like we are in the same province in the PNW. I am chatting with a guy, and the dentist who passed away that attended that conference was his childhood one. Albeit not a family member, does hit close to home when it is someone they knew.

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    May 20, 2020 at 5:02 pm #886326

    @Miel honestly that sounds like a perfect wedding day to me! Cooking! No guests! Sweet and intimate ceremony!

    But hopefully you will still be able to celebrate afterwards with all the friends and family, it is a day to share with them all 🙂

    Something sweet to think about amongst the abnormal life we have right now.

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    May 14, 2020 at 9:10 pm #886029

    Congrats Miel! Honestly, it will be different than planned, but it is still happening, despite COVID!

    A really good story to tell, and even more reason to cherish the day 😀

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